[Note: At the moment this is a bit sparse. What I would eventually
like to get would be more in-depth blurbs about more Skiing areas.
Perhaps provide links to maps of how to get there, graphics of what
the ski-hill looks like (runs, difficulty), and finally some more
in-depth contact information. For now, this is all I have.
Banff, Lake Louise, and Kananaskis
- Fortress Mountain: Fortress Mountain ski area consists
of 328 acres of skiable area, having a total of 31 runs (the
longest of which is 2 km in length, with a vertical of
330 m). 20% of the runs are beginner, 55% novice, and 25%
expert. The lifts consist of 1 triple chair, 2 double
chairs and 3 t-bars, for a lifting capacity of 6800
skiers per hour. Snowmaking equipment covers 60% of the
runs on the front side. The ski season runs from mid
November to late April. On mountain facilities include
a ski school, a ski shop, daycare, a full cafeteria, hotel
rooms, a dormitory, and overnight R.V. parking. The Snowphone
can be reached at (403) 245-4909 or (403) 242-3232 (Recording).
- Lake Louise: Lake Lousie ski area consists of 4000
skiiable acres spread of 4 mountain faces. A total of 50
trails are interconnected with thousands of acres of open
bowls. The longest run is 8 km in length with a total
vertical of 992m. 25% of the terrain is rated novice, 45%
intermeddiate, and 30% expert. Chairs consist of 2 high speed
quads, 1 quad, 2 triples, 3 doubles, one platter, one T-bar
and one cable.The total lifting capacity is 21,164
vertical transport feet per hour.
The season runs from early November to mid May.
On mountain facilities include a ski repair shop, ski rental,
daycare & nursery, ski school, ski friends, 3 lodges, racing,
and parking (free) for 1700 cars. Shuttle buses frequently
connect the hill with major hotels in the area. For the
X-country skier there are a total of 50 miles of track set,
plus a back country ski lodge. The snowphone can be
reached at (403) 244-6665.
- Mystic Ridge/Norquay: Mystic Ridge Norquay consists of
25 runs spread over 162 acres. THe longest run is 1.2 km
with a vertical of 503m. 11% of the terrain is rated novice,
45% intermeddiate, 28% advanced and 16% expert. Chairs
consist of 1 high speed quad, 1 quad, 2 double chairs, and one
surface lift, for a lift capacity of 6300 people per hour.
Snowmaking equipment covers 90% of the terrain. The season
runs from Dec. to mid-April. On mountain facilities include
a ski school, renatl equipment, a ski and souvenir shop
2 lodges and a daycare. The snowphone can be reached
at (403) 762-4421 (ski area) and (403) 221-8259 for a
24 hour recording.
- Nakiska: Nakiska consists of 250 skiable acres with a
total of 28 runs. The logest run is 3.2 km in length, having
a total vertical of 760m. 16% of the terrain is rated novice,
70% intermeddiate, and 14% advanced. Lifting capability is
8620 skier per hour, made up of 2 detachable quads, 1 triple,
1 double and one handle tow. Snow making eqipment covers
85% of the trails. On mountain facilities consist of 2
daylodges (one midmountain), ski rental/repair, daycare, ski
school, ski hosts, racking, and free parking. 40 km of double
set X-country tails are available. The snowphone can be
reached at (403) 235-9191.
- Sunshine Village: Sunshine village consists of 62 trails
plus a large amount of wide open above the treeline, for a
total of 2200 skiable acres. The longest run is 8km with
vertical of 1070m. The terrain is 20% novice, 60% intermeddiate
and 20% expert. The lifts consist of 1 high speed quad, 1
6-passenger gondola, 1 triple chair, 4 double chairs, 3 T-bars
and 2 tows, for a lift capacity of 19600 vertical transport
feet per hour. A total of 30 feet of natural snow
falls on SUnshine Village annually. The season runs from
early November to late May. On mountain facilities
include a Ski to your door hotel, a rental & repair
store, a daycare, a ski school, and a dining & fireplace
lounge. There is daily bus service from Calgary and Banff.
X-country skiing can be found in the backcountry. The
snowphone can be reached at (403) 277-SNOW (Calgary).
Check out Bob Bolt's Ski Canada page
Or, you can check out The Western Canadian Ski Guide
Virtual Tourist Information around the world, via
Any suggestions/comments welcome