(If you are a developer with an application accelerated for Power Macintosh that is shipping or expected to ship soon that you would like to see on this list, please send pertinent information to jan@eworld.com or to POWERPC.DEVS on AppleLink.)
BIAP Systems Inc. MacHTTP 2.01 http://www.biap.com/ Claris Corporation Organizer 800 544-8554 Computer Associates CA-Cricket Graph III 1.5.3 800 CALL CAI Info Struct AB Instead, Manufacturing 94.6 3152 9860 Info Struct AB Instead, Manfacturing 94.6 3152 9860 Info Struct AB Instead, Quality 94.6 3152 9860 Info Struct AB Instead, Trade 94.6 3152 9860 Info Struct AB InCare 94.6 3152 9860 Info Struct AB InTake 94.6 3152 9860 I.R.I.S. Pick Librarian 2.0.1 32.1 045 1364 I.R.I.S. I.R.I.S. DataPen 1.0 32.1 045 1364 I.R.I.S. DRS 32.1 045 1364 Nine Bits Printdesk 1.1 45.3 123 1814 Purup Prepress A/S Purup PhotoImpress 1.1 45.8 6222 522
Developer Application Telephone & Upgrade Information 3M 3M Rainbow Desktop Color Proofing System 800 328-1684 x350 Abacus Concepts StatView 4.01 800 666-7828 Abbott Systems CanOpener 3.0 914 747-3116 Abbott Systems RescueTXT 914 747-3116 About S/W Corp. (ASC) 5PM Pro for Mac 2.2 408 725-4242 About S/W Corp. (ASC) 5PM Term for AS/400 2.2 408 725-4242 About S/W Corp. (ASC) 5PM Term for Mac 2.2 408 725-4242 About S/W Corp. (ASC) 5PM Term for VAX & UNIX 2.2 408 725-4242 Absoft S/W Corp. Absoft C/C++ SDK 810 853-0050 Absoft Corporation Fortran 77SDK 810 853-0050 Access Privilege EasyTransfer 3.1 33.9 296 0100 Access Privilege The Link 3.1 33.9 296 0100 Access Technologies LinksPro 801 359-2900 ACI 4D Compiler 800 384-0010 408 252-4444 ACI 4D First 1.2 800 384-0010 408 252-4444 ACI Object Master 2.5 800 384-0010 408 252-4444 ACI Object Master Universal 2.5 800 384-0010 408 252-4444 ACI 4D Runtime 3.2 408 252-4444 ACI 4D Server 1.2 408 252-4444 ACI 4th Dimension 3.2 408 252-4444 Adam Software ADAM Comprehensive 404 980-0888 Adam Software ADAM Essentials 404 980-0888 Adam Software The Inside Story 404 984-2405 Adam Software Scholar series: Essentials 404 984-2405 Adianta The Memory Mine Adobe Systems CPSI 800 833-6687 415 961-4400 Adobe Systems Dimensions 800 521-1976 415 961-4400 Adobe Systems Illustrator 5.5 800 833-6687 415 961-4400 Adobe Systems Photoshop 3.0 800 833-6687 415 961-4400 Adobe Systems Photoshop plug-in modules 800 833-6687 415 961-4400 Adobe Systems Premiere 800 521-1976 415 961-4400 Adobe Systems ATM (Adobe Type Manager) 800 833-6687 Adobe Systems Streamline 800 833-6687 Adobe Systems TextureMaker 1.0 800 628-2320 415 961-4400 AEC Fast Track Schedule 3.0 resellers Aetis Protections Logicielles Copy Protection 33.93 53 0987 Agenda Atena-Shokunin 81.1 1640 2162 Agfa-Gevaert N.V. FotoLook 2.0 drivers 508 658-0200 x5808 Aladdin Systems SpaceSaver 3.5 408 761-6200 Aladdin Systems StuffIt Deluxe 3.5 408 761-6200 Aladdin Systems InstallerMaker 2.0.2 408 761-6200 Aladdin Systems StuffIt DropStuff w/Expander 408 761-6200 Aladdin Systems StuffIt Expander 3.5.2 408 761-6200 Aladdin Systems StuffIt SpaceSaver 408 761-6200 Aladdin Systems StuffIt Lite 3.5 408 761-6200 Aldus Corporation Color Central 2.2 800 685-6736 206 622-5500 Aldus Corporation Gallery Effects 800 685-6736 206 622-5500 Aldus Corporation PageMaker 800 685-6736 206 622-5500 Aldus Persuasion 800 685-6736 206 622-5500 Aldus Prepress TrapWise 800 685-6736 206 622-5500 Allegiant Technologies SuperCard 1.7 619 587-0500 Alias Research Sketch 800 447-2542 416 362-9181 ALSOFT Atlas 1.5.05 33.1 4584 2600 ALSOFT Geo Analyze 1.6 33.1 4584 2600 ALSOFT Geo Concept 1.6 33.1 4584 2600 Altsys Fontographer 4.1 800 477-2131 Amiable Technologies FlexiCut 4.1 800 229-9068 714 248-8030 Amiable Technologies FlexiLetter 4.1 800 229-9068 714 248-8030 Amiable Technologies FlexiSign 4.1 800 229-9068 714 248-8030 Amiable Technologies FlexiSIGN-Plus 4.1 800 229-9068 714 248-8030 Apple Computer Inc. Apple QuickTake 100 Digital Camera 800 538-9696 Apple Computer Inc. Power Macintosh Upgrade Card 408 996-1010 AppleSoft PhotoFlash 2.0 Authorized Apple resellers Articulate Systems Power Secretary 800 443-7077 617 935-5656 Artifice Inc. DesignWorkshop 503 345-7421 Artwork Systems N.V. ArtPro 1.2 32.9 225 7946 AS-PLUS B.V. AS-PLUS Bankafschriften 31.2 1594 9490 ASCII Kakinogi Shogi ASCII Ashlar Incorporated Design Reality 408 746-3900 Ashlar Incorporated Vellum 408 746-3900 Atlas Software ENAS 2.0 31.34 10 26700 Atlas Software IRIS Vectorisation 31.3 4102 6700 Atlas Software PS-Mail 2.1 31.34 102 6700 auto•des•sys, Inc. Form•Z Pro 614 488-8838 Avalon Hill Stalingrad resellers Avid Technologies Inc. Avid VideoShop 3.0 800 949-AVID Avid Technologies MediaSuite Pro 3.1 800 949-AVID B.E.M.E. R & D ALIX Color 33.1 6078 8888 Baltic Business Syst. MacHansa Acct'g II 2.0 Client 46.176 82230 Bare Bones BBEDit 3.1 resellers Berkeley Learning Technologies Anno's Learning Games Berkeley Systems After Dark 800 344-5541 BioRad Laboratories Molecular Analyst v. 2.0 800 4-biorad Bios Digital Sozai 100 81.3 5350 6880 Blyth Software OMNIS 7 800 346-6647 BPS X-medView 81.3 5485 1028 BPS EchoLogic 81.3 5485 1028 Brøderbund Print Shop Deluxe 1.1 800 521 6263 Brøderbund PrintShop Deluxe Companion 800 521-6263 Brøderbund PrintShop CD Ensemble 800 521-6263 Brossco Systems Oy Voyant 2.0 408 461-1416 358.0 512 3130 Brother Hanbai TransLand 81.5 2263 5855 Bungie Software Marathon 1.0 312 563-6200 Bungie Software Pathways into Darkness 312 563-6200 Caere OmniPage Direct 2.0 800 535-SCAN Caere OmniPage Pro 800 535-SCAN Canon CLC 714 438-3000 Canto Software GmbH Cirrus PowerLite 2.1 800 332-2686 415 431-6871 Canto Software GmbH Cirrus PowerPro 2.1 800-332-2686 415-431-6871 Canto Software GmbH Cumulus PowerLite 2.1 800 332-2686 415 431-6871 Canto Software GmbH Cumulus PowerPro 2.0 800 332-2686 415 431-6871 Casady & Greene Conflict Catcher II 2.1 800 359-4920 Casady & Greene Glider Pro 408 484-9228 Casady & Greene Spaceway 2000 800 359-4920 CE Software CalendarMaker 4.0 515 221-1801 Celsys RETAS! PRO 81.3 3665-3080 Central Point Software, Inc. MacTools 3.0 800 937-9842 503 690-8090 Charles River Analytics, Inc. Open Sesame! 1.1 617 491-3474 Changeling Software Peg Leg 1.0.5 800 769-2768 Checkmark Payroll 800 444-9922 Checkmark MultiLedger 800 444-9922 Cheyenne ARCserve for Macintosh 800 CHEY-INC Cinetic GmbH Gradient Experience 800 248-FAST 49.7 2194 3290 Cinetic GmbH Video Machine Studio 2.0 800 248-FAST 415 802-0772 49.7 2194 3290 Cinetic GmbH Video Machine Switcher 1.0 800 248-FAST 49.7 2194 3290 Claris Corporation ClarisDraw 800 325-2747 408 727-8227 Claris Corporation ClarisImpact 800 325-2747 408 727-8227 Claris Corporation ClarisWorks 800 544-8554 408 727-8227 Claris Corporation ClarisWorks for Teachers 800 544-8554 408 727-8554 Claris Corporation FileMaker Pro Server 800 325-2747 408 727-8227 Claris Corporation MacWrite Pro 800 325-2747 408 727-8227 Claris Corporation Organizer 800 544-8554 Common Knowledge Arrange 2.0 415 325-9900 800 954-3800 Compression Labs Cameo Personal Video 3.0 800 225-5254 Computer Associates CA-Cricket Graph III 1.5.3 800 CALL CAI Computer Works Hyper Kakeibo 81.3 5350 6880 Conley Corporation Conley SoftRAID 212 682-0162 Connectix RAM Doubler 1.0.1 800 950-5880 415 571-5100 Connectix Maxima 3.0 800 950-5880 415 571-5100 Continuum Virtual Disk 2.0 resellers Cordant High-speed Image Archive & Retrieval (HIAR) 508 352-5500 Creative Solutions Power MacForth Programming 301 984-0262 Dantz Development Corp. Retrospect 2.1 800 225-4880 510 253-3000 Dantz Development Corp. Retrospect Remote 2.1 800 225-4880 510 253-3000 Data Description, Inc. Data Desk 4.2 800 573-5121 607 257-1000 Data Translation Media 100 508-481-3700 DataPak PAIGE™ 800 327-6703 206 573-9155 Datawatch Virex 6.0 resellers DCA/Attachmate Irma Crosstalk for Macintosh 800 348-3221 DCA/Attachmate Irma for the Mainframe 800 348-3221 DCA/Attachmate MacIrma - Coax Board 800 348-3221 DCA/Attachmate MacIrma - Trac-Token Ring 800 348-3221 DDA PhoneDisc PhoneDisc resellers Decisioneering, Inc. Crystal Ball 81.3 5385 5851 DeltaPoint DeltaGraph Pro 3.5 800 446-6955 408 648-4000 Deneba Canvas 3.5 305 596-5102 Denki Honpo Easy Address for Macintosh 81.7 2957 5965 Design Science MathType 3.1 resellers Diehl Graphsoft Azimuth 410 290-5114 Diehl Graphsoft Blueprint 410 290-5114 Diehl Graphsoft MiniCAD 410 290-5114 Digital Wave Dboard SE/pineapple 81.3 3320 2741 Domark Flying Nightmares 415 513-8929 44.81 780 2222 Domark Out of the Sun 415 513-8929 44.81 780 2222 dtF Americas dtF (engine) 800 383-1790 Dunaway SystemsB.V. Signalize 2.6 PPC 31.4902 16915 Dunaway Systems B.V. PostScript Interpreter 1.3 PPC 31.4902 16975 Dunaway Systems B.V. Remote Font & Clip Art PPC 31.4902 16975 Dunaway Systems B.V. Scanning&Vektorizing 2.3 PPC 31.4902 16975 Dunaway Systems B.V. Spooler 1.2 PPC 31.4902 16975 DuPont Printing & Publishing HyperColor 1.1 Hi Fi Color 800 5 DuPont Dynaware DynaPers Dynaware MacVJE 81.3 5449 3211 415-349-5900 Dynaware MacWord 81.3 5449 3211 415-349-5900 Easy Byte S.r.l. Irbis 2.5 39.6 5914 461 Easy Byte S.r.l. PardoMac XL 1.5 39.6 5914 461 Easy Byte S.r.l. Wilma XL 1.5 39.6 5914 461 ECHIP ECHIP 6.0 302 239-5429 Elastic Reality Elastic Reality 608 273-6585 Electric Image Animation System 2.0 818 577-1627 Electric Image ElectricImage 2.1 818 577-1627 Electric Image ElectricEngine 818 577-1627 Electric Image Slave Camera 2.1 818 577-1627 Electric Parts Kochi MisatoSystem 1.31 81.8 8884 0686 Electronic Arts Atlas 415 513-7303 Emergent Behavior QuickApp 415 494-6763 Engineered Software PowerCADD 910 299-4843 Engineered Software PowerDraw 910 299-4843 Equilibrium Debabelizer Toolbox 1.6 415 474-8055 Ergosoft EGBridge 81.3 5467 8871 Ergosoft EGWord 81.3 5467 8871 Extensis Corp. Page Tools 1.0 800 796-9798 ExTools Shade III 1.1 81.92 722 4540 ExTools Shade III Light 81.92 722 4540 Factory 4D Multimedia Tool Kit Series: EPSON Scanner Package 81.3 5486 7370 Factory 4D Multimedia Tool Kit Series: Factory Utility Package 81.3 5486 7370 Factory 4D Multimedia Tool Kit Series: FUJIX DS Picker 81.3 5486 7370 Factory 4D Multimedia Tool Kit Series: Image Viewer Package 81.3 5486 7370 Factory 4D Multimedia Tool Kit Series: Image Viewer & Factory Utiltity Set 81.3 5486 7370 Factory 4D Multimedia Tool Kit Series: Video Digitizer Package 81.3 5486 7370 Fauve Software xRes resellers FIT Software Full Contact 3.0 408 562-5970 Foresight Technology, Inc. FastPace Instant Contact 800 701-9393 formula GmbH Hardware und Software RUN Assistant 2.3 612 755-9043 49.911 286 600 formula GmbH Hardware 612 755-9043 und Software RUN EDS 49.911 286 600 Fractal Design ArtSchool Dabbler 81.3 3222 6841 Fractal Design Dabbler 1.0 800 297-COOL 408 688-5300 Fractal Design Painter 2 800 297-COOL 408 688-5300 Fractal Design PainterX2 800 297-COOL 408 688-5300 Fractal Design PainterX2.04 vJ 800 297-COOL 408 688-5300 Frame FrameMaker 4.0 800 843-7263 Frame Frame Builder 800 843-7263 Frame Frame View 4 800 843-7263 Frame FDK 800 843-7263 FWB Inc. CD-ROM ToolKit 415 474-8055 FWB Inc. Hard Disk ToolKit Pers. Ed. 1.6 415 474-8055 FWB Inc. Raid Toolkit 1.6 415 474-8055 Gibbs and Associates Virtual Gibbs 800 654-9399 805 523-0004 Global Village GlobalFax 2.5 408 523-1000 GRAFTEK Optilab/Pro 33.7 563 0029 GRAFTEK Ultimage/Pro 33.7 563 0029 Graphic Magic PTY, Ltd. Multiframe 3D 81.3 5232 0647 Graphic Magic PTY, Ltd. MacSurf 6.0 81.3 5232 0647 Graphisoft, Ltd. ArchiCAD 4.5 800 344-3468 415 737-8665 Graphisoft, Ltd. topCAD 800 344-3468 415 737-8665 Great Plains Dynamics 2.03 800 456-0025 Great Plains Dynamics C/S+ 800 456-0025 Gryphon Software Morph 2.5 800 795-0981 Harlequin Limited ScriptWorks® 617 252-0052 Hash, Inc. Animation Master 206 750-0042 Hash, Inc. Playmation 206 750-0042 Hi Resolution Ltd. Locksmith 1.1 800 445-0888 508 463-6956 Hi Resolution Ltd. MacPrefect 3.0 800 445-0888 508 463-6956 Hi Resolution Ltd. MacPrefect Remote 1.0.1 800 445-0888 508 463-6956 Hi Resolution Ltd. MacVisa 1.1 800 445-0888 508 463-6956 Hi Resolution Ltd. Mac≈Bac 1.1 800 445-0888 508 463-6956 HSC Kai's Power Tools 805 566-6200 HSC KPT Bryce 1.0 805 566-6200 HSC KPT Convolver 805 566-6200 HSC Live Picture 805 566-6200 Hitachi Zosen i SERV 2 (Tokyo) 81.3 3201 0511 (Osaka) 81.6 466 7523 Hitachi Zosen i SERV chercher (Tokyo) 81.3 3201 0511 (Osaka) 81.6 466 7523 Hitachi Zosen i SERV preét (Tokyo) 81.3 3201 0511 (Osaka) 81.6 466 7523 Igaku Shoin Konnichi-no- shinryou CD-ROM 81.3 3817 5629 Info Struct AB Instead, Manufacturing 94.6 3152 9860 Info Struct AB Instead, Production 94.6 3152 9860 Info Struct AB Instead, Quality 94.6 3152 9860 Info Struct AB Instead, Trade 94.6 3152 9860 Info Struct AB InCare 94.6 3152 9860 Info Struct AB InTact 94.6 3152 9860 Inline Design Firefall Arcade 617 935-1515 Inline Design Deliverance 617 935-1515 Insignia SoftWindows 1.0 800 848-7677 415 694-7600 Intelligence at Large BeingThere 2.0 800 425-7638 Intelligence at Large BeingThere Pro 2.0 800 425-7638 InterCon Systems Inc. TCP/Connect II 2.0.1 800 INTRCON 703 709-5500 InterPress Technologies Viva Press Pro 1.5 212 245-2700 Interstudio Domus.CAD 71 39.5 733 1307 Interstudio flex•plan 1.0 39.5 733 1307 Interstudio Nonio C 5.0 39.5 733 1307 Intleag Highway 81.3 3452 2891 I.R.I.S. Pick Librarian 2.0.1 32.1 045 1364 I.R.I.S. I.R.I.S. DataPen 1.0 32.1 045 1364 I.R.I.S. DRS 32.1 045 1364 Isis Imaging ICEfields 604 323-0033 ITEDO Software GmbH IsoDraw 2.6 49.2 2416 8841Go to Native Shipped Products Part 2.