Interim Report
as at June 30, 1995

Letter to Shareholders

Development of the Group

Profile in Figures

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1.1.-30.6.1995 1.1.-30.6.1994
Profit after taxes
per DM 5 share
DM 4.00 DM 4.00
DM m DM m
Net interest income 5,524 5,823
Net commission income 2,739 3,094
Net income from
financial transactions
439 332
Administrative expense 6,308 6,031
Risk provisioning 311 885
Operating profit 2,419 2,660
Profit before taxes 1,894 2,469
Taxes 911 1,492
Profit after taxes 983 977
30.6.1995 31.12.1994
Total assets 631,740 573,022
Total credit extended 346,358 331,148
to customers
289,216 264,150
Liabilities in
certificate form
114,609 114,015
Off-balance sheet
- notional amount 2,045,600 1,781,683
- credit equivalent 14,450 12,612
BIS capital ratio (tier I + II) 10.2% 10.4%
Long-term rating
- Moody's Investors Service, New York Aaa
- Standard & Poor's, New York AAA
- IBCA, London AAA

Frankfurt, July 1995

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