Welcome to FreeBSD!

* What's NEW on this server *

* What is FreeBSD?

An introduction to FreeBSD; what it is and what it can do for you.

* How to...

FAQ's, Mailing lists, Usenet news groups, and other helpful resources.

* Where to find it...

Information about getting FreeBSD and software to run on it.

* When is the next release?

The status of past, current, and future releases of FreeBSD.

* Who are the people behind FreeBSD?

A directory of contributors to FreeBSD and how you can join them.

Quick Access: FreeBSD FAQ : Mail Archive : Usenet Archive : FTP archive
BSD Daemon Copyright 1988 by Marshall Kirk McKusick. All Rights Reserved.

This WWW server has been made possible through the generous support of Walnut Creek CDROM

Send comments and suggestions to www@freebsd.org