Department Mission Statements


Not Available. (Ship under attack)


The ship's services department coordinates events, ideas, and other activities to increase the morale of the crew both in real life activites and any "on-ship" role-playing they want to do.


Communications goal is to promote interpersonal skills and intrapersonal skills in the form of advice adn presentations. Subsidiary interests are the maintenance of the Astra archives, and the Astra World Wide Web pages. Other long-term goals include the "Astradiem - Online" and "Astradiem - CDRom".


The Engineering department sees to the transportation of Personnel and materials to away sites and provides manpower for the purpose of equipment setup and tear-down. Other interestes include ship design meetings, combat testing, and the maintenance and promotion of appropriate levels of techno-babble.


The marines are a diverse group of people who share a common interest in various aspects of the military. Whether in "real-life" or in the dark recesses of their minds, they have been, are, or will be involved in some aspect of a military, or para-military organization. Various aspects of marine pursuits include, but not limited to; outdoor activities (camping, orienteering), mock combat (Lazer Quest, paintball), and inter-club dispute settlements.


Not Available (Serious epidemic)


Not Available (Loss of funding)


Not Available (Jail break)


Not Available
U.S.S. Astra Web Pages
Modification: 19950527
© 1995 Neil St.Laurent and Clinton Work