DIRLINE (Directory of Information Resources Online)
is the National Library of Medicine's online database containing
location and descriptive information about a wide variety of
information resources including organizations, research
resources, projects, databases, and electronic bulletin boards
concerned with health and biomedicine.
This information may
not be readily available in bibliographic databases.
Each record may contain information on the publications, holdings,
and services provided.
DIRLINE focuses primarily on health and biomedicine, although
it also provides limited coverage of some other special interests.
These information resources fall into many
categories including federal, state, and local government
agencies; information and referral centers; professional
societies; self-help groups and voluntary associations;
academic and research institutions and their programs;
information systems and research facilities.
DIRLINE contains over 15,000 records merged from the following
- National Library of Medicine (NLM)
General biomedical resources compiled by the National Library
of Medicine.
- ODPHP National Health Information Center Database (HR)
Supplied by the Office of Disease Prevention and Health
- Poison Control Centers List (PCC)
Accredited centers compiled in collaboration with
representatives of the American Association of Poison Control
- Regional Alcohol and Drug Awareness Resource Network (RADAR)
Information provided by the Office of Substance Abuse
Prevention's National Clearinghouse for Alcohol and Drug
- History of Medicine (HMD)
Produced by the History of Medicine Division, National
Library of Medicine.
- Maternal and Child Health (MCH)
Produced by the National Center for Education in Maternal and
Child Health.
Produced by the Centers for Disease Control's National AIDS
- Directory of Biotechnology Information Resources (DBIR)*
Produced by the American Type Culture Collection under
contract to NLM.
- Self-Help Clearinghouses (SHC)
Produced in response to the Surgeon General's Initiative in
Self-Help and Public Health.
- NIH Research Resources (NIHRES)
Information on NIH-funded research resources provided by the
National Institutes of Health.
- Health Services Research Information (HSRI)
Produced by ECRI under contract to the National Library of
DIRLINE can be accessed via direct telephone line, the
TELENET/SprintNet, TYMNET, or CompuServe nationwide
telecommunications networks, or by the Internet at
DIRLINE is also available using GRATEFUL MED software.
DIRLINE can be searched in a variety of ways.
Geographic searching by country or,
U.S. Postal Service abbreviation for
state names, and zip or other postal codes, allows the
retrieval of resources within a specified region.
Users interested in locating resources by name or subject matter can
specify either words appearing in the name field, the text of
the record, or keywords, or enter Medical Subject Headings
The following represents portions of a DIRLINE record:
NAME National Women's Health Resource Center
ADDRESS 2440 M Street, NW, Suite 325 ; Washington,
DC 20037
INSTITUTION CONTACTS Program Director, (202)293-6045
ABSTRACT The National Women's Health Resource
Center is a national organization devoted
solely to the health of women. Its
services include a complete range of
clinical, education, research,
psychological support and information
programs. HOLDINGS: Publications include
the National Women's Health Report
(quarterly newsletter), a five year
index and NWHR Series Packets. There are
charges for subscriptions and back issue
MESH HEADING *Gynecology; *Women's Health Services
DIRLINE is available on the NLM computer facility 24 hours a day,
seven days a week.
DIRLINE is available free of charge to all NLM online users.
For information about DIRLINE content and search strategies contact:
- Specialized Information Services
National Library of Medicine
8600 Rockville Pike
Bethesda, MD 20894
- Telephone: (301) 496-1131 or (301) 496-3147
- Internet Address: toxmail@nlm.nih.gov
For information about DIRLINE access, or MEDLARS services contact:
- MEDLARS Managment Section
National Library of Medicine
8600 Rockville Pike
Bethesda, MD 20894
- Telephone: 1 (800) 638-8480
- Internet Address: mms@nlm.nih.gov
NLM HyperDOC / DIRLINE FactSheet / March 1994