© 1995 Christo & Prestel Verlag
Drawing 1982
Foto: Wolfgang Volz
Collection Jeanne-Claude Christo, New York
Each project has its own history, which is impossible to know in advance. The same thing with the Wrapped Reichstag project. During the fourteen year history of this project, its many dimensions and levels have been revealed. This is why I don't like to accept only one interpretation. When we start a project some wise people try to teach me their own interpretation. But these various reasons are only little facets of the magnitude of the site, the space, the street, the building's meaning. In a way, now is probably the most refreshing time of the new project for Japan and Western U.S.A. [The Umbrellas] because this is the most fresh and sincere period when everybody knows better than everybody else. The project is just a year old now, and after many years it will be curious to see all this in retrospect. Certainly I try to listen to everybody's advice to avoid unnecessary aggravation, frustration and problems; unfortunately we never discover right away the roads and the manner in which we can get the permits. Probably the most important thing when we start a project is to keep the naive, almost childlike desire to do the object, and not to be changed at any moment or blocked by mature and serious thinking because that will only damage the enthusiasm and the vision of the work. This is why, if you ask me whether we would really do the project even foreseeing all the difficulties... I could not answer you