CERN - European Laboratory for Particle Physics - PT Group

Documentation Systems and the WWW

WebMaker (TM)

Configurable converter of FrameMaker documents to the World-Wide Web

The combination of WebMaker and FrameMaker enables the simultaneous publishing of both printed and WWW versions of a document. WebMaker converts FrameMaker documents and books to a hypertext network of HTML files.

WebMaker was developed in 1994 in our group, applied to several CERN documents, and version 1.4 was licensed to more than 3000 sites. In February 1995, CERN signed a technology transfer agreement with Harlequin Ltd, who will be releasing a new version of the product which it will support directly, in a few months.

Why WebMaker ?
A paper on WebMaker presented at the First International WWW Conference, May 1994.
Platforms and Distribution
Plus access to Mailing List Registration Form.
Webs generated with WebMaker from FrameMaker documents.
Usage at CERN (CERN hosts only)

MR - CERN PTG - 8 May 1995