Collaboration at Its Best

Once your initial design ideas are developed, you're immediately faced with a new set of challenges: increase design and manufacturing coordination. Shorten development cycles. Reduce and accelerate revisions. Increase flexibility of on-the-fly redesign. And obtain sign-off from a variety of departments, avoiding barriers and delays. All while retaining the integrity of the initial design.

What you need is an incredible boost in workgroup collaboration. SiliconWorks has the answer: integrated digital media.

Digital media lets your team members convey even the most complex ideas, in any level of detail. It communicates the results of their actions at any stage of manufacturing. It's easily stored and retrieved as a historical reference. And it's a lot more powerful than traditional documentation, especially for ongoing collaboration.

SiliconWorks gives you a choice of five interactive digital media formats to use in any combination:

Text-Sometimes words and numbers alone are the best way to convey a thought. Distribute them across the network as the fastest and simplest way to deliver messages and receive responses. Or "talk" interactively to other workstations with text in real time.

2D Graphics-Historically the main tool of designers and engineers, 2D graphics now gains the advantage of full color, subtle textures, quick detail rendering, and instant transmission. Add text for call-outs, captions, and group comments.

Audio-Using this tool comes naturally. Add voice annotation, explanations, overviews, guidance, and highlights by using the microphone. Voice, sound effects, and music can enhance everything from a simple e-mail note to a live presentation.

Video-Seeing is believing, so a video camera comes with every Silicon Graphics IndyTM desktop computer. Video mail addendums or live video presentations give you the chance to explain your ideas with the same realism and enthusiasm you felt when you came up with them. Use SiliconWorks video for simple recorded messages or live multisite teleconferences. Hold your newest product revision up to the camera and demonstrate it working on screen, or tape it on a VCR for future distribution.

3D Models-The perfect replacement for prototypes, digital 3D modeling is a revolution in electronic-based design and manufacturing. For innovation, collaboration, and validation, 3D models are the most interactive, revisable, and accurate representation you can build. They're also easily transmitted to the entire workgroup. All Silicon Graphics workstations can be used to produce 3D models with full control for zoom, dynamic rotation, color, texture, and advanced visual manipulation. Because the difference between what sounds good in theory and what transforms ideas into reality happens in 3D.

The five digital media formats from SiliconWorks give you the freedom to collaborate in the way that makes the most sense at any given moment:

For example, use Silicon Graphics InPersonTM desktop conferencing software to share digital media in real time across the network. InPerson includes a live whiteboard that lets multiple participants view and mark up images and text from separate locations.

Use Silicon Graphics InventorTM3D toolkit to create a common format for the exchange of 3D models. The powerful, easy-to-use features Inventor let you import 3D data directly from many popular CAD applications. Use store-and-forward techniques to send the results to other team members for later review via MediaMailTM software. Or output your work directly to videotape by using the video output feature of your workstation.

Finally, for live delivery to clients, management, or larger groups, format your digital media into a formal presentation using ShowcaseTM, the Silicon Graphics interactive presentation application.

When your workgroup shares visual details and works concurrently on interactive 3D models-backed by live, multisite communication using graphics, audio, and video- you experience a boost in productivity and planning efficiency. You save considerable time in revisions. You open new opportunities for continuous improvement. And you acquire a competitive advantage that only SiliconWorks customers have: unequalled visual computing innovation, made practical by unprecedented digital media collaboration.

SiliconWorks: What it's all about

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