EUnet Traveller

When you need to be in two places at once..

Many business travellers take their important documents with them on a portable computer - it's a great way to take your office with you. But what if you forget something important ? Or if you need to watch out for that important piece of electronic mail that's due to arrive while you're gone ?

A simple phone call before you go will solve those problems by giving you access to EUnet Traveller. Using your portable computer and a modem, access to your computer back home is available in many major European cities at the cost of a local telephone call. You don't need any specialised computer software - and you can subscribe using your credit card. We even give you information about the different power and phone connectors you're likely to encouter on your travels. It couldn't be simpler. So there's no excuse for being cut off when you can be connected... to EUnet.

Technical Information

To use EUnet Traveller your portable computer needs standard terminal emulation software - such as that supplied with Microsoft Windows 3.1 - and a common modem (V.22bis, V.32 or V.32bis). Your home computer must already be connected to EUnet (or another Internet-connected network with access to EUnet) and support login from another computer using the telnet protocol. Ask your network manager if you need more information.

Billing Information

EUnet Traveller subscriptions are normally arranged by credit card. A start-up charge and usage charges apply. If required, each EUnet Traveller account can be individually restricted to access only specified host computer systems. For current prices, contact the EUnet Amsterdam Office.

Further Information

Also the following information about EUnet Traveller is available:

VISA, EuroCard, Mastercard, and American Express accepted

EUnet Communications Services BV
Singel 540
1017 AZ Amsterdam
The Netherlands
Tel: +31 20 623 3803
Fax: +31 20 622 4657
EUnet is a registered trademark of EUnet Deutschland GmbH and of EurOpen Limited.