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"The subject area scheme is based on the model found in the table of contents of the _Harvard Guide to American History_.", said M. McCarthy in his _International E-Mail Directory of Historicians_. I cut out the "General" and "Regional" parts and put their information into the "By Epoch" and "By Country" directories in the main part of this gopher server, and I added his "geographical area" 00 (Philosophy of History). I also tried to classify the subtopics with the Dewey Decimal Classification (see "By Dewey..." from the History main menu). However, I had great problems with it: There are no subdivisions for the subdisciplines of history provided for in the Dewey schedules 900-999. It says: "Class historical ... treatment of a specific discipline or subject with the discipline or subject, using notation -09". So I am forced to equal, e.g., economic history with history of economics. Is that tolerable? Any advice about this classification is welcome and should be directed to x28@vm.urz.uni-heidelberg.de