Bring dinosaurs to life for children of all ages. Learn about the great reptilian giants that ruled the planet for over 150 million years. Share your creativity and enthusiasm with people from all over the world.
This is your opportunity to join our SuperNova explosion at the Royal Tyrrell Museum!
The Royal Tyrrell Museum has enjoyed a long tradition of community support through its volunteers. We are proud of and grateful to our volunteers, who, over the years, have contributed enormously to our growth and ongoing success. Museum volunteers have brought a strong sense of commitment and enthusiasm to the programs offered by the world's Premier Museum of Palaeontology.
Volunteers bring a strong community "voice" to the museum in addition to offering a personal touch to the gallery displays and delivering educational programs and special events. This summer, the role of volunteers will be more diverse than ever, with even more opportunities available for volunteers to become involved with. From July 1 to August 31 we will be implementing a new volunteer-driven project, the SuperNova Volunteer Program, which will keep volunteers at the forefront of the museum.
The SuperNova Volunteer Program is OUT OF THIS WORLD!
Our volunteers come from all walks of life, educational backgrounds and range in age from 12 years and up. Volunteers bring these great prehistoric giants DINOSAURS! to life for children of all ages in the NOVA Discovery Centre. This centre was designed for the purpose of introducing children to the world of dinosaurs and the museum's palaeontological concepts by providing experiential learning opportunities through specially designed self-guided and interpretive methods and tools. Thus, visiting children would have a chance to experience the museum on a more personal level.
The NOVA Corporation's donation of the wild-leitz microscope, camera and monitor, video camera, and editing equipment brought our program into the 90's. Visitors move through the centre at their leisure and explore the world of dinosaurs through many self-guided activities and short interpretive programs. SuperNova Volunteers are on hand to answer questions, give guidance and present short interpretive programs. Some of the activities available include a real bison Bone Bed dig touch box, What's In A Name? game, and a tickle trunk of dinosaur costumes. Children can view the history of life as they move the hands of an oversized Geological Time Clock or leave an impression of their hands, feet or face on our liquid crystal wall. Children may also produce their own molds of real casts and fossils or enjoy stomping around like dinosaurs and create a prehistoric environment to a story, poem or music. Many enjoy touching our hands-on fossils, viewing and working on a fossil matrix, and peeking at ancient insects mummified in amber. Our special program reaches children of all ages!
Specifically the SuperNova Volunteers:
Volunteers are individuals from all walks of life. Though backgrounds and ages differ, all share a common enthusiasm and knowledge with others, especially children. This interest combined with the time to contribute to the community and the museum, make up the basic ingredients for eligibility.
Initial training sessions for the SuperNova Volunteer Program will be offered the week following the July long weekend, 1995. SuperNova Volunteers will be contacted regarding the training location, date, time, and other details. The training program focuses on the various aspects of the museum's fossil collection and displays, as well as the NOVA Discovery Centre. Interpretive communication methods, team development, leadership, and the museum's philosophy are an inherent part of the total training package. Training will be held at the museum. In addition to the training material, a suggested reading list will be provided. SuperNova Volunteers are encouraged to spend time at the museum observing education programs. SuperNova Volunteers are expected to attend this training program and other ongoing training opportunities offered throughout the summer.
SuperNova Volunteer Program is an auxiliary arm of the museum's Education and Public Programs. Regular monthly support meetings help to inform volunteers of current happenings at the museum and provide opportunities to connect and share experiences, ideas and feedback with other volunteers.
SuperNova Volunteer Responsibilities:
The first responsibility of the volunteer is to spend a minimum of 2 hours per week working with visitors in the NOVA Discovery Centre, providing supervision, guidance and short interpretive programs.
Other volunteer opportunities are also available. Ask the SuperNova Volunteer Coordinator about them.
As a SuperNova Volunteer you will meet other community-minded individuals who share interests similar to your own! You are entitled to the following benefits:
Volunteers will be able to include transportation time (to and from the museum) in the record of volunteer hours served thus allowing volunteers to collect the museum benefits sooner. In addition, it is possible to arrange a car pool system.
Please join us in a celebration of life and be a SuperNova Volunteer this summer!!!
Whatever the interest and skill level of a volunteer, or the degree of social interaction desired, there is a good chance that a volunteer can find a niche at the museum. Volunteers work in most areas of the museum. Positions within these work units require skills which range from basic to specialized. The volunteer opportunities are as diverse as the working environment.
As our needs change, so do the opportunities for volunteers! A complete list of volunteer positions is produced each fall to accommodate the slight changes which occur as programs and exhibitions change. Skills required, time commitment and flexibility, duties involved, and training will vary depending on the volunteer position and area of placement. Museum volunteers may be active in more than one position.
Assisting laboratory technicians in the preparation of fossils and delivering interpretive programs to the public in the gallery at the lab window. Volunteers are paired for this position.
Office clerical support may include typing, filing, data entry, bulk mailings, telephone reception, and record keeping.
Participate as an Education Program Volunteer by conducting tours or facilitating teacher-guided school programs and camp-overs (Edu-tours) for visiting school groups. For weekend visitors, volunteers present short interpretive programs for children, families and adults. They assist the education employees in the planning of the Summer Vacation Day Camps (a 1/2 day afternoon program). All education programs are presented with an engaging approach to learning and having fun.
Work with museum staff as an intern to enhance academic studies and gain hands-on experience.
Have fun hosting and participating in the museum's special events on-site and in the community.
Assist with communicating and promoting the museum's message to the public, either behind the scenes or at public events.
Utilize your unique skills to assist in various areas:
For further information about the SuperNova Volunteer Program or other volunteer positions please call:
Brandy Rees SuperNova Volunteer Coordinator (403) 823-7707 (403) 294-1992 Calgary direct (403) 823-7131 FAX
This document was prepared by Wayne Hortensius, Calgary, Alberta,
Canada for the Royal Tyrrell Museum Cooperating Society. All
information © 1995 Royal Tyrrell Museum. All Rights
Updated: July 29, 1995