Rotterdam Marathon

Next Running:   April 23, 1995
Normally Run:   In April
Size of Field:  Limited to 10000
Entry Fee:      Marathon                70 f (dutch Gulden)
Phone:          (0)10-417 28 86 (RIC) in netherland !
Fax:            (0)10-404 69 54
Address:        Stichting Rotterdam Marathon
                Postfach 1627
                3000 BP Rotterdam

USATF Number:   -
Getting In:     Contact that address to receive the official
                announcement and entry form
                Minimum age 18 years, Time limit 5 hours

 Very speedy, very flat, 100 % asphalt, no traffic
 Remember 1994: Only Boston had faster winner time
 (Winner Marc Rouseau in 2.07.?? hours !)

Source:  Official announcement 1995
Last update: 25.01.95 by Stephan Bauerfeind