Transportation in Munich
- Approximately 17 miles northeast of Munich, capital of Bavaria
- Public busses to downtown Munich every 20 minutes; 45 minute ride
- Light Rail Line #8 to downtown Munich leaves every 20 minutes; 40 minute ride
- Flight Times: (including transfer in Frankfurt)
9 Hrs - Boston
11 Hrs - Chicago
11 Hrs - Dallas
13 Hrs - Los Angeles
9 Hrs - New York
13 Hrs - San Francisco
9 Hrs - Washington, DC
Train Station:
- Located in downtown Munich, about 1.5 miles from Marienplatz
- 26 tracks
- Approximately 800 trains daily
- Direct connections to all light rail lines
- Direct connections to subway lines 1, 2, 4, and 5
- Direct connections to various bus and streetcar lines
- Taxi banks at all exits
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