Project STELAR and the NSSDC Documentation Problem
STELAR is STudy of Electronic
Literature for Astronomical Research
How do we make technical literature, reference materials and other materials about the Data Center's
holdings available on-line to the user community?
Fullton To The Rescue - WAIS access
- 77,000+ abstracts of journal articles for astronomers now on line
- Public announcement in October '92
- 32,000 abstract queries, 61,000 retrievals since October '92
- 20,000 connections (searches+retrievals) in October '93
- Links to scanned pages for selected users (multiple datatype documents)
- Community outreach and additional
products (use and sell the framework!)
World Wide Web
- Browse through STELAR holdings
- Links to WAIS server from each
- Selected links to associated page bitmaps
Services at Goddard
Space Flight Center.