User Number: *one billion*

Live Audio Clips

RealAudio works in real-time even over a 14.4Kbps modem. To get the player for this at no cost, Progressive Networks

Toronto Aug. 20th

2 minute excerpts from songs:
"You Got Me Rockin" AU, WAV or AIFF NEW RealAudio
"Tumblin Dice" AU, WAV or AIFF NEW RealAudio

Foxboro Sep. 5th

2 minute excerpts from songs:
The stones chose to do the same two songs in the number 2 and 3 slots of their sets. So we got the same damn songs, just different sorta. Also, the software I used spit out audio sampled at Khz so you get to choose what sampling rate (11.127 or 22.253) you want for the AIFF

"You Got Me Rockin" AU, WAV, AIFF 11 or AIFF 22 NEW RealAudio
"Tumblin Dice" AU, WAV, AIFF 11 or AIFF 22 NEW RealAudio
Alright! Alriiight! Podum. AU, WAV, AIFF 11 or AIFF 22 NEW RealAudio

Dallas Cotton Bowl Nov. 18th

Full Live versions:
These sound files are from the video feed we got from the Dallas Cotton Bowl the night of the Live MBONE Broadcast. All song files are complete, with the exception of some missing drum intro on Fade Away, their first song. All files are in AU format only, sorry.

"Fade Away" AU (1.2 Meg) NEW RealAudio
"Tumblin Dice" AU (2.0 Meg) NEW RealAudio
"You Got Me Rockin" AU (1.6 Meg) NEW RealAudio
"Shattered" AU (1.8 Meg) NEW RealAudio
"Rocks Off" AU (2.2 Megs) NEW RealAudio
The first 20 minutes of the concert AU (9.7 Megs) NEW RealAudio

Hear "What's next for Jeff Spicoli" AU, WAV, AIFF NEW RealAudio
A live version of Sympathy for the Devil AU NEW RealAudio