HyperDOC logo: computer screen and open book that resemble NLM building complex (drawing, 4-bit color, GIF89 format, 97 pixels high, 525 pixels wide, 2668 bytes)

OnLine Images Suggestion Box

Please note that the OnLine Images suggestion box is provided for purposes of sending comments, questions, and problem reports dealing with the OnLine Images system (such as a report of a new client that appears to work properly with the system). It is not a mechanism for sending in questions about specific medical conditions, or requests for literature searches; the HyperDOC/OnLine Images support staff is small and does not have the resources to deal with such requests. Please contact or visit a local medical library to address such problems. If your comment/question/suggestion deals with OnLine Images, please feel free to use the OnLine Images suggestion box.

NLM HyperDOC / OnLine Images Suggestion Box / April 1995