Innovation First

If you want your products to be competitive, you must push for consistent, relentless innovation in your product design. Start now, and use the tools built specifically to deliver unheard-of manufacturing innovation-use SiliconWorks.

It's the revolutionary new manufacturing environment that fosters investigation, creativity, and insight-the precursors of innovation. In this visually unique system of integrated tools, you work with:

When you're working in the SiliconWorks environment, innovation is second nature.

You use design-friendly interfaces with intuitive, fluid controls that help you spend time refiningthe design and getting results instead of struggling with the design process.

You quickly build vivid, interactive product representations that have all the subtlety of traditionally rendered art, yet are much easier to revise and distribute.

You make functionally accurate 3D models and see exactly what's happening dynamically with your design by moving it almost as if you were holding it. And you get to see it sooner rather than later. With SiliconWorks 3D modeling, you work on an infinitely manipulatable digital model instead of waiting for a physical prototype. This continuity lets you focus on the project and makes accelerated deadlines manageable.

Furthermore, that same 3D model can be continuously validated and refined throughout the design stage, so you gain the advantages of concurrent engineering. There's simply nothing like it.

If you've never seen a demonstration of Silicon Graphics® computers running engineering and manufacturing software, it's hard to visualize what they're capable of doing.

Imagine the world's most advanced graphics computers on every desktop in your workgroup. Imagine running applications from hundreds of the biggest names in design and engineering software. And imagine all of this integrated with your existing systems and communicating-from the initial design sketches through manufacturing to field maintenance-as a connected, cohesive manufacturing environment.

That's how innovation works with SiliconWorks. The advantages just begin here.

SiliconWorks: What it's all about

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