Freimut Duve (SPD):
It would have to remain exactly as it stands, untouched by builders, untouched by architectural plans. That would then be the symbol of the wounds of our history. The soft signal that can come from the wrapping and that each interprets differently - Peter Conradi said it - is certainly also an answer to the wounds of our history, colleague Schäuble.
I do not think we have the right to super-elevate it the way Mr. Schäuble has done here.
We are going into a new Reichstag building: We have a highly interesting proposal. For me as a politician there is a basic element in this interesting proposal. I have reviewed all of Christo's projects. There was passionate opposition everywhere. Frequently, this passionate opposition, such as in the city of Paris, was exactly as excessive as the passion of Mr. Schäuble this morning. Thereafter, there was passionate but relaxed, cheerful, amiable endorsement from everyone, even from the critics.
To us Germans, this moment - this only concerns a short moment in our history -
this moment of relaxedness, this moment of cheerful association does us somewhat good. It will also do the world good to get such a symbol from us,
that we can function in such a relaxed manner with such a thing. These are other images in the television archives than those about Rostock and Mölln which are taken out when Germany is reported on. That is another image, a good image. Mr. Schäuble, it is frequently the opposite with politicians. We mobilise the people for our visions and ideas - Mr. Kohl knows what I'm talking about - and if the ideas are realized, the people are disappointed. The people were never disappointed with Christo; they were were always impressed.
This is exactly what we will achieve. I am thus asking those, who have just said, Schäuble has hit my democratic-patriotic chord: Think it over a bit more. Let us approach the question calmly.
Let us attain a new German democratic composure with a great symbol for 14 days.
Then we will go into the new reconstructed Reichstag with great pleasure and great earnestness , when we form the government, Mr. Chancellor.
We now come to a vote on the motion of parliamentary members Johannes Gerster, Heribert Scharenboich, Peter Kittelmann and additional parliamentary members with the title "Wrapped Reichstag , Project for Berlin", printed paper 12/6767
The CDU/CSU party has requested a roll-call vote. I open the vote.
- Has a member of the house not yet voted? - This is obviously the case.
- I am closing the vote. I am asking the secretary to begin counting the votes. The voting results will be officially announced later.
The motion has been passed
Foto: Aleks Perkovic © Wolfgang Volz