[nude frog picture] Yikes! A Naked Frog!

[happy frog face]
Hello, and welcome to my home page. Please feel free to have a look around while I go and fix us a snack.

Take a look at CUUG's Home page. It's probably pretty spiff, although I haven't really poked around it very much. But that doesn't mean you can't go have a peek.

The Web Master at CUUG is my boyfriend. He's got his own page, and somehow he has let me put a picture of him on mine for all the world to see.

I have some friends and family. Most people do. And since I may have checked out your friends and family on your page, I expect that you will be interested in meeting mine.

You really should check out my parent's page. Dad's done a lot of work on it so you'll probably like it. If you don't, at least pretend that you do so you don't hurt his feelings. Here, I'll give you a choice in advance. Pick one of the following two links:

Sounds great. I'll go visit your parent's home page

Gee, I don't know if I'm all that interested in your parent's home page

My dad works for the BC Government. I don't. My office is way bigger than his and I have a gigantic window to the great out-of-doors. He doesn't. But my company isn't on the web and the government is, so you get to check out BC Environment ... I recommend the "other points of interest" link...

My friend Lori is getting her home page done. It's taking her forever, but I figure that by adding a link to it on my page will help force her to finish her page. It would probably be a good idea if you would visit her home page and send her some mail to encourage or embarass her into working on her page some more, so here it is: Lori's very own page

If Scooter had a home page, I'd add it right about here, but he doesn't, so I can't.

If you live in Calgary and are too lazy too look out the window... Have I got a link for you! Oh, yeah, those of you who don't live in Calgary can use it too. Calgary's weather

Some other places you will find interesting (and remember, I wouldn't have put them here if I didn't think that you personally would like them) are:

Internet postcards
Shoemaker Levy comet pictures
M.C. Escher artwork
The Dilbert zone
Some fun lists
The froggy page!

[froggy picture]

By now you've probably decided that my page is the best you've ever seen, and I'll have to admit that, well, you're right. Another page that's almost as interesting is Yahoo.

If my froggie link doesn't have enough froggie sounds for you, please feel free to try a search for some more. If you find more, let me know and I'll add them to my page.