
to the unofficial, Underground Nieman '94 Web Site

This page has been created (at a top secret location somewhere in western Canada) in response to the appearance of the official Nieman Page at Harvard. The official site is an excellent one, with comments from current and past Niemans, and photos of Bill and Lew, among other highlights.

This page, though, will focus on the class of '94. Why not? We have the technology, and given that we're scattered around the world (much to our dismay) the Internet is a great way to keep in touch.

Though based (currently) in western Canada, this is a global site open to comments and contributions from any and all '94 Nieman Fellows, Affiliates and Kids. If you've got a picture, a poem, a story, some news or any information at all you think would be of interest to the others, click on my smiling mug to send an e-mail message, and I'll pass the news along via this page.

(click here)

The Gatherings of the Faithful

Reunion Ramblings

Ah, reunions...Cheap therapy. They keep us sane.

We had that big and wonderful reunion in Boston in May. What a party! What wacky photos. Curious? Check out the May Reunion Page.

But Boston was not the first reunion for the '94 Niemans. Nosireebob. Going almost a full year without seeing at least some other Nieman faces seemed like cruel and unusual punishment. So we conspired to get together whenever possible.

First came a mid-winter sojourn for a few of the female Niemans and affiliates, in Denver, CO. Wine, long, looonnnggg distance phone calls, and a wayward male stripper all combined to create a memorable weekend in the shadow of the Rocky Mountains. Find out more about December Decadence in Denver - '94.

Not to be outdone, a few of the guys decided that Phoenix, AZ sounded a lot better in winter than Denver did. So it was off to cactus-land for a vegetable-free weekend studying the old ABCs: Alcohol, footBall, and Cards. More gruesome details are available on the Phoenix Fun Guy (fungi?) page.

But we can't have reunions every month (sorry all, but you know I speak the truth), so we'll have to do something else to fill in those gaps. For now, I offer as temporary relief...

The Nieman Moment of the Month

The Nieman Moment of the Month (NMM) will be a regularly updated (time permitting) feature of this site. Each month a different photo will become the NMM. I have a fair number of photos, but if you've got one you would like to see become the NMM, send it to me. Here is this month's Nieman Moment.

Previous Nieman Moments of the month

The Nieman Moment for May (Reunion Shot)

The Nieman Moment for April (Phoenix shot)

Other Nieman Addresses to Note

The Nieman Mailing list and Conference stuff at the Raleigh News and Observer: (Melanie Sill's hangout)

Ingenius: Reuters New Media: Katie King's Pad

We need more goodies for this section. Keep the info coming.

Hahvahd e-mail addresses you might need someday

Just click on the highlighted text and you can send e-mail to these places If you know of others, don't keep 'em a secret. Let me know!!
Well, that's it for now. Thanks for stopping by. Updated and Uploaded July 25, 1995