AIDSLINE is an online computer file containing references to the
published literature on acquired immune deficiency syndrome.
It focuses on the biomedical, epidemiologic, health care administration,
oncologic, and social and behavioral sciences' AIDS literature.
The file contains citations (with abstracts if available) to journal articles,
monographs, meeting abstracts and papers, government reports,
and theses from 1980 to the present.
AIDSLINE is one of three MEDLARS® files focused on AIDS.
The other two are:
AIDSTRIALS: information about AIDS-related clinical trials.
AIDSDRUGS: descriptive information about each agent being tested in those
clinical trials.
AIDSLINE became available on the MEDLARS system in July 1988.
It contains citations from the MEDLINE®, CANCERLIT®, HEALTH PLANNING &
In addition, the meeting abstracts from the Fifth through the Eighth
International Conference on AIDS,
the Symposium on Nonhuman Primate Models for AIDS and the annual
meeting of the American Society for Microbiology are available on AIDSLINE.
Future Plans
During 1993 NLM plans to enhance AIDSLINE with AIDS-related citations
These records will provide access to reports,
dissertations, and newspaper articles that discuss ethical issues
related to AIDS treatment and the AIDS epidemic.
AIDS-related information from additional MEDLARS files,
such as POPLINE®, will be added in the future.
The intent is to keep AIDSLINE as "MEDLINE-like" as
possible yet retain the nature or special features of the records from
other contributing sources.
Every effort will be made to avoid duplicate citations.
NLM will continue to evaluate other resources of published literature
for possible inclusion in AIDSLINE.
AIDSLINE currently contains over 90,000 citations from 1980 forward.
Online access is at no cost to users.
Access the database on MEDLARS by issuing a 'FILE AIDSLINE' or
'FILE AIDS' command.
AIDSLINE is updated: on a weekly basis with MEDLINE citations once a
month with HEALTH, CANCERLIT, CATLINE and AVLINE citations
(Approximately 1,000 citations total are added each month).
periodically with indexed abstracts from AIDS-related conferences.
Automatic SDI service current awareness can be used with AIDSLINE.
Structure and searching is similar to that of MEDLINE, e.g.: author,
MeSH® heading, subheading, text word, and pre-explosion searching
and PRINT commands are the same.
Title word searching using Title Field
Text Words (TF) is available on AIDSLINE.
AIDSLINE is available as a menu choice on both the IBM and Macintosh
versions of GRATEFUL MED®.
NLM HyperDOC / AIDSLINE FactSheet / January 1994