Whither Mosaic?
Important part of this: Uniform Resource Locators. Point to information anywhere in the world, using any access method (protocol), in a stateless manner. Point-to-point jumps FROM anywhere TO anywhere in the global information space.
MOSAIC 2.0! What's the big deal?
Thousands of user demands, and we listened!
Any time something takes too long or doesn't seem to be working, just click on the spinning icon.
This makes Internet surfing (and information retrieval in general) SAFE.
Mosaic 2.0 links directly to the freeWAIS 0.x client libraries, so it can talk the WAIS variant of Z39.50 DIRECTLY to servers.
This also means:
[[ Unarchived form element ]]
[[ Unarchived form element ]]
[[ Unarchived form element ]]
Background: Mosaic uses an SGML-based markup language (HTML) for formatted hypermedia documents.
Now INTERFACES can be described inside HTML documents.
Graphical interface elements used include text entry areas, password entry fields, toggle buttons, option menus, scrolled lists, image maps.
Multiple interface elements can be interspersed throughout normal text/graphics/hyperlinks and grouped together into a FORM. (And, multiple forms can be in a single document.)
There is a standard method for form SUBMISSION -- sending the contents the user has entered to a remote server.
A server that has received a submitted form can do ANYTHING it wants -- query a Z39.50 search engine, query a relational database, whatever -- and return any data it wants.
Thus: standard format/protocol for complex interfaces and submission to servers. Servers are customized per application, and EASY to create.
Result: ONE client, MANY servers, RICH interaction.
Username/password based verification of identity; about same security as Telnet -- password not passed over network as cleartext, but not encrypted.
HOW IT WORKS: Client requests document. Server says "you can't have that unless you give me the right username/password". Mosaic asks user for username/password and resends query with authentication information. Server can then permit or deny access according to whatever criteria it wants.
Mosaic smart about repeated accesses.
Thanks to CERN for authentication!
SOON: Full two-way datastream encryption, using the public key technology of your choice (e.g. PEM).
Servers can tell Mosaic: "go get this URL instead".
Simple idea, powerful consequences.
This makes DISTRIBUTED GRAPHICAL INFORMATION SPACE NAVIGATION easy. In response to a user's click on an image map, a server can tell Mosaic to go anywhere in the world to find the desired information. Example.
Self-describing portable binary data files, possibly containing complex hierarchical structures and many types of data.
Mosaic constructs a hypermedia interface to the data on the fly, displaying images, providing hyperlinks to go deeper in the structure, etc.
One side-effect: makes it simple to allow local shell scripts to be fired off by clicking on hyperlinks.
FTP to ftp.ncsa.uiuc.edu, directory /Mosaic.
Who knows?
Something things are certain:
What would make possible things that haven't been possible before?
One answer is a given: ever-smarter servers.
More demo material: