Movies of the wrapped Reichstag
Here you can find movies (MPEG) of the wrapped Reichstag which are
merged from the single photographs of the
digital camera.
(with friendly support of digital world)
- Movie of the 17. June 1995 (MPEG, 420 KB)
- Movie of the 18. June 1995 (MPEG, 636 KB)
- Movie of the 19. June 1995 (MPEG, 532 KB)
- Movie of the 20. June 1995 (MPEG, 540 KB)
- Movie of the 21. June 1995 (MPEG, 576 KB)
- Movie of the 22. June 1995 (MPEG, 654 KB)
- Movie of the 23. June 1995 (MPEG, 632 KB)
- Movie of the 24. June 1995 (MPEG, 663 KB)
- Movie of the 17. to 24. June 1995,
small (MPEG, 1.2 MB)
- Movie of the 17. to 24. June 1995,
big (MPEG, 4.7 MB)
- Movie of the 25. June 1995 (MPEG, 1,1 MB)
- Movie of the 17. June to 10. July 1995,
small (MPEG, 3.8 MB)
- Movie of the 17. June to 10. July 1995,
big (MPEG, 12.7 MB)
© 1995 by KULTURBOX
coded by Andreas König and
Rasca Gmelch