Notes About Network Protocols
- Protocol suites define interactions between layers of software
and/or hardware
- Structure: 4 layers
- Most widely deployed
- IP Address (Class A, B, C, D)
- Domain Name Service
- Routing Table
- Protocol and Port Numbers (Sockets)
- Domain Name Service
ISO/OSI (Open System Interconnect)
- Born at same time as TCP/IP
- Structure: 7 layers
- Complex, existing applications relatively slow
- Much smaller deployment as of 1993
- NIST Government Open Systems Interconnection Profile
(GOSIP) attempts to promote migration to OSI
UUCP (UNIX-to-UNIX Copy Program)
Proprietary (Closed)
- DECnet (DEC)
- Netware (Novell)
- Vines (Banyan)
- Appletalk (Apple)
Other Protocols & Standards of Note
- ABI: create cross-platform shareable UNIX binaries (USL)
- DES: Data Encryption Standard (ANSI)
- FDDI: Fiber Distributed Data Interface (ANSI)
- GKS: two-dimensional graphics (ANSI)
- NNTP: Network News Transfer Protocol (Usenet)
- PHIGS: two and three-dimensional graphics (ANSI)
- POSIX: attempt to standardize UNIX (IEEE)
- SGML (Standard Generalized Markup Language): document formatting (ISO)
- SNMP Simple Network Management Protocol
- SMTP Simple Mail Transfer Protocol
- SQL (Structured Query Language): database queries (ANSI)
- X.25: alternate packet-switching, outmoded (CCITT)
- X.400: OSI mail interchange (CCITT)
- X.500: OSI directory services (CCITT)
- X Windows: client/server windowing (MIT)
- Z39.50:
server-client database queries (NISO, ANSI)
R. P. C. Rodgers, Lister Hill Center, NLM (May 1994)