PHOTOS - LEFT: A Camarasaurus mug shot
shows off the chisel-like teeth of this relatively small sauropod from
RIGHT: Camarasaurus stretches upward to reach
high-growing vegetation. Like all sauropods,
Camarasaurus was a herbivore, and it probably had to
browse constantly to maintain its optimum body weight.
Camarasaurus was one of the smaller sauropods. Brachiosaurus, Diplodocus, and Apatosaurus are some of its larger relatives. These herbivores were common Jurassic dinosaurs. All walked on four legs, supporting immensely long necks and tails.
At only 18 metres in length, Camarasaurus was shorter than many sauropods. It was one of the more common Jurassic dinosaurs in North America. Many young specimens, dead before they reached adulthood, have been discovered.
This document was prepared by Wayne Hortensius, Calgary, Alberta,
Canada for the Royal Tyrrell Museum Cooperating Society. All
information © 1995 Royal Tyrrell Museum. All Rights
Updated: April 8, 1995