Usenet News
- Usenet is not another name for the Internet!
- Huge
distributed bulletin board system (BBS)
- Special subculture with norms of good behavior
- Frequently-asked-questions, or "FAQ" files
- Increasingly low signal/noise ratio; still useful!
- Some groups are moderated (controlled by an editor);
generally more useful
Principal Newsgroups
- comp -- computer science
- news -- Usenet news system
- rec -- recreational activities
- sci -- scientific research
- soc -- social issues
- talk -- debate on controversial topics
- misc -- everything else
- alternative groups: alt, bionet, gnu, ...
Software Tools for News (UNIX)
- Emacs/GNUs
- nn (highly recommended!)
- rn
- tin
- PCs and MACs usually access via UNIX host
Administrative and Resource Issues
- NNTP (Network News Transfer Protocol)
- Communications (UUCP, Internet)
- Disk space (considerable) vs. remote access
- Policy decisions (which groups, how long to keep)
Functions of News Reading Software
- Subscribe/unsubscribe to news group
- Kill (preselect) news articles
- Read news
- Save news to file
- "Posting" (contributing) news
- Replying to posting (by news or email)
Posting Etiquette
- Read news.announce.newusers
- Check other sources prior to posting query
- Use appropriate subject line (question vs. answer)
- State your question or statement clearly and concisely
- Write to inform, not to impress
- Include minimum required amount from previous postings
- Ask for answers by email, offer a final summary
- Post only to most relevant group
- Be polite (no "flames")
- Do not advertise unless group specifically allows it
R. P. C. Rodgers, Lister Hill Center, NLM (May 1994)