OneEurope Magazine

What is democracy without an independent press? What is an international students' association without an international discussion platform, a magazine in which people from different nations can express their viewpoints on social, political and cultural themes?

[IMAGE: OEM Faceline]

This magazine, published three times a year, is a Europeanly-spread independent publication held in both the official AEGEE languages English and French (partially) and serves to a certain extent as a forum for the results of AEGEE work all across Europe.

[IMAGEMAP: Collection of OEM covers] [IMAGE: Cover OEM 1/95 (mini)]


The special characteristic of the OneEurope Magazine is its separation into three rubrics: Crossroads, Periscope and Backstage.
In the Periscope section one special topic is looked upon from different points of view. This thematical focus is edited with the support of professionals, such as scientists, politicians or enterprise representatives.
The Crossroads section provides information about attitudes, ideas and visions of Europeans concerning general topics of todays' life in Europe.
The Backstage section informs about the concrete results of AEGEE congresses, seminars, case-studies and the like.

The OneEurope Working Group

The working group relies to a great extent on the sources of the network of AEGEE , that is students and young professionals from all over Europe. The WG decides upon the content and produces each edition, for which it has regular meetings in the region Aachen - Bonn - Köln. Students from Portugal to Russia, from Finland to Turkey, in some way correspondents of the OneEurope WG, are providing the journal with contributions of their own, expert opinions or interviews with personalities of public life.

This form of international cooperation is the basis for the enormous variety of viewpoints, the diversity of opinions in todays' Europe thus distinguishing the OneEurope magazine from local or national students' publications. The OneEurope Magazine is financed by advertising, public fonds and subscriptions.

[IMAGE: AEGEE-Europe logo]


OneEurope Working Group
at AEGEE-Aachen e.V.
Templergraben 55
D-52056 Aachen
Tel. : +49-241-40.36.98 (Spillner)
Fax. : +49-241-80.35.41


Last update: June 1, 1995 - woz