The Following are a list of FTP that I use on a regular basis.
The Complete list is availabe at in the directory /SimTel/msdos
ATI /pub/msdos_uploads/ati_updates
Eudora /quest/windows/eudora A E-Mail programs for Windows
FTP-List & Files /SimTel/msdos
Games 1 /pub/
Games 2/pub/msdos/games
SPRY The home of Internet in a Box
Microsoft /peropsys/win_news/docs Files on Windows 95/96??? -- Check out /bussys/winnt/ for files on Windows NT
Mosaic /Web/Mosaic/Windows WWW browser but not as good as Netscape HOST
Netscape The Home of the Best WWW Browser
NT Files /pub/dec/
RMWNTUG NT /rmwntug/software/general Rocky Mountain Windows NT Users Group
VocalTec Internet Phone