Dumb stupid peice of ERODED DUNG!

This is a coverpage, a coverpage to two pages of totaly irrevelant links. This page's primary goal is make it look like I word proccessor lying about that I use to accatuly write stuff with. FUN FUN FUN FUN FUN FUN FUN FUN FUN FUN FUN. Another one of this page's goal was to provide reading material so this area of the web would look a home page(s), not just links that lead off into nowhere and that really big button that doesn't do a thing, but the amount of phisocphical disscussion about a link that does nothing proves what an unused brain could do if it was under an amount of stress.

Maybe the orginal intent of that page was to prove that old addage: Use it or lose it. This sentence is total irrevelent so ignore it, but wait, its already too late now isn't it?

There is a Klingon bird-of-prey staring me down, it just floating above my computer. Just floating there doing nothing, saying ,"Nevermore" Harkth the BOP, "nevermore."

So I ignore the Klingons and they go away.

But then Romulans show up.

I ignore them also and they go off and shoot at the Klingons that just left.

Now there are Vorlons knocking at my chamber door. I have a glass house too. They yell something mysterious musing that I can't make any sense of, and then they go away.

Now there is a Tribble perched upon my bust of pallace, above my chamber door. I ignore the incredible doubling rate of the Tribbles, secrtely knowing that Pallace got busted to trash can last week.

My mac has changed in the last week, The windows are different, 3D, and so is my mac's menubar.

I have pizza upstairs if anyone wants any.


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