
To obtain a list of files on the remote machine, enter the ls command :

ftp> ls 200 PORT command okay. 150 Opening data connection for /bin/ls (,1550) (0 bytes). aliases aliases-c bindings bindings-c emacs_12762 emacs_pro login_profile mailbox profile 226 Transfer complete. 179 bytes received in 12.22 seconds (0.014 Kbytes/s) ftp>

Other commands are also available from the ftp> prompt, although the majority of these are outside the scope of this document. Entering the command ? will give a list of them :

ftp> ? Commands may be abbreviated. Commands are:

! dir mget quit trace append form mkdir quote type ascii get mls recv user bell glob mode remotehelp verbose binary hash mput rename ? bye help open rmdir cd lcd prompt send close ls sendport status delete mdelete put struct debug mdir pwd tenex

For more information on a command, type help <command> within ftp.