Its strength in 3D modeling gives you the advantage of sharing digital mock-ups with downstream groups to get early design feedback through concurrent engineering. More people participate in a project at an earlier stage, where they can identify and correct potential problems before they occur.
By implementing a parallel development process, you improve your product quality, time to market, and competitiveness.
With SiliconWorks hardware systems and hundreds of software applications, you can replace physical prototypes with 3D digital mock-ups that simulate performance characteristics of complex systems. SiliconWorks has been used to digitally prototype everything from sports watches to commercial jetliners.
No longer a textbook theory, digital models are now practical. They illustrate and verify important considerations, such as customer usage, human factors, manufacturing specifications, assembly difficulties, and maintenance problems. The results are significant:
All of this is not only possible, but cost effective, with systems that allow you to simulate response characteristics, quickly change design parameters, and see the behavior of each design option in real time.
But that's only the visual aspect of validation with SiliconWorks. Compute-intensive applications are solving even tougher problems:
The numerical solutions performed on Silicon Graphics workstations and servers have replaced much of the number-crunching previously done on mainframes and supercomputers. Scientists claim SiliconGraphics POWER CHALLENGETM
parallel processing systems provide more interactivity, available memory, and memory bus speed than traditional supercomputers.
No other systems are architected to validate designs as quickly and accurately as Silicon Graphics systems. That's SiliconWorks unique degree of confidence at work.
SiliconWorks: What it's all about
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