Traversing the Infosphere with World-Wide Web (WWW)
- Developed at CERN (Geneva) by Tim Berners-Lee (1989)
(although other people
have also contributed to the Web)
- Hypertext-based (HyperText Markup Language,
- Uses (stateless) Hypertext Transport protocol
- Gateways to other major protocols (ftp, telnet, Gopher)
- Also supports searchable indexes on documents
- Variety of servers
and clients
(including NCSA Mosaic for X Windows, Macintosh, PC Windows)
- Introduced ideas of Uniform Resource Identifiers (URIs) and Locators (URLs)
- Use of the Web is rapidly overtaking that of Gopher.
R. P. C. Rodgers, Lister Hill Center, NLM (May 1994)