NCSA Mosaic for the X Window System User's Guide


This glossary briefly defines some terms that are used in this guide. Additional information may be found online in the hyperlinks and the menus.

the highlighted text or graphic in a file that, when clicked, moves to the linked file
anonymous FTP
a process for document retrieval using the File Transfer Protocol (FTP); user logs on (as ``anonymous'') but does not need a password to access documents on the server
feature of NCSA Mosaic that lets you add a comment to a document being viewed
search device for documents on anonymous FTP server machines; the search matches filenames (Archie is to anonymous FTP servers as Veronica is to Gopher servers)
common extension for audio files (
another term for viewer -- that is, a software package that permits you to look around the World Wide Web (Web); NCSA Mosaic is a browser
particle physics institute located in Geneva, Switzerland, and home of the World Wide Web
a computer running client software that connects to server machines holding information; the client makes requests to a server for documents and is responsible for displaying the information; NCSA Mosaic is an example of client software
unit of information sent from servers to clients; a document may contain plain or formatted text, inlined graphics, sound, other multimedia data, or hyperlinks to other documents; often also referred to as a file
Frequently Asked Question; a direct link to the NCSA Mosaic FAQ list is on the Help menu
File Transfer Protocol
the CompuServe Graphics Interchange Format -- common extension for a graphics file (mygraphic.gif)
menu-driven system on a server machine that presents the files available for retrieval in a hierarchical fashion; Gopher is considered particularly easy to use because of the menu system
term for the interconnected Gopher servers
Home Page
start-up document that serves as home base for Internet explorations
a personalized online reference of important documents as developed and maintained by the user; a hotlist can be shared by mailing the file to another NCSA Mosaic user
HyperText Markup Language, the collection of styles used to define the various components (e.g., bulleted list, citation, emphasis) of a hypertext document
the extension used on a file that is coded using HTML (myfile.html)
Hypertext Transport Protocol, the protocol used by Web servers
a word or graphic in a file displayed on-screen with some form of highlighting (color or underlining or both); the word or graphic represents hidden text containing the URL information of another document, which is displayed when you click on the highlighted word or graphic
richly formatted documents containing hyperlinks
a graphic image that is displayed along with text in a NCSA Mosaic Document View window (versus an image that opens in a separate window using an external viewing program)
the interconnected network of networks providing easy, reliable connections to computers virtually anywhere in the world
Joint Photographic Expert Group, a compression/decompression standard
see hyperlink
National Center for Supercomputing Applications on the campus of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and the home of NCSA Mosaic
NCSA Mosaic
distributed hypermedia system developed at NCSA by staff in the Software Development Group; designed for information discovery and retrieval using the global Internet
Macintosh-supported format for movies
a computer that provides services (documents, software) to other machines that run specific software (called clients) and request those services
Standard Generalized Markup Language, a language that defines the structure of a document and the logical relationship of its parts
source file
the file that is formatted for display in your Document View window
codes used in HTML (e.g., <H1>, </H1>, <p>)
Tag Image File Format, a graphics format type that NCSA Mosaic can display using an image display utility
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Uniform Resource Locator, server and path information used in an HTML-coded source file to locate another document; URL is inserted in a document in the following format:


more information is available on the Help menu in On URLs

search device that matches filenames on Gopher servers (Veronica is to Gopher servers as Archie is to anonymous FTP servers)
see browser
Wide Area Information Server, an index and retrieval system; when you enter a keyword, a search is performed on indexed documents, which can then be retrieved
another name for the World Wide Web
World Wide Web, a distributed hypertext-based information system developed at CERN
X-bitmapped (composed of dots or pixels) file format -- common extension for a graphic file (mygraphic.xbm)

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