Motion Picture Post-Production

Sony Pictures Imageworks

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A Wolf In 3D Clothing: Sony Pictures Imageworks uses every Silicon Graphics computer from Indy on through Onyx to create some of today's most dynamic and breathtaking digital visual effects and computer animation. Films such as Wolf, Tall Tale, In the Line of Fire and Speed are proof positive of the Sony Pictures Imageworks/Silicon Graphics touch, creating movie magic that looks just like the real thing.

[Movie] In the Line of Fire(QuickTime movie, 2.2MB)

"Silicon Graphic's ability to dramatically increase the capabilities of each succeeding generation of products is a key enabler to the creative and technical breakthroughs that are the lifeblood of the digital visual effects industry today.
Bill Birrell
Senior Vice President and Executive Producer
Sony Pictures Imageworks

Computer-Aided Design & Manufacturing

Nike Incorporated

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If the Shoe Fits, Wear It: Nike engineers use Silicon Graphic's Indigo workstations to design their industry-leading footwear products. Silicon Graphic's visual computing solutions enable Nike to go from art to part even faster by compressing design cycles and speeding delivery. By any estimation, this is one application with plenty of sole.

"I'm impressed by the color and 3D realism of Indigo. It makes the design look like it belongs on someones foot."
Perry Auger
Senior Design Engineer
Nike, Inc.

Location-Based Entertainment

Magic Edge

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The Hornets Nest: Powered by the Silicon Graphics Onyx graphics supercomputer, Magic Edges X-21 Hornet interactive flight simulator enables people to experience all the thrills of piloting a jet fighter, including hair-raising dogfights. Realistic controls and dramatic terrain allow users to fly just like the most daring test pilots--all while keeping their feet firmly planted on the ground.

[Movie] Magic Edge(QuickTime movie, 1.9MB)

"To create a state-of-the-art entertainment simulator, I wanted the very best graphics available. That meant Silicon Graphics. They've set the standard in the interactive entertainment industry."
Donald L. Morris
President & CEO
Magic Edge, Inc.

Molecular Design

Glaxo research & Development

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The Right Chemistry: Scientists at Glaxo Research and Development in Great Britain use a range of Indy and Indigo workstations and Challenge servers in their work to combat a wide range of diseases. Silicon Graphics unique combination of computing horsepower and graphics capabilities provides a window to a sub-microscopic world in which the scientists imagination is free to explore.

[Movie] An HIV molecule (QuickTime movie, .7MB)

"The molecular images that we work with are incredibly complex. Silicon Graphics makes it all come to life."

Mike Hann
Head of Computational Chemistry
Glaxo Research and Development

Design Education

Art Center College of Design

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Stand and Deliver: As one of the world's premier design schools, the Art Center relies on Silicon Graphics for a range of animation, automotive and product design applications. Students have been known to stand in line for 24 hours to secure a place in classes based on Silicon Graphics computers; in art--as in life--the waiting is the hardest part.

[Movie] An airbag demo (QuickTime movie, 7MB)

"Silicon Graphic's technology is more than just another tool for our students. For them, it's a necessity...the heartbeat of a mainstream medium."

David R. Brown
Art Center College of Design

Computer animation & special effects

Industrial Light & Magic

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Return of the JEDI: By forming JEDI (Joint Environment for Digital Imaging), Lucas Digital Ltd's Industrial Light & Magic (ILM) and Silicon Graphics have founded a state-of-the-industry production environment for creating digital imagery. Recent box office smashes such as The Mask, Forrest Gump and The Flintstones are the latest examples of ILMs stellar effects artistry using Silicon Graphics technology. May the force be with them.

"ILM is into stretching the boundaries of film digital special effects. And Silicon Graphics is way ahead of the curve. In this business, you'd have to be crazy not to use their stuff."

Tom Williams
Executive in Charge of Digital Effects
Industrial Light & Magic

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