Recruitment of capable, motivated students into this vital profession deserves a high priority. Further, because management of information has become increasingly dependent on computer-based tools, librarians must concomitantly acquire the requisite expertise in computers, telecommunications, and networks Many health science librarians already have commendable sophistication in relevant information technology, but it is likely that such skills will be universally required in the near future. The national need for health sciences librarians capable of applying the new information technology to biomedicine was reaffirmed recently by a National Library of Medicine (NLM) Planning Panel on the Education and Training of Health Librarians, which identified four priority areas for further development:
To initiate implementation of the panel recommendations, the NLM announces a request for applications (RFA) for awards to support additional planning in the four areas targeted by the Panel. The objective of these awards is to identify specific individuals, groups, and institutions that are interested in assuming responsibility, singly or collaboratively, for some portion of the task, and can propose a plausible approach
For single institutions, support is available up to $60,000 per year; consortia may receive up to $90,000 per year.
Funding will be made available by the NLM for one year planning grants. Applicants whose plans mature quickly may wish to use a portion of the award for initiating a model project or early implementation. Although no assurance of further support can be made at this time, the NLM may elect to solicit applications for additional years of funding for implementation of highly promising plans that result from the initial grants. Each award will be made to a single primary sponsor institution, although other associations, institutions, and individuals may be involved in the project, and indeed, NLM encourages formation of consortia to approach such complex issues. Co-sponsorship by other funding sources is desirable if available.
The 1987 NLM Long Range Plan underscored the importance of promoting the training of electronically-advantaged health sciences librarians. It recommended that NLM help "institute new prototype programs containing special curricula in U.S. library and information science schools that emphasize integrated information concepts and the application of new technologies to information dissemination." Also envisioned was the need for continuing education opportunities to upgrade the skills of librarians currently in the workforce who must learn to use these technologies, and who are also increasingly called upon to impart these fundamental skills to health professional end-users in a variety of educational and clinical settings. The challenge is to identify the knowledge, skills and expertise that will be needed in the future and to devise functional mechanisms for providing this requisite training.
The Medical Library Association (MLA) in its 1991 report, Platform for Change, undertook to define the professional attributes and technical capabilities required of the health sciences librarian of the future. Among its recommendations, the report specifically requests NLM to identify its future directions and priorities for its activities in support of the educational needs of health sciences librarians. Convening NLM's Planning Panel on the Education and Training of Health Science Librarians, therefore, was a direct response both to the NLM 1987 Long Range Plan and the MLA request.
In Summer 1993, a panel was formed at the direction of the then Board of Regents Chair, Rachael Anderson, with the specific Panel Charge to:
High priority areas for which further planning is needed include, but are not limited to, the following examples:
Professionals who are sophisticated about information technology and systems are often seen as an elite in high demand by institutions. For example: would a librarian trained in information technology be able to assume institutional responsibilities beyond administration of the library in such information-management issues as enterprise information systems or computer-based patient records? what preparation is needed for such expanded responsibilities? how would new capabilities achieve appropriate recognition from executives, professional organizations, health service organizations?
Avenues of approach include curriculum development, and experimentation with alternative curricular models within the MLS course of study. Areas of experimentation could include core and elective course-work, practical educational technologies, or accelerated instruction schedules. Possibilities for joint faculty appointments and combined degree programs at the masters and doctoral levels should also be explored, as should the pros and cons of degrees, certificates, and other devices for recognizing completion of a course of instruction. Changes in traditional curricula as well as enhancement of the few technology-intensive curricula already in place can be considered.
Additional consideration must also be given to the possibly different needs of health science librarians in hospitals, academic health centers, health maintenance organizations and other sites. Some applicants may be interested in carrying out research on a broad variety of important questions in information science.
The appropriate curriculum is not self-evident. Information technology subsumes a large number of topics, only some of which are likely to be of interest to a librarian; for many, instruction in some aspects of business administration, organizational theory, or other areas may be of greater use than deep delving into computer science; those interested in investigation may require more research-oriented training. Also worthy of consideration are the credentials necessary to ensure faculty status for librarians at health science schools.
Education of professionals after they have joined the job market is essential for retaining skills and learning new ones, and may offer some promise as a means of increasing expertise among librarians more quickly than is possible through curriculum reform. Here too, the pros and cons of academic degrees, certificates, and other devices for recognizing completion of a course of instruction must be considered, as must the question of time available, expense, and loss of income for librarians who have already completed formal schooling. Do part time, weekend, or short intensive courses have any place?
How to attract, to this field, the people who can meet its growing challenges, remains an important issue. Like most professional schools, library schools would benefit from a larger pool of well-qualified applicants. In addition, recruitment efforts for attracting minority applicants deserve particular emphasis. The topic involves complex issues of image, income, and opportunity for advancement among others. Whether the prospects and fruits of involvement in high technology can increase allure of the field remains to be determined.
The letter of intent is to be sent to Mrs. Frances E. Johnson at the address listed under INQUIRIES.
Office of Grants Information
Division of Research Grants
National Institutes of Health
5333 Westbard Avenue, Room 449
Bethesda, MD 20892
telephone 301-594-7248
and from the program administrator listed under INQUIRIES
Applicants should not feel constrained by the emphasis on research in the language used by the application forms. The NLM considers these grants to be projects, not research applications, and will evaluate the applications in that spirit.
The RFA label available in the PHS 398 application form must be affixed to the bottom of the face page of the application. Failure to use this label could result in delayed processing of the application such that it may not reach the review committee in time for review. In addition, the RFA title and number must be typed on line 2a of the face page of the application form and the YES box must be marked.
Submit a signed, typewritten original of the application, including the Checklist, and three signed photocopies to:
Division of Research Grants
National Institutes of Health
6701 Rockledge Drive, Room 1040
Bethesda, MD 20892
Bethesda, MD 20817 (express mail)
At the time of submission, two additional copies of the application must also be sent to Ms. Frances E. Johnson at the address listed under INQUIRIES.
As part of the review procedure, a triage process may be used by the initial review group in which applicants will be determined to be competitive or non-competitive based on merit relative to other applications received in response to the RFA. Applications determined to be non-competitive will be withdrawn from further consideration; the Principal Investigator and the official signing for the applicant organization will be notified. Applications judged to be competitive will be discussed by the review group and assigned a priority score.
Direct inquiries regarding programmatic issues and requests for the "Report of the Planning Panel on the Education and Training of Health Sciences Librarians," to:
Mrs. Frances E. Johnson
Division of Extramural Programs
National Library of Medicine
Building 38A, Room 5S-520
Bethesda, MD 20894
Telephone: (301) 496-4221
FAX: (301) 402-0421
Direct inquiries regarding fiscal matters to:
Mrs. Ruth Bortz
Division of Extramural Programs
National Library of Medicine
Building 38A, Room 5N507
Bethesda, MD 20892
Telephone: (301) 402-0421
The PHS strongly encourages all grant recipients to provide a smoke- free workplace and promote the non-use of all tobacco products. This is consistent with the PHS mission to protect and advance the physical and mental health of the American people.