From: Greenpeace vessel MV Solo tracking Pacific Pintail
Date: SUN 26-MAR-95 05:49:23 GMT - DAY 32, PART I


The Pacific Pintail's position (0700 GMT) is 43 degrees 30 minutes south, and 98 degrees and 56 minutes west. The ship's course is 320 degrees and it is sailing at a speed of 13 knots.

The production of the radioactive waste onboard of the Pintail is a direct consequence of the weapons-usable, commercial plutonium production programs of France, the UK and Japan. These programs are pose an extreme danger to current non-proliferation objectives. France, Japan and the United Kingdom have repeatedly expressed their resistance to any restraints on their commercial proliferation activities. Currently no regime exists that limits the production of and trade in commercial weapons-usable fissle materials, while the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT), through its promotion of nuclear power, acts as a stimulus for commercial plutonium production and trade. Both France and the United Kingdom have been actively promoting an indefinite extension of the NPT. An indefinite extension would also protect the position both countries enjoy in the world-order and their special ability to threathen global security with their nuclear forces.

Greenpeace urges NPT parties to call for a ban on both civil and military plutonium production at talks on the Treaty's extension in New York in April and to oppose indefinite extension. An indefinite extension of the NPT would amount to a permanent licence to produce plutonium and high level radioactive waste and ship it around the globe for the indefinite future.

For additional information on the Pacific Pintail's voyage or it's cargo of plutonium waste contact Bas Bruyne on the Solo (phone: ++874-1301166--WARNING $10 PER MINUTE), or Karen Richardson at Greenpeace UK (phone: ++44-171-226-3151). Photo, video, or other media requests to Blair Palese or Mark Warford at Greenpeace Communications (phone: ++44-71-833-0600).

Best regards and No Nukes!
Ulf Birgander (Captain)

From: Greenpeace vessel MV Solo tracking Pacific Pintail
Date: SUN 26-MAR-95 19:23:33 GMT - DAY 32, PART II


The Pacific Pintail's position (1900 GMT) is some 960 miles southeast of Easter Island, in a position of 41 degrees 35 minutes south, and 101 degrees and 5 minutes west. The ship's course is 320 degrees and it is sailing at a speed of 12 knots. Both yesterday and today the Pintail stopped in full sea for over hour--we think for engine maintenance or engine repairs. At 1730 GMT we sailed again at our regular speed in the direction of Easter Island which we expect to pass on a distance of some 220 miles.

The weather has been fair as we've moved further north away from Antarctica. We continue to hear news of additional trouble in Antarctica where, recently, an iceberg the size of a small country, dropped off of the continent. It is ironic that this and other news about Antarctica being effected by warmer earth temperatures should occur just as the Berlin Climate meeting is to start on Monday. See Greenpeace's Climate Summit section on this home page for additional information. Greenpeace urges those concerned about possible global warming impacts to put pressure on their governments to commit to strong CO2 emission cuts for the future.

For additional information on the Pacific Pintail's voyage or it's cargo of plutonium waste contact Bas Bruyne on the Solo (phone: ++874-1301166--WARNING $10 PER MINUTE), or Karen Richardson at Greenpeace UK (phone: ++44-171-226-3151). Photo, video, or other media requests to Blair Palese or Mark Warford at Greenpeace Communications (phone: ++44-71-833-0600).

Best regards and No Nukes!
Ulf Birgander (Captain)

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