WISE Information Board on R&D Activities in the European Union
This is an experimental service, resulting from a CEC project on
information dissemination of European R&D activities, which is funded
by the European Commission, DG XIII, and the European Parliament.
The contents of this server is based on careful investigations of
respected sources and collections. However it is understood that such
contents are made available to the reader for information purposes
only. Therefore, no liability is accepted for any errors or omissions.
The WISE group and the Commission would be pleased to have your
on this service.
Hot News
The ICT encompasses three Programmes:
- Advanced Communication Technologies and Services (ACTS)
- Information Technology (ESPRIT IV)
- Telematics Applications Programme
There are Call for Proposals for these Programmes:
Call: September, 15th, 1994
Deadline: March, 15th, 1994
The participation is not restricted to organisations in the European Union and EFTA
Budget: 630 MECU for the duration of the Fourth Framework
Call: December, 15th, 1994
Deadline: March, 15th, 1994
Budget: 431 MECU for this Call
- Telematics:
Call: December, 15th, 1994
Deadline: March, 15th, 1994
Budget: 277 MECU for the Calls in 1995
Partnership search
More information you will find if you will go to the English or German
overview pages
WISE servers:
Main server: Darmstadt, Germany
installed mirrored server: Rostock, Germany
Coimbra, Portugal
Athens, Greece
planned mirrored server: Belfast, Northern Ireland
Berlin, Germany
Bucharest, Romania
Budapest, Hungary
Cambridge, United Kingdom
Dublin, Ireland
Magdeburg, Germany (Sachsen-Anhalt)
Madrid, Spain
Moscow, Russia
Prague, Czech Republic
Schwerin, Germany (Mecklenburg-Vorpommern)
Sofia, Bulgaria
Tirane, Albania
Warsaw, Poland
WWW related
If you are interested in WWW technology, tools and application, please
have a look on the information
board for the 3rd WWW conference from April 1995.
Preferred language:
Portugese (not yet available)
Greek (not yet available)