Susanne M. Humphrey. "MedIndEx: the Medical Indexing Expert system." In: Rao Aluri and Donald E. Riggs, editors. Expert systems in libraries. Norwood, NJ: Ablex, 1990. Pp. 192-221.
Susanne M. Humphrey and De-Chih Chien. The MedIndEx System: research on interactive knowledge-based indexing and knowledge management. NLM Technical Report No. NLM-LHC-90-03. Bethesda, MD: U.S. National Library of Medicine, July 1990. Distributed by NTIS: Publication No. PB90-234964/AS. 251 pp.
Susanne M. Humphrey and Anil Kapoor. The MedIndEx System: research on interactive knowledge-based indexing of the medical literature. NLM Technical Report No. NLM-LHC-88-01. Bethesda, MD: U.S. National Library of Medicine, July 1988. Distributed by NTIS: Publication No. PB88-243902/AS. 158 pp.
Susanne M. Humphrey, Anil Kapoor, Daniel Mendez, and Mike Dorsey. The Indexing Aid Project: research on knowledge-based indexing of the medical literature. NLM Technical Report No. LM-LHC 87-01. Bethesda, MD: U.S. National Library of Medicine, March 1987. Distributed by NTIS: Publication No. PB87-175790/AS. 119 pp.
Susanne M. Humphrey. "A knowledge-based system for computer-assisted indexing." IEEE Expert 1989 Fall;4(3):25-38.
Susanne M. Humphrey. "MedIndEx System: medical indexing expert system." Information Processing & Management 1989;25(1):73-88.
Susanne M. Humphrey and Nancy E. Miller. "Knowledge-based indexing of the medical literature: the Indexing Aid Project." Journal of the American Society for Information Science 1987 May;38(3):184-196.
Susanne M. Humphrey. "File maintenance of MeSH headings in MEDLINE." Journal of the American Society for Information Science 1984 Jan;35(1):34-44.
Susanne M. Humphrey. "`Index Medicus'" and the `Science Citation Index'" [letter] British Medical Journal 1983 Mar 12;286(6368):892-893.
Susanne M. Humphrey. "Searching the MEDLARS citation file on-line using ELHILL and STAIRS: an updated comparison." Information Processing & Management 1976;12:63-70.
Susanne M. Humphrey. "Searching the MEDLARS citation file on-line using ELHILL 2 and STAIRS: a comparison." Information Storage and Retrieval 1974;10:321-329.
Susanne M. Humphrey. "The MedIndEx prototype for computer assisted MEDLINE database indexing." In: Nancy C. Mulvany, editor. Indexing, providing access to information: looking back, looking ahead, American Society of Indexers 25th Annual Meeting, Proceedings (Alexandria, VA, May 20-22, 1993). Port Aransas, TX: American Society of Indexers, 1993. Pp. 45-54.
Susanne M. Humphrey. "Evolution toward knowledge-based indexing for information retrieval." In: Barbara H. Kwasnik and Raya Fidel, editors. Advances in classification research, Proceedings of the 2nd ASIS SIG/CR Classification Research Workshop (Washington, DC, October 27, 1991). Medford, NJ: Learned Information, 1992. Pp. 53-65.
Susanne M. Humphrey. "Use and management of classification systems for knowledge-based indexing." In: Nancy J. Williamson and Michele Hudon, editors. Classification research for knowledge representation and organization, ISCCR '91, Proceedings of the 5th International Study Conference on Classification Research (Toronto, June 24-28, 1991). New York: Elsevier, 1992. Pp. 89-100.
Susanne M. Humphrey. "Interactive knowledge-based systems for improved subject analysis and retrieval." In: F. W. Lancaster and Linda C. Smith, editors. Artificial intelligence and expert systems: will they change the library? Papers presented at the 1990 Clinic on Library Applications of Data Processing (University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, IL, March 25-27, 1990). Urbana-Champaign, IL: Graduate School of Library and Information Science, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1992. Pp. 81-117.
Susanne M. Humphrey. "The MedIndEx (Medical Indexing Expert) Project at NLM." In: Libraries -- a vision for the 90's and beyond. Proceedings of the 34th Annual Military Librarians Workshop (Williamsburg, VA, October 9-12, 1990). Fort Monroe, VA: U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command, Library and Information Network (TRALINET) Center, January 8, 1991. Pp. G-1 - G-4.
Susanne M. Humphrey. "The MedIndEx (Medical Indexing Expert) Project at NLM." In: Intelligent systems: a framework for the future. Papers presented at the State-of-the-Art Institute (Washington, DC, October 22-24, 1990). Washington, DC: Special Libraries Association, 1991. Pp. 87-89.
Susanne M. Humphrey. "Research on interactive knowledge-based indexing: the MedIndEx prototype." In: Proceedings, The Thirteenth Annual Symposium on Computer Applications in Medical Care (Washington, DC, Nov. 5 - 8, 1989). Pp. 527-533.
Susanne M. Humphrey. "Interactive knowledge-based indexing: The MedIndEx System." In: RIAO 88 Program, Conference with presentation of prototypes and operational demonstrations (MIT, Cambridge, MA, Mar. 21 - 24, 1988). Paris, France: CID, March 1988. Pp. 883-898.
Susanne M. Humphrey. "Illustrated description of an interactive knowledge-based indexing system." In: Proceedings of the Tenth Annual International ACMSIGIR Conference on Research & Development in Information Retrieval (New Orleans, LA, Jun. 3 - 5, 1987). New York, NY: Association for Computing Machinery, 1987. Pp. 73-90.
Susanne M. Humphrey and Nancy E. Miller. "The NLM Indexing Aid Project." In: ASIS '86, Proceedings of the 49th ASIS Annual Meeting, v. 23 (Chicago, IL, Sep. 28 - Oct. 2, 1986). Medford, NJ: Learned Information, 1986. Pp. 106-112.