Is there a Perl shell?
Not really. Perl is a programming language, not a command
interpreter. There is a very simple one called "perlsh"
included in the Perl source distribution. It just does this:
$/ = ''; # set paragraph mode
$SHlinesep = "\n";
while ($SHcmd = <>) {
$/ = $SHlinesep;
eval $SHcmd; print $@ || "\n";
$SHlinesep = $/; $/ = '';
Not very interesting, eh?
Daniel Smith <> is working on an interactive Perl
shell called SoftList. It's currently at version 3.0beta. SoftList
3.0 has tcsh-like command line editing, can let you define a file of
aliases so that you can run chunks of perl or UNIX commands, and so
on. You can send mail to him for further information and availability.