Welcome to The Cybernetic, Cycloidal, Cycling Source!

*******NOTICE******** I will be making some major changes to the The Cybernetic, Cyclodial, Cycling Source. I will be trying to make this more of a graphically linked page (more pictures). Also I want to try and fool around with the new HTML ver 3.0 code. If you would like to benifit from this new code (which is being used almost everywhere right now), I would strongly suggest in D/L Netscape 1.1

If you have never sent a comment to myself, please do. I want to get an idea on how many people are actually using The Cybernetic, Cyclodial, Cycling Source. Just say Hello.

What is The Cybernetic, Cycloidal, Cycling Source? Well this is a cycling home page. You know bike stuff! If you don't like this kind of stuff well tuff (go elsewere). I will be posting results from races here in Alberta (with some help from the ABA) and some more international races in Canada. If you would like to contribute something to this link, I could really do with some scanned pictures from races or your comments on the races.

100% Canadian!

Welcome to A really new and very exciting home page...
This page as is getting much better as you can see, but still I am doing some construction!This page is under Constuction! (also note this page is best seen in a graphical interface type mode).
Enjoy and please mail any comments or info to Aaron Gluzman - The Coach of "The Boy"

Here are the race results for 1995 (so far):

If you would like to look around more at the InterNet and Cycling click here for a cool site listing!

More to come... if there is anything that you would like to add I would be glad to put it online...

This page is run by Aaron Gluzman - The Coach of "The Boy" and was last modified August 4th, 1995
Comments, Questions or Sugestions???
E-mail: gluzmana@cuug.ab.ca