IRTF Color Image of Fragment KLR Impacts

MIRAC2 images at 7.85, 10.3, and 12.2 microns have been used to construct a 'true-color' image in which warm emissions are blue and cool emissions are red. The images were made from the IRTF around 6 UT July 21. The R plume is visible on the limb and is clearly hot compared to the rest of the Jupiter disk. The K and L impact sites (K approaching the evening terminator) are clearly warmer than the surrounding atmosphere. Whether this is due to an albedo effect (of the dark dust/soot associated with these sites) or whether we are sounding to depths similar to the warmer bands on either side of the equator is not determined at this time.

MIRAC team members include D. Hunten [1], A. Sprague [1], M. Marley [2], W. Hoffmann [3], K. Wells [1], M. Sykes [3], L. Deutsch [4], J. Hora [5], A. Dayal [3], D. Demming [6], G. Orton [7], P. Yanamandra-Fisher [7], J. Friedson [7], K. Baines [7], J. Harrington [8], T. Dowling [8], and H. Hammel [8].

[1] Lunar and Planetary Laboratory, University of Arizona,
[2] New Mexico State University
[3] Steward Observatory, University of Arizona
[4] Five Colleges Astronomy Dept., University of Mass.,
[5] Institute for Astronomy, University of Hawaii
[6] NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
[7] Jet Propulsion Lab
[8] Massachusetts Institute of Technology

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