During its second Beta, Microsoft changed the Windows 95 protocol-to-driver interface from NDIS version 3.0 to NDIS version 3.1 to support the dynamic loading and unloading of drivers and protocols.
FTP Software supports NDIS versions 3.0 and 3.1. To install NDIS 3.1 support, do the following:
(This assumes that NetBEUI is already installed on your machine.)
1. You must first obtain the files ND31HLP.386 and PCTCPND3.INF from the FTP Software anonymous FTP server at: ftp.ftp.com\support\ftpsoft\onnet\v1.2\utils or the FTP Software BBS at (508) 659-6240 (8,N,1).
2. If you work in Windows 95, you should delete ND3HLP.386 and rename ND31HLP.386 to ND3HLP.386. (In the future, the install program will do it for you.)
3. Copy the PCTCPND3.INF file into the CHICAGO\INF directory.
4. If you are using a beta version of Windows 95 that was released prior to October 1994, modify the line in the [ND3HLP.AddReg] section in the PCTCPND3.INF file so that there is no * before ndis, and add .386 after it. The line should read as follows:
For a beta version of Windows 95 released after October 94 do not modify the file.
5. Edit the SETUP.INF file in the CHICAGO\INF directory. Add the following line into the [load_inf] section of this file:
6. Reboot the machine.
7. From the Control Panel, start Network and
8. Reboot the machine.
FTP Software Technical Support Document
Thank you.