McDonald Post-Impact Images of Fragment DGQRS Impacts

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This image shows a time sequence of the planet Jupiter on 19 and 20 Aug 94 UT. The images were all obtained with the McDonald Observatory 0.76m telescope and CCD detector. Jupiter was imaged through a filter which isolates the 8930A methane band and shows the cloud features in the uppermost atmosphere. Images are spaced approximately 30 minutes apart each night. In these images, north is to the top and west is to the right. The images on 20 Aug show the region of the DGRSQ, etc impacts and show a relatively continuous band. However, some structure is still apparent. The bright spot on the limb in the bottom center panel is a Jovian satellite. The images from 19 Aug show the less disturbed regions of Jupiter and three white ovals further north. Note the feature which is near the central meridien in the upper right panel. It shows a clear streak of material extending to the north and west about half the Jovian radius.

Observer: Marion Frueh (McDonald Observatory, University of Texas)

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