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Technical data

E 320 coupé

No. of cylinders: 6
Bore/stroke (mm): 89.9 / 84.0
Total displacement (cm³): 3199
Rated output in Kw at 1/min*: 162/5500
Rated torque in Nm at 1/min*: 310 /
Compression ratio: 10.0
Engine oil capacity, max./min. (litres): 7.0/5.0
Capacity of cooling system (litres): 9.0
Generator V/A: 14/90
Battery V/Ah: 12/62
Top speed km/h: approx. 235
Tyres: 195/
65 ZR 15
Fuel: unleaded
Fuel consumption in litres/100 km**
urban cycle: 14.7
at 90 km/h: 8.2
at 120 km/h: 10.0
Tank capacity incl. reserve (litres): approx. 70
reserve: approx. 9
Turning circle diameter (m): 10.9
Kerb weight (kg)***: 1570
Permissible gross vehicle weight (kg): 1985

* In accordance with EC directives
** In accordance with EC directive 80/1268
*** In accordance with EC directive - the figure applies to standard specification cars. Optional extras will increase the weight and reduce the load-bearing capacity

Other engine-versions of the E-class coupés and cabriolets

E 200 cabriolet, E 200 coupé, E 220 cabriolet,
E 220 coupé, E 320 cabriolet

menu, dimensions coupé

© Mercedes-Benz, last update: 09/10/95