New Mexico MuseumNet

Museum Logo Exterior of Museum

New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science

Welcome to the home page for the New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science. The Museum, located at 1801 Mountain Rd NW in Albuquerque, is a division of the Office of Cultural Affairs, State of New Mexico. The Museum is open daily 9-5 including all holidays. Dynamax movies are shown each hour from 10 - 5. Click here for more information about admission to the museum.

The Museum is accessible to persons with disabilities

Fax 505-841-8866 * Phone 505-841-8837 (v/TTY)

NMMNH&S services

NMMNH&S Features

Zebra Movie Logo Now Playing in the Dynamax Theater through September 8th Red Squirrel Mammals of New Mexico

Coelophysis Dinosaurs in New Mexico


Surfing Dinosaur

Surfing the net:

This section allows you to connect to other science museums around the world or to servers related to the natural sciences.

Also of interest:

"We should be exicted about virtual museums because they have the power to inform and they have the power to construct information in new ways. For example, virtual museums can take a topic deep into a hierarchy, so that people can explore and learn at some depth a particular topic. People can feel free to explore tangents and get lost in this new space." -- Robert Guralnick, University of California - Berkeley Museum of Paleontolgy.

About this server

This is a joint cooperative between Albuquerque Public Schools and the New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science. This server is under continual development.

E-mail comments to John Chadwick or Jim Skeba at Albuquerque Public Schools

Last Update 6/15/95