Deutsche Bank is setting course for the future, says Hilmar Kopper
To adjust to the worldwide changes in banking, Deutsche Bank is already setting course for the future. For example, it has acquired ITT's commercial finance division in North America and has strengthened its presence in the Asia-Pacific region. Its investment banking operations will have an integrated management in London with global responsibility. In London a private banking unit has been set up, and, in New York, a Deutsche Bank trust company. The domestic bank is restructuring in the course of a project titled "Closer to the Customer". To give customers electronic access to their bank, Deutsche Bank is setting up Bank 24, which will be available around the clock. "The fight for the market has become tougher," said Kopper. Collapses and mergers bear witness to a banking world which belongs to the past."
For the current year Deutsche Bank has set itself the target of achieving a substantially better result than in 1994. The volatility continues on the money, foreign exchange and capital markets. For the first four months of 1995, Group operating profit after loan loss provisioning is 7 % lower than for the same period last year. In Germany, net interest income and commission income have so far declined. However, own-account trading and foreign business have been better than last year. By the prorated comparison method, the first third's results are well above the respective 1994 results.