These manual pages are for commands available with Sun's version of UNIX
- Sun OS 4.1.1: manual pages for other versions are
- w (1) - who is logged in, and what are they doing
- wait (1) - wait for a process to finish
- wall (1) - write to all users logged in
- wc (1) - display a count of lines, words and characters
- what (1) - extract SCCS version information from a file
- whatis (1) - display a one-line summary about a keyword
- whereis (1) - locate the binary, source, and manual page files
for a command
- which (1) - locate a command; display its pathname or alias
- who (1) - who is logged in on the system
- whoami (1) - display the effective current username
- write (1) - write a message to another user