Recent messages from the Barking Pumpkin hotline are on the What's New page, as well as links to les objets nouveaux . New pages include a page on Civilization Phase III , and the Travel Tips page.
In the library here, we got a great batch of articles, and a smattering of graphics files, audio files, and MIDI files.
The sheaf of discographies and lyrics and the FAQs of Destiny together answer all your questions about language and linguistics.
Zappa gentlefolk from all over recommend these musicians . The fanzine page lists the addresses of music retailers, as well as Society Page's latest address.
In a very satisfying turn of events, there are more internet sites devoted to Zappa's music than any other modern composer.
Click on any inlined image to get the full size version transferred to your site. The full size images are anywhere from 100K to 500K in size, so caveat internetor.