MEDIBIB-L Archiv: Dezember 1994 bis Januar 1995

MEDIBIB-L Archiv: Dezember 1994 bis Januar 1995

From obsto Thu Dec  1 08:35:37 1994
Received: by (AIX 3.2/UCB 5.64/4.03)
          id AA28921; Thu, 1 Dec 1994 08:32:56 +0100
Received: from UBDOS005.UNI-MUENSTER.DE by (AIX 3.2/UCB 5.64/4.03)
          id AA28918; Thu, 1 Dec 1994 08:32:54 +0100
X-Nupop-Charset: IBM 8-Bit
Date: Thu, 1 Dec 1994 08:33:58 +0100 (CET)
From: "Oliver Obst" 
Message-Id: <>
To: medibib-l
Subject: Fw: pharmacy colleagues and drug list book
Status: O

Das duerfte wohl fuer die Liste gewesen sein...  Oliver O.
From: "Eileen C. Moyer" 
Wed, 30 Nov 1994 12:50:02 -0500 (EST)
Subject: pharmacy colleagues and drug list book

We are looking for colleagues in Europe who are librarians in pharmacy
libraries.  We have one specific question now, but would be interested
in making relationships for cooperative information exchange as needed
and as time permits with all our busy schedules.  My German is poor, but
I can correspond in German and would like to practice.

Our immediate question regards a notice for a new publication that
appeared in Scrip (oct 7, 1994,p10) for the latest Pharmindex-Brevier
published by Medizinische Medien Informations GmbH.  The book is a drug
directory in Poland, Czech Republic and Hungary.  I faxed the person
listed but have received no reply.
	Does anyone have this and is it worthwhile?
	Can we order it directly from the company?
	Does anyone have the ISBN,price and any other ordering information?
	Any suggestions for drug lists for Eastern European countries?
We answer many questions regarding drugs from outside the US and try
to buy all drug list from other countries.
	Thank you for your help.	Sorry to have written this in
English.	Eileen Moyer, Sheppard Library,Massachusetts College of

From obsto Fri Dec  2 10:20:39 1994
Received: by (AIX 3.2/UCB 5.64/4.03)
          id AA32434; Fri, 2 Dec 1994 09:48:56 +0100
Received: from UBDOS005.UNI-MUENSTER.DE by (AIX 3.2/UCB 5.64/4.03)
          id AA65695; Fri, 2 Dec 1994 09:48:37 +0100
X-Nupop-Charset: IBM 8-Bit
Date: Fri, 2 Dec 1994 09:49:43 +0100 (CET)
From: "Oliver Obst" 
Message-Id: <>
To: medibib-l
Subject: Medlib digest 25.-30.11.
Status: R

Liebe Medibibler,
wieder schaffe ich es nur knapp vor dem wohlverdienten Wochenende, Ihnen den
wohlverdienten Digest zukommen zu lassen. Der Freitag scheint sich langsam
zum Medlib-l-Digest-Tag zu entwickeln!

Also: Auf ein schoenes Wochenende,

Ihr Oliver Obst

1 Becoming an information master in medicine
2 Searching instructions for the MEDLIB-L Archive
3 NEW: IBEGROUP - Internet based Biomedical Engineering GROUP
4 Visible Human Project
5 Santa Claus nun auch auf dem WWW :-)
6 Final GPO Sale Date for: MLM Classifiction, 5th edtion.
7 Mayo Clinic Family Health Book on CD-ROM
8 Clement, Gail. "Evolution of a Species: Science Journals Published on the Internet"
9 Medical Reference Books
10 Cancernet Update for December
11 Worldwide directory of pharmaceutical companies

Date:    Fri, 25 Nov 1994 20:14:00 -0800
From:    Laurie Potter 
Subject: Becoming an information master

There is an interesting article in the most recent issue of the Journal
of Family Practice:

Shaughnessy AF., Slawson DC., Bennett JH. Becoming an information master: a
guidebook to the medical information jungle.  Journal of Family Practice
1994 39(5):489-99

Laurie A. Potter,MLS*Medical Reference Librarian*Savitt Medical Library/306
University of Nevada School of Medicine*Reno,NV 89557-0046
*702-784-4489(fax)  *702-784-4625(voice)

Date:    Fri, 25 Nov 1994 14:28:17 EST
From:    Nancy Start 
Subject: Searching archives instructions

MEDLIB-L Readers,

I have just discovered a nice set of instructions for
searching discussion list archives.  It was written
for PACS-L by Charles Bailey, Jr.  We have a copy
available here on our listserv.  To retrieve it:

send a message to:
                or  listserv@ubvm   (BITNET)

with the command:  get search doc

If you use this document to search the MEDLIB-L
archives, be sure to substitute MEDLIB-L's name
and listserv address!

These instructions are for batch mode searching, which
is the type of searching that all Internet users must
do for our listserv.  It includes instructions for
searching by topic as well as by date.  (Great for
catching up on a messages you may have missed while
set to nomail!)

Let me know if you have any difficulty retrieving this


*  Nancy Start               //                                 *
*  MEDLIB-L List Owner       //   Phone... (716) 829-3337       *
*  Health Sciences Library   //   BITNET... HSLSTART@UBVM       *
*  University at Buffalo     //   Internet...                   *
*  Buffalo, NY 14214         //   HSLSTART@UBVM.CC.BUFFALO.EDU  *

Date:    Wed, 23 Nov 1994 19:47:35 CST
From:    Herman van den Bergen 
Subject: NEW: IBEGROUP - Internet based Biomedical Engineering GROUP



   The IBEGROUP is a non-profit Internet based distributed product
   development group. The current project involves the development of
   a high performance 32/128 channel biomedical data acquisition system
   for research and clinical use. The group's objectives are:

   (1) Make a contribution to the science of biomedical instrumentation
   (2) Provide biomedical engineers with an opportunity to develop
       interdisciplinary contacts worldwide,
   (3) Introduce participants to the art of product development, from
       conception to manufacturing.

   Funding will be sought through grants, sponsors, and support from
   users and manufacturers of biomedical equipment. The group seeks
   expertise in such areas as: low voltage, low power, ultra low noise,
   fiber-optics, telemetry, analog and digital IC design, power/signal
   isolation, DSP, computer interfacing, and manufacturing.

   Scientists, engineers, technologists and educators with relevant
   experience, as well as users and manufacturers of biomedical
   equipment, are invited to participate in this project. Please email
   the Project Coordinator (list owner) for more information.

   This is a private list and subscription is owner controlled.

   Owner: Herman van den Bergen 
Date: Tue, 29 Nov 1994 23:01:33 -0500 (EST)
From: Michael J Ackerman Ph.D. 
Subject: Visible Human Data Set

The License Agreement for use of the male Visible Human Project
data set is now available.  It can be retrieved from NLM's gopher
site, "".  The agreement will be found in the
section entitled Visible Human Project as a text file and as a
downloadable WordPerfect file.  It is also available from NLM's
FTP site, "".  The agreement will be found in
section "visible" as a WordPerfect file, "vhpagree.wp", or as a
text file, "vhpagree.txt".  Please make two copies of the
agreement and have both copies signed as originals by your
appropriate officials.  The agreement requires that you include a
statement explaining your intended use of the data set.  Send
both signed copies of the agreement and the statement of how you
intend to use the data set to me at:

     Dr. Michael J. Ackerman
     Visible Human Project
     National Library of Medicine
     8600 Rockville Pike
     Bethesda, MD 20894

We will have the agreement signed here at NLM and one of the originals
will be returned to you.  At that time you will be sent your account and
password to the Visible Human Project FTP site if you wish to download all
or part of the data set via the internet and information on where you may
purchase the data set on 8 mm or 4 mm DAT tape.  The data set will be
distributed on 6 DAT tapes in a compressed UNIX TAR format corresponding
to 6 body regions.  At this time each tape is estimated to cost $150 in
the US, Canada and Mexico, $300 elsewhere.  A 7th, "sample", tape which
contains the entire body at 1 cm increments will also be available.  The
set of 7 tapes should cost $1,000 in the US, Canada and Mexico, $2,000

Sample images are also available at this time via the NLMPubs FTP
site.  Six full color anatomical images and an explanatory README
file can be found in "visible/samples/color24" as "*.raw".
Please be careful as each of these images is over 6 megabytes in
size.  Ten CT scan images and an explanatory README file can be
found in "visible/samples/ct" as "*.fre" (5 images captured while
the cadaver was fresh) and "*.fro" (5 images captured after the
cadaver was frozen).  Six MRI scan images and an explanatory
README file can be found in "visible/samples/mri" as "*.t1".

The male data set consists of axial MRI images of the head and
neck taken at 5 mm intervals and longitudinal sections of the
rest of the body also at 5 mm intervals.  The MRI images are 256
pixel by 256 pixel resolution.  Each pixel has 12 bits of grey
tone resolution.

The CT data consists of axial CT scans of the head and neck taken
at 1 mm intervals at a resolution of 512 pixels by 512 pixels
where each pixel is made up of 12 bits of grey tone.  The axial
anatomical images are 2048 pixels by 1216 pixels where each pixel
is defined by 24 bits of color, about 7.5 megabytes.  The
anatomical cross-sections are at 1 mm intervals and coincide with
the CT axial images.  There are about 1871 cross-sections for
each mode, CT and anatomy, were obtained from the male cadaver.

The data set from the female cadaver will have the same
characteristics as the male cadaver with one exception.  The
axial anatomical images will be obtained at 0.33 mm intervals
instead of 1.0 mm intervals.  This will result in over 5,000
anatomical images.  The data set is expected to be about 40
gigabytes in size.  Distribution is anticipated during the summer
of 1995.  We are decreasing the spacing in the "Z" direction to
0.33 mm in order to match the pixel spacing in the "XY" plane
which is 0.33 mm.  This will enable developers who are interested
in three-dimensional reconstructions to work with cubic voxels.

Your continued interest in NLM's Visible Human Project is greatly

Michael J. Ackerman, Ph.D.
Project Officer

>From the December Everybody's Internet Update.

Great, it's not enough that you have to explain to your kid why there's a
different Santa at every mall you go to, now you have to tell her why
there's at least three Santas on the World-Wide Web.

Yes, it's dueling Santas! Who has the better North Pole weather forecast:
Snowflake the Elf at or Donder and Blitzen at Citylink?  Do
you go for the cutesy reindeer recipes at Citylink or the more realistic
(i.e., gross) recipes over at (not to be confused with Send e-mail to Santa or fill out a Web form to him? Oh,
it's enough to make one hope for a visit from the Grinch!

In the interests of research, let's visit all three.

We find Santa Number 1 at  First thing you see
is a free "letter from Santa'' that you can customize for your very own
child.  All you have to do is download the thing, load it into a word
processor, subsitute his name for "(Child's Name)" and print it out.
Whee!  Next is "Santa's Christmas Favorites." That could be interesting.
But open it up and, guess what, it's an online mini-catalog just full of
expensive stuff that Junior couldn't possibly want (Scarves? Clocks? I
don't think so).  Sure, Santa and commerce are inextricably linked, but
is the big guy so strapped for cash that he has to turn the workshop into
a showroom?

I flee to Santa Number 2, at  There we find
another canned message from Santa, along with similar messages from
Rudolph and the Elves.  And, oh, look, for only $5, you can order an "I
e-mailed Santa" button! Oookay!  Onto...

Santa Number 3 at  Here we find a Santa with an
Attitude (more precisely, elves with attitude, Kris himself stays pretty
much out of the limelight here).

One thing though: no crass commercialism here.  In fact, the first thing
you see is the Cyberspace Christmas Campaign, where good little boys and
girls can get lists of worthy causes that could use some donations. In
fact, every time someone visits one of the homepages of the listed
charities, corporate sponsors give a dime to the charity (just like a
telethon, but without Jerry Lewis).

Kids can also fill out a North Polargram to send to Santa, and even look
up some recipes from Rudolph: "A tasty concoction of the best from the
frozen tundra. Rudolph says the green slimey moss works the best. He
mixes in the exotic taste of ginger and penguin feathers to create a true
taste treat."

"Penguins" is highlighted; click on it, and you read: "Yeah, yeah, yeah.
We know! 'There are no penguins at the North Pole.' We hear it all the
time. Bet you think reindeer can't fly either!''

There's even a variety of digital Christmas trees and ornaments free for
the downloading, starting with the City Tree (A moderate tree with few
colors. Kind of like those pitiful artificial trees you end up with when
you're stuck someplace you'd rather not be) and ending up with the
Juniper Supreme (when only the finest will do, this JPEG file will turn
your pixels from mere bitmaps into bundles of Xmas joy. Dragging this
data through woods may tire your modem out, but these bits are worth the
extra effort. For extra fun, decorate the national tree with Socks the

This Santa is good friends with the folks who do the "Geek of the Week"
radio show on the Internet and other sound-intensive activities, so it's
no surprise that a lot of the choices are sounds of elves hammering away,
singing songs and the like -- which is no doubt really nice if you have
the time and equipment to download and play these things.

Conclusion? Kids will probably prefer Santa #2 at  Adults, though, should head straight
for Santa #3 at

Date:    Tue, 29 Nov 1994 09:22:00 EST
From:    Christa Hoffmann 
Subject: Final GPO Sale Date for: MLM Classifiction, 5th edtion.

    Update on availability of the National Library of Medicine
    Classification, 5th edition.

    NLM just learned from GPO that the 5th edition will go on sale on
    January 3, 1995.

    Christa Hoffmann
    Head, Cataloging Section

Date:    Wed, 30 Nov 1994 12:19:56 -0600
From:    Pat Erwin 
Subject: Re: Mayo Clinic Family Health Book

Nearly all of the Mayo health books are available on CD-ROM:

The Mayo Clinic Family Health Book (CD-ROM version) is available for both
Mac and Windows.  Published by IVI, Inc. The retail price was $99.95, but
I have seen it discounted for quite awhile.  It's often bundled with
multimedia systems as well.

Also available from same provider (IVI) : Mayo Clinic Heart Book, and just
published, the Mayo Clinic Sports and Fitness Book.

Pat Erwin
Mayo Medical Library
Rochester MN 55905


Date:    Wed, 30 Nov 1994 13:31:03 EST
Subject: Re: Mayo Clinic Family Health Book

Yes, the Mayo Clinic Family Health Health Book is available on CD-ROM and is
available for purchase through several vendors.  One is:
     Continuing Medical Education Associates
     P.O. Box 109074
     Chicago, IL.  60610
     phone  800-227-CMEA
     fax    312-733-3107

It's $59.  Item #159.  Specify for Mac or Windows.

This information is from CMEA's 1995 catalog.

Karen M. Zundel, Director
Health Services Library
McKeesport Hospital
1500 Fifth Avenue                  Medical Librarians...
McKeesport, PA.  15132                 The Specialists' Specialists
phone 412-664-2363
fax   412-664-2581

aus den Current Cites:

Clement, Gail. "Evolution of a Species: Science Journals
Published on the Internet" Database 17(5) (October/November
1994):44-54. -- An excellent overview of the current state
of electronic science journals, including where they have
come from and where they may be headed. Although focused
entirely on science journals, many of the observations are
also appropriate for journals in other disciplines. Clement
includes a number of pointers to key electronic journal
resources. Sidebars include a list of current or planned
electronic science journals, and informative case studies of
specific titles. -- RT

Date:    Thu, 1 Dec 1994 09:07:51 -0500
From:    Marjorie Anderson 
Subject: Re: Reference tools or bibliogrphies in medical areas

A basic resource is " Information Searching in Health Care" by Renee M.
Williams et al.  Slack Inc. 6900 Grove Road, Thorofare NJ 08086. ISBN
1-55642-093-5, 1992.
Hope this helps,
Date:    Thu, 1 Dec 1994 08:38:29 -0600
From:    Anna Beth Crabtree 
Subject: Re: Reference tools or bibliogrphies in medical areas

A good reference tool is:

Introduction to Reference Sources in the Health Sciences. 3rd edition.
by Fred W. Roper and Jo Anne Boorkman, c1994.  Available from Scarecrow
Press, phone 800-537-7107 for $35.00.

Und natuerlich nicht das Buch von Herrn Korwitz (3.Aufl.) vergessen!

Date:    Thu, 1 Dec 1994 12:38:54 -0500
From:    Cheryl Burg 
Subject: Cancernet Update for December

            |       NATIONAL           INSTITUTE           |
            |               C A N C E R                    |
            |  INTERNATIONAL           INFORMATION         |
            |               C E N T E R                    |
                    |  |

CancerNet, NCI's mail server providing cancer information has been
updated for December. For a description of statement changes, request
Monthly PDQ Statement Changes ( cn-405001). For a brief listing
of CancerNet content changes for the current month, request CancerNet
Changes ( cn-400000).

CancerNet is now available on the FEDWORLD BBS. You can access FEDWORLD
via dial-up ( 703 321-8020 8N1 ) or via Internet ( telnet:
( login: new ). Select Option D, Health Mall from
the main menu, and Option B, National Cancer Institute - CancerNet (NCI)
from the submenu.

CANCERLIT citations and abstracts for December will be available
in CancerNet on December 6, 1994.

The National Cancer Institute has a new Information Associates Program
which provides one-stop, easy access to all of NCI's scientific
information resources, including online access to the PDQ database
via the Internet or by dialing toll-free to NCI using just a
modem and personal computer. For details, select news articles
How to Access NCI Information Resources - U.S. Residents ( cn-400035)
or How to Access NCI Information Resources - International ( cn-400036).

To access CancerNet, send a mail message to:

In the body of the mail message, enter HELP to receive the instructions
and most current contents list. If you have a problem accessing CancerNet,
please call 1-800-624-7890 (within U.S.) or (301) 816-2083 or send an
email message to:

CancerNet statements are available in Spanish. To request the
Instructions and Contents List in Spanish, enter SPANISH in the
body of the mail message. If you would like to request the statements
in Spanish, substitute the prefix "cs-" in front of the number
(e.g., cs-100022 to receive the statement on anal cancer in Spanish).
All of the physician, patient, and supportive care statements
are available in Spanish.  Selected news articles marked with a "#" in
the Contents List are available in Spanish.

CancerNet is available on the NIH gopher server. Point gopher client
software to  Select #3 Health and Clinical Information,
and #1 CancerNet information.  Telnet access is available at the
National Cancer Center Research Institute in Tokyo (
login: gopher ). For a listing of other sites where CancerNet
Information is available,  request Redistribution of CancerNet and
CancerNet Availability (cn-400030).  This news article also has information
on the conditions that apply when redistributing CancerNet information.

Please send comments or questions to:

     Cheryl Burg
     International Cancer Information Center

Date:    Thu, 1 Dec 1994 18:10:38 GMT
From:    Richard Gedye 
Subject: Worldwide Directory of Pharma Companies

An organisation over here publish a number of directories giving
info about pharmaceutical companies and personnel worldwide. For
further details contact:-

KYM Research
Random Research Ltd
Trinity House
Ermine Business Park
PE18 6YA

Tel: +44 1480 414 200
Fax: +44 1480 414 210

Hope this helps.

Richard Gedye
Oxford University Press
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
*  Oliver Obst, PhD                      Medical & Computing Department *
*  medibib-l list owner                  Univ. & State Library, Pf 8029 *
*  e-mail:         48043 Muenster |^|^|^| Germany *
*   phone/fax +49.25183-4004/-8398 *
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

From obsto Sat Dec 10 11:40:03 1994
Received: by (AIX 3.2/UCB 5.64/4.03)
          id AA70226; Sat, 10 Dec 1994 11:34:37 +0100
Received: from UBDOS005.UNI-MUENSTER.DE by (AIX 3.2/UCB 5.64/4.03)
          id AA70222; Sat, 10 Dec 1994 11:34:32 +0100
X-Nupop-Charset: IBM 8-Bit
Date: Sat, 10 Dec 1994 11:35:50 +0100 (CET)
From: "Oliver Obst" 
Message-Id: <>
To: medibib-l
Subject: Medlib digest 1.-9.12.
Status: R

Liebe Medibibler,
ich habe mal in medlib-l ein bisschen Reklame gemacht fuer unsere most
valuable ;-) Mailliste. Dort wird naemlich gerade diskutiert, ob und wie und
warum man ueberhaupt noch mit den vielen Mails in medlib-l schritthalten
kann, soll und muss. Na ja, bei 50 Mails am Tag merkt man schon, was es
heisst aus diesem Info-Wust die 1,2 wichtigen rauszusuchen.
4 Tage seinen Briefkasten nicht geleert zu haben heisst, sich 200 Mails
anschauen und mindestens 190 mal die Delete-Taste druecken zu muessen.
In dieser Diskussion wollten sogar einige die medlib-l nur noch fuer
Mitglieder der MLA offenhalten! Der Gedanke, eine eigene Liste nur fuer
MLA-Mitglieder zu machen, scheitert wahrscheinlich nur daran, dass der
naheliegende Name MLA-L schon von der Modern Language Association besetzt
wurde, und dass auch noch die Music Libraries Association "namensmaessig"
im Wege steht.
Schoenes Wochenende, bzw. Wochenanfang,

Ihr Oliver Obst

P.S.: Heute am wichtigsten erscheint mir, dass einfuehrendes Material zur
neuen NLM-Classification auf dem NLM-Gopher vorhanden ist. Darunter z.B.
eine Liste der geloeschten und eine der neu hinzugekommenen Stellen. Ich habe
mir diese Listen heruntergeladen und maile sie jedem zu, der es wuenscht.
(Bitte angeben ob Ascii- oder Wordperfect 5.1-Format gewuenscht).

1  Englische und deutsche "Schwesterlisten" von medlib-l
2  New Interpsych Forum: Addiction Medicine
3  Ten Reasons God Never Got Tenure at any University
4  More on Physician's GenRx
6  Electronic encyclopedias: Summary
7  Clickable World Map by Xerox Parc Web Server
8  National Data Archive on Child Abuse and Neglect
9  Medical List update 12/94
10 Information Super Highway Article
11 IBIs software
12 NLM-Classification 5th. edition: Einfuehrendes Material auf dem
   NLM-Gopher vorhanden (wie gesagt fuer Gopher-Scheue: auch ueber mich
   zu erhalten)
Date:    Thu, 8 Dec 1994 10:05:50 +0100
From:    Oliver Obst 
Subject: Re: Replies on medlib

>PLEASE, let us not find a way to *increase* the number
>of messages coming across Medlib!

>Jeff St. Clair

Dear Jeff,
I think the number of medline contributors will not decrease in the next
few years (I hope not), but there might be some support to prevent
that we suffer from an (amusing) information death:
If a listserv extends to a certain size, it probably gets children, which
will help their mother to compete with growing information needs. There
are at least two listservs which prevent their contributors to plug up
A British one by Tony A. King (lis-medical) and a German one (medibib-l).
They provide not only a very useful medlib-l digestion service, cut down
to their contributors needs, but also a forum for discussions, which are
_not_ of world-wide interest.
If you knew any other please let me know.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
*  Oliver Obst, PhD                      Medical & Computing Department *
*  medibib-l list owner                  Univ. & State Library, Pf 8029 *
*  e-mail:         48043 Muenster |^|^|^| Germany *
*   phone/fax +49.25183-4004/-8398 *
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Date:    Fri, 2 Dec 1994 16:43:11 -0500
From:    "Mr. Ian Pitchford" 
Subject: NEW: Addiction-Medicine

               New InterPsych Forum: Addiction-Medicine

To join send the message: subscribe addiction-medicine

This conference has been set up to encourage an exchange of ideas,
opinions, and information among health care professionals working in the
field of addiction to alcohol and/or other psychoactive substances. A broad
working definition of addiction follows: "Addiction is a disease
characterized by continuous or periodic; impaired control  over the use of
drugs or alcohol, preoccupation with drugs or alcohol, continued use of
these chemicals despite adverse consequences related to their use, and
distortions in thinking, most notably denial." (Adapted from the American
Society of Addiction Medicine).

We recognize that there is a spectrum of use of alcohol and some
psychoactive drugs, from intermittent use that does not interfere with
health, to malignant destructive use. For the purposes of this list we would
in general encourage open discussion about all aspects of addiction as
defined above.

Please note that this list is intended for those working in the field and is
not to be used as a recovery list to work on individual issues. Such work is
supported by many lists on Internet. Strong opinions are welcomed, but
flaming will NOT be tolerated!
Peter E Mezciems, MD, CCFP.

Director of Undergraduate Education
Homewood Alcohol and Drug Services
Homewood Health Centre
150 Delhi St.
Guelph, Ontario
N1E 6K9
Voice: 519-824-1762, ext. 159
Fax: 519-824-1827

Mr Ian Pitchford
Department of Biomedical Science
University of Sheffield
Western Bank
United Kingdom
Tel: +44 742 780319

Date:    Fri, 2 Dec 1994 09:25:45 -0600

Stolen from Mitch Turitz, San Francisco State University  on
the AUTOCAT list:

Top Ten Reasons God Never Got Tenure at any University

1. He had only one major publication.

2. It was in Hebrew and had no references.

3. It wasn't published in a refereed journal and some doubt that
he even wrote it himself.

4. It may be true that he created the world, but what has he
done since then?

5. The scientific community has had a hard time replicating his results.

6. He never applied to the Ethics Board for permission to use live subjects.

7. When one experiment went awry, he tried to cover it up by drowning the

8. He rarely came to class, just told students to read the book.

9. Althought there were only ten requirements, most students failed his tests.

10. His office hours were infrequent and usually held on a mountain top.

Date:    Fri, 2 Dec 1994 10:46:50 CST6CDT
From:    "* E. Guy Coffee" 
Subject: More on Physician's GenRx it's free on the net, too....that was a quick price break  :-)  kb

------- Forwarded Message Follows -------

    *    Announcing Physician's GenRx International (tm)      *
    * The world's most comprehensive drug compendium program  *
    *       now available on-line on the Internet!            *

        The popular Physician's GenRx drug compendium program is now
available for subscription via telnet to the servers at Internet
Connect Services, Inc.

        Physician's GenRx is the most comprehensive listing of
pharmaceuticals available to date.  The database includes the
listing of not only generic but also U.S. and International brand
names.  The database can be searched by generic or brand names and
by drug category.  Multiple drugs can also be tagged and searched for
any potential interaction amongst the entered list in an instant!

        The Internet On-Line addition will be continuously updated
and upgraded so that subscribers don't have to worry about obtaining
update diskettes and constantly upgrading their database to stay

        Physicians GenRx is also available in all Unix OS's and VMS
for site-license applications.  We are accepting hospital and large
clinic applications for beta testing the on-site edition of
Physician's GenRx International (tm).  For more information login as
"guest" and send an e-mail message via our internal messaging
system to ICS.

AVAILABLE *FREE* TO ALL INTERNET USERS: Access with a "guest" account
allowing searching of ALL drugs displaying the description of the

Available by subscription: Detailed and comprehensive information on
ALL drugs along with interaction searching in a fast, easy-to-use

        To access Physician's GenRx International (tm):

telnet to ""

Login as "genrx",      Password "genrx"

Choose appropriate terminal emulation then login the program as:


Respectfully endeavoring to enrich the Internet environment with
quality medical informatics - Internet Connect Services, Inc.

Philip Suarez, M.D.
President - Internet Connect Services, Inc.


From: Mark Funk, Cornell University Medical Library 

Many Collection Development librarians are being asked to either purchase,
recommend, or list available scientific software. A good source for this
type of information is SciTech International, 2525 N. Elston Ave., Chicago,
IL 60647-2003 (phone: 800-622-3345, or 312-486-9191), I have been receiving
their catalogs for a few years, but they have now expanded to the web.
Check out their home page at

Their home page is still in the development stage. While you can now get
pricing and other information that is in their catalog, they will
eventually add live demos of the software, which should be invaluable for
Collection Development work. Why don't more companies offer demos over the
internet? Here is a list of the subjects that SciTech covers:

Bibliographic Research
Biology and Medicine
CAD, CAE, EDA & Architecture
Chemical Drawing and Molecular Modeling
Chemistry and Environmental Chemistry
Chemistry Databases
Curve Fitting
Data Acquisition
Data Analysis
Data Management
Design of Experiments
Econometrics, Time Series Analysis
Electrical Engineering, Electronic & PCB Design
Engineering, Mechanical, Civil and Chemical
Environmental Chemistry
Exploratory Data Analysis
File Conversion
Groundwater Analysis
Image Processing and Analysis
Interactive Graphics
Map & Data Files, Census Data, Other Data Files
Mapping, GIS
Marketing Research, Conjoint Analysis, Correspondence Analysis
Neural Networks
Presentation Graphics
Programming Tools
QC Charts, SPC Tools, ISO-9000 Implementation Tool
Scientific Spreadsheets
Scientific Word Processing Tools
Simulation & Operation Research
Spell Checking and Dictionaries

From: "Yeh, Daniel" 
Subject: Electronic encyclopedias

Thank you all for your responses to my recent inquiry.  I understand that
I do not have to summarize them for the list, as they are all posted
here.  But for those who missed them, here they are (with the
respondents' names omitted):

The Washington Post Business section dated November 28, 1994 contained an
article by Mike Langberg entitled "CD-ROM Encyclopedias Turn to a New
Page on Research."  He reviewed Encarta '95, Compton's NewMedia and the
1995 Grolier Multimedia.  He recommends Compton's for children who are
interested in manipulating the contents (good editing features), Encarta
for children who want to play with an encyclopedia (interesting
simulations), and Groliers for kids 14 and older.  All have street prices
under $100.
        Booklist has a section called Reference Books Bulletin which
covers encyclopedias each year in the September 15 issue. This year
electronic encyclopedias were covered. Another excellent source is
Kenneth F. Kister's "Kister's Best Encyclopedias" from Oryx Press. The
second edition (1994) covers electronic encyclopedias in a separate 40
page section. Finally, PC-Magazine had an issue this summer (sorry, don't
know the date) on the Top 100 CD ROMS which mentioned encyclopedias. Most
of these sources seem to lean toward Groliers for general home use.
NEWSWEEK (12/5/94) PAGE 88 "MOST BANG FOR THE BUCK" (catchy title, don't
(they underrate Grolier's, I think), BUT IT DOES GIVE A GENERAL REVIEW.
The most recent issue of Newsweek (the one with the pizza slice on the
cover) has a one-page review of about 4 encyclopedias.  Good for someone
with a short attention span!
A newsmagazine for online services and CD-ROM, LINK UP, recently
published an extensive 2 part review of CD-ROM encyclopedias (Vol. 11,
issues 5 and 6).  The reviews were quite analytical and well-written,
covering popular (and one or two not-quite-so-popular titles) and looking
into content, interface and search engine design, implementation of
multi-media, etc.
There was a short review on the latest CD Rom encyclopedias in the Dec.
5th, 1994 Newsweek on page 88.  In short, they liked the Microsoft
Encarta the best.  Send me e-mail if you can't get it and I'll fax you a
The 2nd ed. (1994) of Kister's Best Encyclopedias has about 50 pages on
electronic encyclopedias, so that would be the easiest review source.  If
that's not handy, I can tell you that Kister has a chart and gives a
grade of A to the CD of the Britannica, Compton's, Concise Columbia,
Microsoft Encarta, Software Toolworks, and New Grolier.
Our two year experience with both in-library and circulating versions
of the various CD ROM encylopedias is that New Grolier is a better
encyylopedia for the entire family, Comptons is OK for the kiddies, and
Encarta has a better grasp of how a multimedia should be integrated into
a package.

All our in-house small computers are Macs, with our 'real' computer
a VAX running VMS. We circulate all versions available of any CD ROM
title we offer to the public, and Encarta for Windows really blows
the minds of users, while the Mac users all say: 'big deal, we've had
this kind of stuff for years.'
Try PC Magazine - 13 Sep 1994 for review of 100 best CDs - includes a
section on encyclopedias.
Look at the most recent Newsweek, the one with the pizza on the cover.
Daniel, I wrote a review of MS Encarta and the Grolier encyclopedia for
the Winter issue of OCLC Systems Services Magazine - it should be out
soon.  Grolier's is a more comprehensive encyclopedia since it is based
on the Academic American while Encarta is based on Funk & Wagnell's.
However, Encarta is a superior product from the multimedia point of view.
Both are good products but if your patron wants glitz I suggest Encarta -
the 1995 version is now available I think.
The latest edition of Newsweek has a Focus on Technology section and
among other things compares cd encyclopedias. (omigosh, as I write this
I'm wondering: was it the latest Wired (2.12) or Newsweek?) Nah, I'm
pretty sure it was Newsweek. They seemed to like Encarta best.
I've only watched others used CD-ROM encyclopedias, but those people I
know who use them a lot, say the Groliers is the best.
Encarta is excellent and under $100.

Thank you very much.

Daniel Yeh
West Chester University

Xerox PARC Web Map Viewer offers a "clickable" world map which lets you
zoom in on areas of interest. Cities, roads, and rivers are not labeled
since the underlying map data contains only line data such as coastlines,
borders, rivers, roads, and not the data or software to add labels or
topographic information. However, there is a link to link to the
Geographic Name Server which allows searches by name, and returns a Map
Viewer page which pinpoints the searched item on the appropriate map.

National Data Archive on Child Abuse and Neglect, provided by the Family
Life Development Center at Cornell University.
gopher to:

Date:    Wed, 7 Dec 1994 01:23:51 -0500
From:    Gary Malet 
Subject: ANNOUNCE: "The Medical List"  12/94 Update


                       THE MEDICAL LIST

                 Version 1.12,  1 December 1994
               Dr. Gary Malet,
             Lee Hancock, LE07144@UKANVM.CC.UKANS.EDU

 A December 1, 1994 update of The Medical List is now available from
  the Univ. of Michingan Clearinghouse for Subject Oriented Guides
     The Medical List is a database of clinical medicine Internet
resources. This new and improved version categorizes resources by
disease, specialty, and other interest areas and lists more than 45
new entries. It gives text descriptions of resources, spotlights
the more developed programs, and gives news and backround on
Internet medical resource development.
     The Medical List is made available in a Mosaic, hypertext,
Internet-linked format as "Medical Matrix". Medical Matrix is
available at the URL:
Dr. Gary Malet                |7 W 5th Street       |  "communication,
Family Physician              |Stockton, Ca. 95206  |      search,
Healthtel, Inc.-windows based |VOICE  209-466-6878  |     delivery,
  medical telecommunications  |FAX    209-466-0502  |    networking"         |Compuserve 72630.1535|

Date:    Wed, 7 Dec 1994 09:11:45 -0600
From:    Nancy Reynolds 
Subject: Information Super Highway Article

I was bumped off of MEDLIB listserver for a week so I don't know if
someone already mentioned that Physician's Management published a 10 page
article entitled " Hey! Let's cruise the divided 'information super
highway'", v. 34, no. 11, November 1994, pp. 36-40,43-46, 49.

Nancy Reynolds
Texas Medical Association Library
401 West 15th Street
Austin, TX 78701-1680

Date:    Thu, 8 Dec 1994 11:01:35 -0800
From:    MB Stargrove 

Greetings -

You may have heard about IBIS, the Interactive BodyMind Information System.
I know many of you use IBIS in your practices.

IBIS is a large software reference tool for clinical practice, teaching and
It provides treatment options and materia medica information for 282
conditions from the perspectives of nutrition, homeopathy, acupuncture,
Western and Chinese herbs, psychospiritual approaches, physical medicine,
vibrational healing, etc.

IBIS is produced by AMR'TA, a non-profit group, and is essentially an
on-going collective work of the coomplementary/alternative/natural medicine

If you want to explore a demo of IBIS (Mac or DOS/PC) or examine some
sample texts from IBIS you can now access them from an ftp site.
Here's how:
 ftp to,
 log in as anonymous,
 and go to the
 /vendors/ibis directory.

The URL is:

The IBIS demos are also on CompuServe and America-On-Line in software libraries.

A recent letter from Jeffrey Bland, Ph.D., calls IBIS an "extraordinary work".

Likewise, a review in the Dec. '94 "Journal of Alternative and
Complementary Medicine" by Leon Chaitow, ND, DO, called "IBIS on Trial in
Practice" concludes "Every practitioner should have the system" after using
it as his primary reference tool during an average day in his clinical

IBIS doesn't have all the answers, nor is it "complete".
Rather it is a living work that reflects and communicates our collective
desire to serve our patients and refine our work through empirical research
and collective interaction.
You are invited to participate in this exciting and necessary process.

Blessings and Good Health,
(a.k.a. Mitchell Bebel Stargrove, N.D., L.Ac.)
                  "The art of medicine consists of amusing the patient
                              while nature cures the disease."    - Voltaire

Date:    Fri, 9 Dec 1994 09:54:00 EST
From:    Christa Hoffmann 
Subject: NLM Classification 5th ed., Introductory Materials on GOPHER

National Library of Medicine Classification, 5th Edition,
Introductory Materials is now available on the NLM Gopher.

You will find this material under
Internet Address:
Path:  Technical services resources and information \ NLM

NLM is making the introductory materials, geographic table and
the list of new and deleted classification numbers of the NLM
Classification, 5th edition, available on the gopher to libraries
who wish to use the new classification numbers before they
receive the publication from GPO.  These files will be available
through March 1995.

Included are:
Introduction -- Provides a brief history of the Classification and
                the scope of the revision.
NLM Classification Practices -- Provides a brief overview of NLM
                classification practices, including special plans, serial
                publications, application of Library of Congress Schedules,
                and changes in classification practice since the 4th
                edition was published.
Table G -- Provides instructions for applying Table G notations for
                geographic arrangement, as well as the table itself,
                including a listing of obsolete notations.
Introduction to the Index of the Classification -- Provides
                an overview to the Index and instructions on its use.
Numbers Added or Deleted -- Consists of two tables, the first for
                the new numbers and the second for the deleted ones.  These
                tables may be especially useful to librarians who wish to
                apply the new numbers immediately.

The Schedules themselves and the Index to the Classification will
not be available on the gopher.

The documents are available in a WP5.1 version and an ASCII version.

From medibib-l-request Mon Dec 12 09:03:11 1994
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From: Ulrich Korwitz 
Subject: Gesundheitswegweiser
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Status: O

Liebe Medibibler,

hier ein Hinweis auf ein wichtiges Auskunftsmittel, das gerade in der 2. 
Auflage erschienen ist:

Gesundheitswegweiser: Kooperationspartner, ihre Aufgaben und Angebote.-
2., aktualisierte u. erw. Aufl.- Koeln: Bundeszentrale fuer 
gesundheitliche Aufklaerung, 1994.- 640 S.

Aus dem Vorwort:

"Beschreibt ca. 230 ueberregional taetige Fachinstitutionen und informiert 
ueber ihre Angebote (Fachinformation, Medien, Fortbildungs- und 
Beratungsmoeglichkeiten, Referentendienste)


Soziale Dienste

Preis: 15,- DM (gegen Rechnung)

Anforderung bei:

Bundeszentrale fuer gesundheitliche Aufklaerung
Herrn Stephan Bluemel
Ostmerheimer Str. 200
51109 Koeln

Ulrich Korwitz
Deutsche Zentralbibliothek fuer Medizin

From obsto Tue Dec 13 17:00:15 1994
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          id AA57280; Tue, 13 Dec 1994 16:36:45 +0100
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Date: Tue, 13 Dec 1994 16:38:02 +0100 (CET)
From: "Oliver Obst" 
Message-Id: <>
To: medibib-l
Subject: Fw: Anfrage aus Marburg
Status: RO

Das ist wohl fuer die Liste:
From: "Brugbauer, Ralf" 
Tue, 13 Dec 1994 13:50:48
To: "Oliver Obst" 
Subject: Anfrage aus Marburg

Lieber Herr Obst, zunaechst vielen Dank fuer die aktuellen
Veraenderungen in der NLM-Klassifiation!!
Vor wenigen Minuten erhielt ich eine Anfrage, die ich nicht zu
beantworten wusste. Vielleicht gelingt mit Hilfe der Medibib-l eine

Eine praktizierende Aerztin hatte von einem mir unbekannten
amerikanischen Computerprogramm gehoert, welches in der Lage sein
soll, englischsprachige medizinische Texte oder auch Aufsaetze in die
deutsche Sprache zu uebersetzen. Falls Ihnen dieses Programm bekannt
sein sollte, teilen Sie mir bitte mit:
- Wer vertreibt dieses Programm?
- Wie ist die Qualitaet einzuschaetzen?
- Wieviel kostet es?
Fuer Hinweise danke ich herzlich! Gruss Ralf Brugbauer, Marburg

******                                       ******
***  Ralf Brugbauer                             ***
**                                               **
**   Universitaetsbibliothek Marburg             **
*    Tel.: 06421/28 5131 od. 5141                 *
*    Fax.: 06421/28 5133                          *
*    Postfach 1920 35008 Marburg                  *
* E-Mail: *
***                                             ***

From medibib-l-request Tue Dec 13 17:02:20 1994
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=00Folgende Dubletten stehen kostenlos zur Verf=81gung:

=00AJR (1993), Vol 161, Nr. 3
=00American Journal of Clinical Nutrition (1993), Vol. 57, Nr 4
=00American Journal of Medicine (1994), Vol. 96, Nr 2,5,6
=00American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology (1994), Vol. 170, Nr=
=00BMJ (1994), Vol 308, Nr 6920-6945, Index
=00Cancer (1994), Vol. 73, Nr 1-7, Nr 10
=00Chest (1993) Vol. 104, Nr 1-6; Vol. 105 (1994) Nr 1-5
=00Fukushima Journal of Medical Science (1992), Vol. 38, Nr 1
=00The Journal of International Medical Research (1993), Vol. 21, Nr =
=00Journal of General Internal Medicine (1993), Vol. 8, Nr 4
=00The Journal of Steroid Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (1994),
=00                                                       Vol. 48, Nr=
=00Kobe Journal of Medical Sciences (1993), Vol. 39, Nr 1-6
=00Krankenpflege Journal (1993), Vol. 31, Nr 1-12
=00Laryngologie-Rhinologie-Otologie (1993), Vol. 72, Nr 1-6
=00Neurosciences (Japan) (1993), Vol. 19, Nr 1-4 und Suppl.
=00Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA (1993),
=00                                                      Vol. 90, Nr =
=00Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine
=00                                             (1994), Vol. 205, Nr =
=00Psychopharmacology Bulletin (1993), Vol.29 Nr 2
=00Revue roumaine de physiologie (1990), Vol. 27, Nr 1
=00Schweizer Spital (1992), Vol. 56, Nr 11, (1993), Vol. 57, Nr 9,10,=
=00Schweiz. Aerztezeitung (1993), Vol. 74, Nr 1-8, Nr 10-18, Nr 20-30=
=00Science (1992), Vol. 255, Nr 5040-5052, Vol. 256, Nr 5053-5065, Vo=
=00        257, Nr 5066-5077, Vol. 258, Nr 5078-5090, (1993), Vol. 25=
=00        Nr 5091-5103, Vol. 260, Nr 5104-5116, Vol. 261, Nr 5117-51=
=00        Vol. 262, Nr. 5133-5142
=00Stroke (1977 - 1984),Vol. 8 - Vol. 15, jeweils Nr 1-6, (1985), Vol=

From medibib-l-request Thu Dec 15 17:58:41 1994
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Status: R

          Liebe Medibib-ler,

          wer kann mir in folgender Angelegenheit helfen:

          Ich suche Informationen }ber bereits existierende Netzwerke
          / Informationssyteme zu den Themen "Krebs" und "Herz-/Kreis-
          lauf", in Deutschland und in den }brigen EU-L{ndern. Ich
          habe von einem "Onco-Net" geh|rt, wei~ aber noch nichts
          N{heres dar}ber. Gibt es noch andere Netze? Sind irgendwo
          welche im Aufbau?

          Im voraus schon vielen Dank.

          Kornelia Junge
          Springer-Verlag, Tiergartenstr. 17, 69115 Heidelberg

From obsto Fri Dec 16 08:50:28 1994
Received: by (AIX 3.2/UCB 5.64/4.03)
          id AA65480; Fri, 16 Dec 1994 08:36:28 +0100
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          id AA65465; Fri, 16 Dec 1994 08:36:25 +0100
X-Nupop-Charset: IBM 8-Bit
Date: Fri, 16 Dec 1994 08:37:02 +0100 (CET)
From: "Oliver Obst" 
Message-Id: <>
To: medibib-l
Subject: Fw: Oncolink
Status: R

Frau Moyer hatte es versehentlich an medibib-l-request geschickt statt an
die Liste, O.Obst
From: "Eileen C. Moyer"  
Thu, 15 Dec 1994 13:53:03 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Oncolink

Liebe Kornelia
	Meine Meinung nach, Sie moechten Oncolink finden.  Hoeffenlich
haben Sie WWW oder koennen ein publicum WWW Platz (site) finden.
Die Addresse ist:

Es gibt auch ein anderes WWW site mit viel Information von Medizin
Grunden (sources auf English).  Das URL ist:

Kann jemand Kornelia helfen das (die,der) WWW zu finden and benutzen?
	Eileen Moyer	Massachusetts College of Pharmacy, Sheppard Library

From obsto Tue Dec 20 11:46:26 1994
Received: by (AIX 3.2/UCB 5.64/4.03)
          id AA63438; Tue, 20 Dec 1994 11:26:57 +0100
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          id AA48068; Tue, 20 Dec 1994 11:26:53 +0100
X-Nupop-Charset: IBM 8-Bit
Date: Tue, 20 Dec 1994 11:27:33 +0100 (CET)
From: "Oliver Obst" 
Message-Id: <>
To: medibib-l
Subject: Fw: GfKl-Tagung: Bibliotheken und Internet
Status: R

Aus der Liste INETBIB, O.Obst
From: Hans-Joachim Waetjen  
Tue, 20 Dec 1994 10:04:47 MET-DST
To: Internet in Bibliotheken 
Subject: GfKl-Tagung: Bibliotheken und Internet

Liebe INETBIB-Kolleginnen und -Kollegen,

nachfolgend moechte ich Euch/Sie auf ein - hoffentlich interessantes 
- Tagungsprogramm aufmerksam machen, das die Kollegen Hobohm, Hermes 
und ich fuer die Gesellschaft fuer Klassifikation zusammengestellt 
haben. Ich hoffe viele von Euch/Ihnen in Basel zu treffen.
Bis dann
Han Waetjen

Gesellschaft fuer Klassifikation e.V.

- Lernen und Wissen -
19. Jahrestagung -- Universitaet Basel -- 8.-10. Maerz 1995

Auszug aus dem vorlaeufigen Programm

Das Internet steht bei dieser Jahrestagung im Mittelpunkt der die 
Bibliothekare und Dokumentare interessierenden Vortraege. Das Chaos 
im Internet ordnet sich langsam auch dank der Klassifikationsarbeit 
von Bibliothekaren. In dem jaehrlichen, traditionellen 
Fortbildungskurs der GfKl werden Referenten in praktischen Demonstra-
tionen die Erschliessung der Informationsressourcen im Internet und 
die Recherchestrategien mit den verschiedenen Suchwerkzeugen 
darstellen. Die Moeglichkeiten und Schwierigkeiten bei der 
Klassifikation und Gewinnung von Information im Internet werden durch 
die Vortraege in den Sektionen vertieft.
Schliesslich lockt die Baseler Fassnacht unmittelbar vor der Tagung. 
Sie macht aber auch eine rechtzeitige Hotelbuchung erforderlich.


Hans-Juergen Pfeffer (Clausthal):
Gopher und Veronica

Traugott Koch (Lund):
World Wide Web und WAIS. Methoden der automatischen Klassifizierung 
und Indizierung


Thomas Dierig (Konstanz):
Online-Bibliothekskataloge in Gopher und World Wide Web




Diann D. Rusch-Feja (Berlin):
Strukturierung von fachbezogenen Informationen im Internet

Peter Ihm (Marburg):
Fragen der Qualitaetssicherung im Internet am Beispiel der Medizin 


David Price (Oxford):
Indexing the world: current developments in accessing distributed 

Rainer Hammwoehner, Rolf Assfalg (Konstanz):
Aufgabenangepasster Zugang zu Internet-Ressourcen




Traugott Koch (Lund):
Versuche zur automatischen Klassifikation von WAIS-Datenbanken und 
zur Unterstuetzung des Retrievals klassifizierter Internet-Dokumente 

Alois Kempf (Birmensdorf):
Forstliche Klassifikation und Meta-Information zum Wald im Internet 


Klaus Lepsky (Duesseldorf):
Automatische Indexierung in der Sacherschliessung

Fredy Groebli, Felix Winter (Basel):
Koordination der verbalen Sacherschliessung im Deutschschweizer 



Ronald Chemelli (Graz):
Unvereinbarkeit zwischen DK und RSWK?

WaltherTraiser (Frankfurt /M.):
Die Deutsche Bibliothek - Sacherschliessung: Der neueste Stand

Mechthild Dilger (Aachen):
Das Miteinander von DK und RSWK in Aachen


Fuehrung durch die Oeffentliche Bibliothek der Universitaet Basel 
(Schoenbeinstrasse 18-20)

Klaus Loth (Zuerich):
Neuerungen in ETHICS

Anette Weisse (Freiberg):
Projekt DK-Umsetzung an der UB Freiberg

Franz-Johann Heigl (Wien):
5. Dach-Konferenz am 13.9.1994 in Wien. Ein Bericht

1.1 Berichte der Mitglieder ueber neue Entwicklungen an ihren 
1.2 Verschiedenes

Anmeldungen an:
ISO/WWZ, Prof. Dr. W. Polasek, Universitaet Basel, Petersgraben 51, 
CH-4051 Basel, Tel.: ++41/+61/2673311. Fax: ++41/+61/2673327, E-mail:

DM 95,- fuer Mitglieder der GfKl und assozierter Gesellschaften 
(inkl. Tagungsband)
DM 150,- fuer Nichtmitglieder (inkl. Tagungsband)
DM 20,- fuer Studenten (ohne Tagungsband)
DM 35,- nur Fortbildungskurs (ohne Tagungsband)
DM 60,- Rheinfahrt mit Fondue (ggf. mit Tagungsgebuehr ueberweisen)

Ueberweisung an:
W. Polasek Sonderkonto, Nr. 3276 56-759, Postbank Karlsruhe BLZ 660 
100 75
W. Polasek, ISO/WWZ, Nr. 40-159298-5, Postscheckamt Basel, 
Hans-Joachim Waetjen
Bibliotheks- und Informationssystem
der Universitaet Oldenburg
Uhlhornsweg 49-55
Postfach 2541
26015 Oldenburg
Tel.: +49-441-7984010
FAX:  +49-441-7984040

From Wed Dec 21 12:18:27 1994
Received: from UBDOS005.UNI-MUENSTER.DE by (AIX 3.2/UCB 5.64/4.03)
          id AA61425; Wed, 21 Dec 1994 12:01:47 +0100
X-Nupop-Charset: IBM 8-Bit
Date: Wed, 21 Dec 1994 12:02:29 +0100 (CET)
From: "Oliver Obst" 
Message-Id: <>
To: medibib-l, , ,
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Subject: Merry Christmas to Everybody!
Status: R

Obwohl ich ja ein schlechtes Gewissen wegen der Netzueberlastung habe,
folgen nun jeden Tag bis Heiligabend ein paar schoene Weihnachtsgruesse ...

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___________________Wuenscht Ihnen Ihr Oliver Obst________________________
 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
 *  Oliver Obst, PhD                      Medical & Computing Department *
 *  medibib-l list owner                  Univ. & State Library, Pf 8029 *
 *  e-mail:         48043 Muenster |^|^|^| Germany *
 *   phone/fax +49.25183-4004/-8398 *
 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

From Thu Dec 22 15:19:23 1994
Received: from UBDOS005.UNI-MUENSTER.DE by (AIX 3.2/UCB 5.64/4.03)
          id AA08433; Thu, 22 Dec 1994 15:04:27 +0100
X-Nupop-Charset: IBM 8-Bit
Date: Thu, 22 Dec 1994 15:05:05 +0100 (CET)
From: "Oliver Obst" 
Message-Id: <>
To: medibib-l, , ,
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Subject: Merry Christmas Teil 2
Status: R

Ich habe leider beim letzten Mal vergessen hinzuzufuegen, dass ich diese
schoenen Sachen *nicht* selber gemalt habe (und auch keine Zeit ...).
Ansonsten: Viel Spass!

Oliver Obst

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         W I S H I N G    Y O U    A   M E R R Y   C H R I S T M A S
 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
 *  Oliver Obst, PhD                      Medical & Computing Department *
 *  medibib-l list owner                  Univ. & State Library, Pf 8029 *
 *  e-mail:         48043 Muenster |^|^|^| Germany *
 *   phone/fax +49.25183-4004/-8398 *
 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

From Fri Dec 23 09:31:22 1994
Received: from UBDOS005.UNI-MUENSTER.DE by (AIX 3.2/UCB 5.64/4.03)
          id AA09898; Fri, 23 Dec 1994 09:17:58 +0100
X-Nupop-Charset: IBM 8-Bit
Date: Fri, 23 Dec 1994 09:18:40 +0100 (CET)
From: "Oliver Obst" 
Message-Id: <>
To: medibib-l, , ,
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Subject: Merry xmas part 3 and a happy new year!
Status: R

Ihnen allen nocheinmal (und zum letztenmal in '94) die schoensten
Weihnachtsglueckwuensche und ein gesegnetes neues Jahr!
Ihr O.Obst

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 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
 *  Oliver Obst, PhD                      Medical & Computing Department *
 *  medibib-l list owner                  Univ. & State Library, Pf 8029 *
 *  e-mail:         48043 Muenster |^|^|^| Germany *
 *   phone/fax +49.25183-4004/-8398 *
 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

From obsto Fri Dec 23 10:24:10 1994
Received: by (AIX 3.2/UCB 5.64/4.03)
          id AA57640; Fri, 23 Dec 1994 10:08:40 +0100
Received: from UBDOS005.UNI-MUENSTER.DE by (AIX 3.2/UCB 5.64/4.03)
          id AA69095; Fri, 23 Dec 1994 10:08:33 +0100
X-Nupop-Charset: IBM 8-Bit
Date: Fri, 23 Dec 1994 10:09:16 +0100 (CET)
From: "Oliver Obst" 
Message-Id: <>
To: medibib-l
Subject: Medlib Digest 17.-22.12. + anderes
Status: O

Liebe Medibibler,
ich freue mich, Ihnen den vorerst letzten Digest diesen Jahres anbieten
zu koennen. (Freue ich mich jetzt, dass es der letzte ist oder freue ich
mich ueber das Anbieten? - Wie mehrdeutig ist doch diese Form der
Kommunikation!)  Also ersteres:-)

Nochmals alles Gute,

Ihr Oliver Obst

1 NEW: OB-GYN-L - A list for the obstetrician and gynecologist
2 Medical College of Georgia Gopher
3 The University of Colorado Health Sciences Center
4 World Cancer Research Fund Gopher
5 HealthNet Projects Web Site
6 The American Society of Health-System Pharmacists
7 Biomedical/Biotechnical Marketing Communications
8 pharmacy sources on the internet
9 New Issue of the Electronic Green Journal
10 New listserv targets MLA Cancer Section Librarians
11 The Diabetes Knowledgebase
12 DNA to Dinosaurus: A natural history of medicine electronic exhibit
13 Informationen ueber CISTI (von CANMEDLIB)
14 Neue Internetanleitungen fuer folgende Themen:
"Quick Information About Cancer For Patients And Their Families"
"Women's Health Resources on the Internet"
"Emotional Support: Physical Loss, Chronic Illness, and Bereavement"


Date:    Tue, 13 Dec 1994 20:07:10 CST
From:    "Geffrey H. Klein" 
Subject: NEW: OB-GYN-L - A list for the obstetrician and gynecologist

ob-gyn-l on

   ob-gyn-l is an open, unmoderated list for the obstetrician and
   gynecologist.  We discuss topics of interest to ob/gyn physicians.
   These topics include discussion of practices, research, interesting
   patients, and lifestyle.

   To subscribe, send the following command in the BODY of mail to

   subscribe ob-gyn-l yourfirstname yourlastname


   subscribe ob-gyn-l Joe Schmoe

   Owner: Geffrey H. Klein, MD  

Medical College of Georgia Gopher:  Pointers to Biomedical Research at
MCG, other Health Sciences Resources on the 'Net, and more. --Scout
gopher to:

The University of Colorado Health Sciences Center is one of four campuses
of the University system; it houses the schools of Dentistry, Medicine,
Nursing, and Pharmacy, University Hospitals, and Central Services
gopher to:

World Cancer Research Fund gopher is still under construction, but offers
links to WCRF organizations in the Netherlands, United Kingdom, and USA.
Information offered in the form of newsletters and brochures. -- Scout
gopher to:

Subject: Announcing HealthNet to GO!

Annoucing HealthNet to Go,

The first version of an Internet package for Health Resources is now up on
FTP sites, I am dubbing it HealthNet to Go (was going to call it HealthNet
in a Box, but thought that sounded a little to much like another
commercial product :) ) .  HealthNet to go one of the HealthNet Internet
based projects from Industry Canada, Including the HealthNet WWW
Demonstration Project a single window acess point for Internet Health
Resources on the Internet.  To find out more go to the HealthNet Projects
Web Site:

for more Information contact:

Michael Pluscauskas
Health Network Applications Consultant, CDD, Industry Canada
President, Health Information Infrastructure (HII) Consulting
Ottawa, Canada
(613) 990-3305, Industry Canada
(613) 745-7621, HII Consulting

A description follows below,

HealthNet to GO!

HealthNet to GO! is an exercise to optimize currently available Internet
tools for the health community.  It consists of a number of different
packages which can be easily installed and allow the health Internet user
to easily access a number of different health related sites.

Important !!! Disclaimer:  HealthNet to GO! is NOT a commercial product,
is NOT for resale purposes, is NOT supported and we take NO responsiblity
for any problems it may cause.  It is a reconfiguration of different
currently available Internet software to "point" to health related content
around the Internet.  HealthNet to GO! and the related projects with the
goal of enabling users to make better use of the content that is currently
available to them.

It is currently available for Windows 3.1x formats and assumes that the
user either has access to SLIP (or SLIP like access - through something
like TIA), or a direct connection via a LAN and is thus capable of using
Windows 3.1x interfaces to access the Internet.

It is hoped that by providing easier installation and preconfigured
pointers that new health users on the
Internet will be able to start using Internet to be able to assist them
in their work.

HealthNet to GO is available in a number of formats

a) FORMAT1: The full "plug and play format"

HealthNet to Go! has an easy plug and play install package and should be
installed from three 1.44M, 3.5" Diskettes.

This package includes**:

- Netscape WWW browser, preconfigured to point at different health sites
around the Internet, (under bookmark menu item).
- Viewers for images, mpeg and quicktime movies preconfigured to work
with Netscape
- Trumpet Newsreader and Emailer preconfigured to point at Newsgroups
around the Internet
- Telnet client preconfigured to work with Netscape - SLIP dialer
client for Windows

(** all software are currently available freeware or shareware products)

To install HealthNet to Go from an FTP site follow the instructions below:

WARNING:  If you are already using Netscape this format will copy over the
netscape.ini in your Windows directory to ensure that this will not cause
you problems check your Windows directory and copyu any netscape.ini files
to netscape2.ini (or any other name) to ensure that any information there
is saved.

1) ftp to  : or (login as anonymous, password is
your Internet address)

2) If you are using an FTP client change directory to: pub/healthnet (for
hpb1) or  cmc/hlthnet for (

3) make sure your client is set to binary mode (eg type bin).

4a) get
4b) get
4c) get

5) Transfer files to PC hard drive

6) make sure pkunzip is available.  (if you don't have it is available at in /pub/healthnet)

6) Place empty disk in drive A

7) pkunzip -d a: (make sure you use -d command)

8) Place second empty disk in drive A

9) pkunzip -d a:

10) Place third empty disk in drive A

11) pkunzip -d a:

User should now have complete installation disks

Go into Windows 3.1x
1) Place disk 1 in drive A
2) From program manager in windows 3.1x use the run command

Many thanks to Ben Bohren, Medical Informatics Group, UNCC, for
programming the installation package.

Wish list: (to come)

Help Files
Interactive Install to preconfigure SLIP etc ....
Availablity in other formats Mac, dos etc ...

b) FORMAT 2: Netscape bookmark file

If you are already using Netscape and have the viewers preconfigured as
you wish, then you can the hlthmark.htm file which is a Netscape bookmark
file configured to point to health care sites.


1) ftp to  : (login as anonymous, password is your Internet

2) If you are using an FTP client change directory to: pub/healthnet

3) Get file hlthmark.htm

4) Copy file into the directory where Netscape is located (eg: netscape).

5) If you want to use it as a bookmark file go to Preferences under
Options pull down menu, and under Directories, Applications and News,
choose hlthmark.htm as your Bookmark file.

I would like to thank Ben Bohren of UNCC again for his help with the
"plug and play install programs.  I look forward to hearing any comments
that people may have.

-- more in the next little while

-- until later and Merry X-mas to all
-- Michael

Michael Pluscauskas
Health Network Applications Consultant:
Industry Canada, Ottawa; (613) 990-3305 phone; (613) 952-0566 fax
Health Information Infrastructure (HII) Consulting: Owner and President
Manager HealthNet Listserv (subscribe
HealthNet WWW Demo (

Date: Sat, 17 Dec 1994 00:34:02 -0500 (EST)
From: Jenny Jacobson <>
Subject: PharmNet BBS, online drug databases, software programs...

FYI... Lee

The American Society of Health-System Pharmacists, an international pharmacy
professional association with over 30,000 members, is a publisher of several
databases of drug information, International Pharmaceutical Abstracts, and
several software programs -- including MedTeach, a software program with
patient medication monographs on commonly used medications, home care
treatments, and chemotherapy.   For more information, please feel free to
communicate with me via InterNet at

ASHP also has an electronic bulletin board -- PharmNet --on pharmacy practice
and therapy issues, downloadable files, and e-mail with pharmacists worldwide.
Access to PharmNet is open to non-ASHP members for $150/year. For more
information, please call 301-657-4383 (Bethesda, MD).

Lee Hancock                            || Archie R. Dykes Library
Educational Technologist               || 3901 Rainbow Blvd.
University of Kansas Medical Center    || Kansas City, KS 66160-7181
                                       || (913) 588-7144
Bitnet   - LE07144@UKANVM              ||
Internet - LE07144@UKANVM.CC.UKANS.EDU || "Knowledge is nothing if not
                                       ||  shared"... Me
Owner & Editor: Internet/BitNet Health Science Resources List
Owner CPRI-L ( Computerized Pt. records
      HMATRIX-L ( Online Health Resources

Date:         Mon, 19 Dec 1994 16:23:05 CST
From: "Kim M. Bayne" 
To: Multiple recipients of list NEW-LIST <@UKANVM.CC.UKANS.EDU:NEW-LIST@NDSUVM1.bitnet>
Subject: NEW: BIOMARKET - Biomedical/Biotechnical Marketing Comm.
Message-ID: <>

FYI... Lee


   Biomedical/Biotechnical Marketing Communications

   The BIOMARKET list has been established to discuss marketing
   communications as it relates to human biomedical and biotechnical
   products.  To share information on strategies, tactics, and resources
   available to biomed/biotech marketing communicators.  Level of
   discussion varies from basic how-to-do-it to high-level marketing
   strategy analysis in the biomedical and biotechnical product

   Typical BIOMARKET subscribers might:

      a.) have positions titled Vice President of Marketing and Sales,
      Marketing Communications Manager, Marketing Assistant, Communications
      Specialist, PR Manager, Advertising Director, Account Executive,
      and/or Trade Show Coordinator...

      b.) have responsibilities in such areas as advertising,
      collateral/sales literature, direct mail, public relations, trade
      shows, corporate identity, sales support, and/or leads management...

      c.) market products in the fields of AIDS research, anesthesiology,
      biology, biomedical science or engineering, cancer research,
      cardiovascular and pumonary disease, genetics, immunology, neurology,
      pathology, pediatrics, pharmaceuticals, etc...

      d.) market products to clinics, government, hospitals, laboratory
      scientists, pharmaceutical and medical research centers, physicians,

      e.) read such trade publications as Bio/Technology, Biomedical
      Products, Biopharm, Biotech Brief, Biotech Buyers' Guide,
      BioTechniques, JAMA, Medical Device & Diagnostics Industry, Medical
      Product Manufacturing News, Medical Devices, Medical Equipment
      Designer, Medical Electronics, Pharmaceutical Technology, The New
      England Journal of Medicine...

      f.) track biomedical and biotechnical coverage in The New York Times,
      The Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, the Wall Street Journal...

   To subscribe, email with the message:

      subscribe BIOMARKET Your Real Name

   Owner:  Kim M. Bayne

Date:    Tue, 20 Dec 1994 13:44:44 -0500
From:    "Eileen C. Moyer" 
Subject: Re: pharmacy sources on the internet

The best overall view of pharmacy info/bbs/listservs I have found is:
This was set-up and is maintained by a pharmacist at U of OK.  Both
commerical and academic sites are listed.

The URL for PharmWeb (Univ of Manchester/UK) is:

PharmInfoNet (which is also accessible through the first URL I listed
above) is maintained by PIA Ltd, but "resides" at U Penn.  It is devoted
to pharmaceutical information and plans to include package inserts and
other info for physicians and pharmacists.
The direct URL is:
        (that a number one in pia1 above)

Hope this is helpful.
        Eileen Moyer
        Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Allied Health Sciences
        Asst Librarian/Reference

Date:    Thu, 15 Dec 1994 17:53:42 -0700
From:    Pollastro Mike 
Subject: New issue of Electronic Green Journal available

Please forgive the duplication caused by cross-posting of the
following to several library and environmental listservs.  Please
feel free to forward this posting to any individual or list that
would be interested in it.

The University of Idaho Library announces the availability of the
second issue of the ELECTRONIC GREEN JOURNAL (ISSN: 1076-

The ELECTRONIC GREEN JOURNAL is a professional refereed
publication devoted to disseminating information concerning
sources on international environmental topics including:
assessment, conservation, development, disposal, education,
hazards, pollution, resources, technology, and treatment.
Environmental issues  frequently cross national borders; therefore,
our journal encourages the international sharing of environmental
expertise. The journal serves  communities as an educational
environmental resource, and includes both  practical and scholarly
articles, bibliographies, reviews, editorial  comments, and
announcements.  We are academically sponsored; however, our
focus is for the educated generalist as well as the specialist.

Advertisements are accepted at a rate of $150/screen (24 lines x 70
characters/line) or portion thereof for commercial organizations and
$75/screen for non-profit organizations.  Text or images can be

The journal is available via gopher, worldwide web, ftp
or by subscription.

To subscribe, send an email message to MAJORDOMO@UIDAHO.EDU
with the following in the body of the message:
     subscribe egj your_email_address


  gopher:   (menu choice:  University of Idaho
Electronic Publications)

  worldwide web:

  anonymous ftp: (directory: pub/docs/publications/EGJ
           PLEASE NOTE: gif files must be ftp-ed in BINARY mode

Original contributions from authors are welcome.  Guidelines for
authors are available from the editors.  Send contributions,
advertisements, requests for guidelines, or requests for any other
information about the journal to:

Maria Jankowska,
Francis Griego,
Mike Pollastro,

The contents of the second issue are listed below.  The filename in the
ftp archive precedes the author and/or title of each contribution.

ELECTRONIC GREEN JOURNAL Volume 1, Issue 2, November 1994

egj-toc.txt Table of Contents

polla01.txt Mike Pollastro, From the Editor

lewis01.txt Deanna L. Lewis and Ron Chepesiuk, The International Trade In
Toxic Waste: A Selected Bibliography Of Sources  A bibliography focusing
on how strict environmental  protection in the West is contributing to a
buildup of the dangerous waste in the Third World.

polon01.txt Michael Jay Polonsky  An Introduction To Green Marketing   The
scope and importance of the relationship between business and the environment,
and a survey of the pitfalls and abuses.

polon01.gif  GRAPHIC:  Figure 1.  "I Damage the Environment Because..."

groat01.txt Greta de Groat, Population And The Environment   Evaluation of
sources which focus on the importance of world population growth, one of the
major ecological issues.

stoss01.txt Frederick W. Stoss, Environmental Education: Back to Basics
Educational materials on current environmental problems.

link01.txt Terry Link Environmental Resources  News in brief of
environmentally related publications, online databases, and other resources.

press.gif  ADVERTISEMENT:  University of Idaho Press 

brown01.txt Greg Brown reviews Land Conservation Through Public/Private

ruff01.txt Gene Ruffin reviews Story Earth: Native Voices on the Environment

stoss01.txt  Frederick W. Stoss  reviews Three Children's Environmental Books

foss01.txt  Beverley Foss reviews Water Quality and Availability: a Reference

foss02.txt  Beverley Foss reviews Fundamentals of Environmental Science and

kinne01.txt Sheri Kinney reviews Trails for the Twenty-First Century

weint01.txt Irwin Weintraub reviews Defining Sustainable Forestry

kaag01.txt Cindy Kaag reviews Environmental Poisons in Our Food

sawye01.txt Benjamin Sawyer reviews Guardians of the Whales

whart01.txt Dale Wharton reviews The Greenpeace Guide to Anti-
environmental Organizations

evere01.txt  Melissa Everett reviews Whole Terrain: Reflective Environmental
Mike Pollastro
Head, Reference Services
University of Idaho Library, Moscow, ID 83843
208-885-2504 (Voice)  208-885-6817 (Fax)

Date:    Wed, 21 Dec 1994 09:22:16 PST
From:    Eve Ruff 
Subject: New listserv targets MLA Cancer Section Librarians

Announcing a new listserv for MLA Cancer Section Librarians and others with
an interest in Cancer Library and Information Issues:

CANCERLIB is a new list created to facilitate electronic communication via
the internet among members of the Medical Library Association Cancer
Library Section as well as other health science and research librarians who
are particularly interested in the issues relevant to the section and to
the initiatives of cancer librarians.

CANCERLIB will serve as a forum for section business and for sharing ideas,
questions, announcements etc...  Subscribers can exchange information about
research and administrative issues in their libraries, notify each other
about planning and progress in various areas of library service, and
coordinate section related activities.

CANCERLIB is not intended to duplicate or replace Medlib-L, but rather to
serve as a more specialized adjunct for those of us who have some very
common issues and concerns.  The list will be as useful as the collective
efforts of those of us who use it as a forum for communication.  For
example, how often have you wondered specifically about the CORE grant
process at other institutions or just wanted some help justifying positions
by getting data from comparable organizations.  CANCERLIB can increase your
audience and cut down on individual phonecalls and e-mails!

CANCERLIB has been established, with technical support from the Fred
Hutchinson Cancer Research Center Public Health Sciences Administrative
Computing Department and Library Services.

Address messages to the CANCERLIB list to:

To subscribe to the CANCERLIB list send a message to:, leave the subject line blank and the following
message in the body:
subscribe cancerlib .

We also expect to make the list's archives available through the FHCRC
newsfeed and the FHCRC Web and Gopher resources.

I am sure that it will take a while for the list to get rolling and I
encourage all of you to use it to serve your information needs.  For
additional information about CANCERLIB or with suggestions on how to most
effectively use this new resource please contact:
Eve M. Ruff
Head of Library Services
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center

The Diabetes Knowledgebase is an effort of the U. of Wisconsin Children's
Diabetes Center to provide diabetes-related information to the world
community in an effort to enhance the lives of individuals with diabetes.

DNA TO DINOSAURS!  A new interactive exhibit from The Field Museum of
Natural History and the Biomedical Visualization Dept. at UIC is now
online. Take a look at some of Earth's largest, most successful land
animals. Animations, sound, 3-D and more! Take a tour through an exhibit
3.8 billion years in the making!

From: Ulrich Korwitz 

Eine interessante Nachricht aus der CANMEDLIB-Liste:

> With browser software such as MOSAIC, Cello or Lynx, you
> can now get information about CISTI, via the Internet,
> on the World Wide Web (WWW). The WWW is a hypertext
> environment that allows layers of information to be
> built up, one behind the other. Enter CISTI's address
> (see below), and the first thing you will see is CISTI's
> "home page" giving a brief overview of its services.
> Embedded in this basic text are underlined topics, which
> when clicked on, will take you to files containing more
> detailed information. This seamless interlinking also
> takes you to home pages for other CISTI products and
> services, such as Research Journals or CAN/SND, each
> with its own embedded hypertext links.
> World Wide Web addresses
>  ------------------------
> Contains: CISTI information, CISTI News, fact sheets
>           on a dozen or more services, price lists, the
>           CAN/OLE catalogue of databases, client
>           registration form and document delivery order
>           form (for faxing), CISTI forum
> Contains: Information on the scientific numeric database
>           service, databases and search software, access
>           information
> Research Journals:
> Contains: Journal information, instructions to authors,
>           price list
> Grace a des logiciels d'exploration tels que MOSAIC,
> Cello ou Lynx, vous pouvez maintenant acceder a de
> l'information sur l'ICIST, par l'entremise d'Internet,
> sur le World Wide Web (WWW). Le WWW est un
> environnement hypertexte qui permet la superposition
> de . Entrez l'adresse de
> l'ICIST (voir encadre) et vous verrez apparaitre la
>  de l'ICIST, qui donne un apercu
> de nos differents services. Certains mots cles du texte
> sont soulignes : en  sur ces mots, vous
> verrez apparaitre des renseignements plus detailles.
> Ce lien transparent peut vous permettre d'acceder a
> d'autres pages de presentation telles quel celles des
> Revues scientifiques ou de CAN/SND, qui disposent
> toutes de liens hypertexte integres.
> Adresses
> Contenu : renseignements sur l'ICIST, Actualites
> ICIST, fiches signaletiques d'une dizaine de services,
> listes de tarifs, le catalogue des bases de donnees
> CAN/OLE, un formulaire d'inscription de la clientele,
> un formulaire de fourniture de documents (a
> telecopier), et Forum ICIST
> Contenu : renseignements sur CAN/SND, sur les bases
> de donnees et sur l'acces
> Revues scientifiques :
> Contenu : renseignements sur les Revues
> scientifiques, recommandations aux auteurs, liste de
> prix
Schoene Weihnachts- und Jahreswechselgruesse!

Ulrich Korwitz

"Women's Health Resources on the Internet"
         Lea, Julie; Segal, Tricia

"Emotional Support: Physical Loss, Chronic Illness, and Bereavement"
         Juhnke, Joanne; Powell, Christina

"Quick Information About Cancer For Patients And Their Families"
         Gourdji, Judith; Hinton, Susan
 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
 *  Oliver Obst, PhD                      Medical & Computing Department *
 *  medibib-l list owner                  Univ. & State Library, Pf 8029 *
 *  e-mail:         48043 Muenster |^|^|^| Germany *
 *   phone/fax +49.25183-4004/-8398 *
 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

From obsto Fri Dec 23 20:36:22 1994
Received: by (AIX 3.2/UCB 5.64/4.03)
          id AA51342; Fri, 23 Dec 1994 20:23:04 +0100
Received: from UBDOS005.UNI-MUENSTER.DE by (AIX 3.2/UCB 5.64/4.03)
          id AA56203; Fri, 23 Dec 1994 20:23:01 +0100
X-Nupop-Charset: IBM 8-Bit
Date: Fri, 23 Dec 1994 20:23:44 +0100 (CET)
From: "Oliver Obst" 
Message-Id: <>
To: medibib-l
Subject: RE: Medlib Digest 17.-22.12. + anderes
Status: R

In message Fri, 23 Dec 1994 10:09:16 +0100 (CET),
  "Oliver Obst"   writes:

> Liebe Medibibler,
> ich freue mich, Ihnen den vorerst letzten Digest diesen Jahres anbieten
> zu koennen. (Freue ich mich jetzt, dass es der letzte ist oder freue ich
> mich ueber das Anbieten? - Wie mehrdeutig ist doch diese Form der
> Kommunikation!)  Also ersteres:-)

NEIN! Letzteres! %-)

From medibib-l-request Wed Dec 28 11:58:29 1994
Received: by (AIX 3.2/UCB 5.64/4.03)
          id AA70812; Wed, 28 Dec 1994 11:39:58 +0100
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          id AA70793; Wed, 28 Dec 1994 11:39:52 +0100
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Subject: Zeitschriften, Suche nach Ersatz
Organization: University of Basel, Switzerland
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Status: RO

Liebe Medibiber,
Vor Weihnachten hat unser Computerzentrum auf ein anderes Mailsystem
umgestellt. In der Folge funktionierte mein Upload-Programm nicht mehr
richtig. Fuer die beiden verstuemmelten Postings vor ca. zwei Wochen
moechte ich um Verzeihung bitten. Hier also nochmals ein Versuch:

Fuer folgende, bei uns abhanden gekommene oder beschaedigte
Zeitschriftenbaende oder -hefte suchen wir Ersatz. Falls jemand solche
Exemplare gerade dem Altpapier uebergeben moechte: Wir waeren dankbare

American Journal of Physiology, Bd 247, No. 1-2, 1984
Anaesthesia, Bd 39, Nr. 7-12, 1984
Archives of Disease in Childhood, Bd 59, 1984
Bulletin of the World Health Organization, Bd 62, 1984
Circulation, Bd 69, 1984
Critical Care Medicine, Bd 12, 1984
Deutsches Aerzteblatt, Bd 81, Heft 1-26 und Bd 81, Heft 27-52, 1984
Enzyme, Bd 31/32, 1984
Der informierte Arzt, Bd 5, Heft 1-10, 1984
Journal of Pediatrics, Bd 104 und Bd 105, 1984
Klinische Paediatrie, Bd 196, 1984
Lancet, 19841, No. 8367-8392
Medicine, Bd 63, 1984
MMW, Bd 126, Heft 16-52, 1984
Monatsschrift fuer Kinderheilkunde, Bd 132, 1984
Pediatric Research, Bd 18, No. 1-9 und No. 10-12, 1984
Therapiewoche, Bd 34, Heft 1-13, 1984
Zeitschrift fuer Kinderchirurgie, Bd 38, 1983 und Bd 39, 1984

Stand 14. Dez. 1994

Fuer Transportkosten u.dgl. kommen wir sebstverstaendlich auf.
Vielleicht ergibt sich auch die Moeglichkeit eines Tauschgeschaefts
(s. separat gepostete Dublettenliste).

Mit den besten Neujahrswuenschen
Peter Wolf                          voice :  ++41.61.2652595
Medical Library, Univ. Basel        fax   :  ++41.61.2673191
Hebelstr. 20                        email :
CH-4031 Basel, Switzerland          Data-Mail: Peter Wolf

From medibib-l-request Wed Dec 28 12:01:50 1994
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          id AA45286; Wed, 28 Dec 1994 11:42:42 +0100
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          id AA67555; Wed, 28 Dec 1994 11:42:40 +0100
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Date: Wed, 28 Dec 1994 11:41:49 +0100
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X400-Content-Type: P2-1984 (2)
Content-Identifier: Zeitschriften...
Alternate-Recipient: Allowed
Message-Id: <>
Subject: Zeitschriften, Dublettenliste
Organization: University of Basel, Switzerland
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7BIT
Status: RO

Folgende Dubletten koennen wir kostenlos zur Verfuegung stellen:

AJR (1993), Vol 161, Nr. 3
American Journal of Clinical Nutrition (1993), Vol. 57, Nr 4
American Journal of Medicine (1994), Vol. 96, Nr 2,5,6
American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology (1994), Vol. 170, Nr 4
BMJ (1994), Vol 308, Nr 6920-6945, Index
Cancer (1994), Vol. 73, Nr 1-7, Nr 10
Chest (1993) Vol. 104, Nr 1-6; Vol. 105 (1994) Nr 1-5
Fukushima Journal of Medical Science (1992), Vol. 38, Nr 1
The Journal of International Medical Research (1993), Vol. 21, Nr 1-6
Journal of General Internal Medicine (1993), Vol. 8, Nr 4
The Journal of Steroid Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (1994),
                                                       Vol. 48, Nr 1
Kobe Journal of Medical Sciences (1993), Vol. 39, Nr 1-6
Krankenpflege Journal (1993), Vol. 31, Nr 1-12
Laryngologie-Rhinologie-Otologie (1993), Vol. 72, Nr 1-6
Neurosciences (Japan) (1993), Vol. 19, Nr 1-4 und Suppl.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA (1993),
                                                      Vol. 90, Nr 21
Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine
                                             (1994), Vol. 205, Nr 1-4
Psychopharmacology Bulletin (1993), Vol.29 Nr 2
Revue roumaine de physiologie (1990), Vol. 27, Nr 1
Schweizer Spital (1992), Vol. 56, Nr 11, (1993), Vol. 57, Nr 9,10,12
Schweiz. Aerztezeitung (1993), Vol. 74, Nr 1-8, Nr 10-18, Nr 20-30,
Science (1992), Vol. 255, Nr 5040-5052, Vol. 256, Nr 5053-5065, Vol.
        257, Nr 5066-5077, Vol. 258, Nr 5078-5090, (1993), Vol. 259,
        Nr 5091-5103, Vol. 260, Nr 5104-5116, Vol. 261, Nr 5117-5127,
        Vol. 262, Nr. 5133-5142
Stroke (1977 - 1984),Vol. 8 - Vol. 15, jeweils Nr 1-6, (1985), Vol.
        16, Nr 1-3, (1987), Vol. 18, Nr 1
Southern Medical Journal (1992), Vol. 85, Nr 3, 5-10
Transplantation (1994), Vol. 57, Nr 1-3

Stand: 13. Dez. 94

Bestellungen an:
Peter Wolf                          voice :  ++41.61.2652595
Medical Library, Univ. Basel        fax   :  ++41.61.2673191
Hebelstr. 20                        email :
CH-4031 Basel, Switzerland          Data-Mail: Peter Wolf

From medibib-l-request Tue Jan  3 03:57:04 1995
Received: by (AIX 3.2/UCB 5.64/4.03)
          id AA05016; Tue, 3 Jan 1995 03:41:58 +0100
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          id AA75157; Tue, 3 Jan 1995 03:41:54 +0100
Received: by
	( id AA18001; Mon, 2 Jan 1995 21:37:31 -0500
Date: Mon, 2 Jan 1995 21:37:31 -0500
Message-Id: <>
Status: R




1-900-844-8585 (LOS ANGELES/ORANGE AREA)

$2.27 PER MIN

From medibib-l-request Tue Jan  3 04:48:45 1995
Received: by (AIX 3.2/UCB 5.64/4.03)
          id AA75234; Tue, 3 Jan 1995 04:32:08 +0100
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          id AA75229; Tue, 3 Jan 1995 04:31:46 +0100
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	id AA04399; Mon, 2 Jan 1995 22:32:03 -0500
Received: by (4.1/SMI-4.1)
	id AA14265; Mon, 2 Jan 95 22:31:21 EST
Date: Mon, 2 Jan 1995 22:31:15 -0500 (EST)
From: Rokho Kim 617-432-1147 
In-Reply-To: <>
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII
Status: R

On Mon, 2 Jan 1995 wrote:

> 1-900-844-8585 (LOS ANGELES/ORANGE AREA)
> 1-900-844-8585
> $2.27 PER MIN

IF it is VERITAS, why don't you collect Nobel Prize first 
before collecting $$$ from innocent people with 900 calls?   
I would rather call 911. 
Rokho Kim, MD, MPH. 		 "Veritas Lux Mea" 
Department of Environmental Health and Department of Epidemiology, 
Harvard School of Public Health, 665 Huntington Avenue, Boston, MA 02115.

From obsto Tue Jan  3 09:09:10 1995
Received: by (AIX 3.2/UCB 5.64/4.03)
          id AA41762; Tue, 3 Jan 1995 08:50:03 +0100
Received: from UBDOS005.UNI-MUENSTER.DE by (AIX 3.2/UCB 5.64/4.03)
          id AA07195; Tue, 3 Jan 1995 08:49:58 +0100
X-Nupop-Charset: IBM 8-Bit
Date: Tue, 3 Jan 1995 08:51:00 +0100 (CET)
From: "Oliver Obst" 
Message-Id: <>
To: medibib-l
Subject: Medlib Digest 23.12.1994 - 2.1.1995
Status: R

Liebe Medibibler,
ausser guten Wuenschen war nicht allzuviel los in Medlib-l ueber
Weihnachten und Neujahr :-)

2 Telemedicine Projekt
3 International Health News reviews 40 of the world's most respected
  medical and scientific journals
Date:    Sun, 1 Jan 1995 17:09:35 CST
Subject: NEW: NEUROPSYCH-HIV-AIDS - professional list

neuropsych-hiv-aids via

   The HIV/AIDS population is somewhat unique in the degree to which
   psychiatric dysfunction is likely to result from a combination of
   neurological, psychopharmacological and psychological factors.

   The purpose of the neuropsych-hiv-aids list is

      (1) to provide a single forum for discussion of psychological and
      neurobehavioral (i.e.  neuropsychiatric / neurocognitive) dysfunction
      in individuals with HIV disease, AND, thereby,

      (2) to promote and facilitate the multidisciplinary sensitivity
      required of medical, mental health and other professionals engaged in
      clinical practice with and/or research regarding individuals with HIV

   Membership will be limited primarily to holders of an M.D., D.O.,
   and/or Ph.D in clinical or counselling psychology.

   Psychology graduate students (clinical and counselling) and others

      (1) currently are engaged in professional research about (and/or
      supervised pre-doctoral clinical work with) individuals who have
      HIV/AIDS related neuropsychological / psychiatric dysfunction, or

      (2) otherwise have substantial demonstrable facility with the medical
      and/or psychological challenges confronted by mental health care
      professionals who are working with individuals who manifest
      HIV-related psychological / neuropsychiatric dysfunction

   will be considered for membership on a case by case basis.

   If you would like to join / subscribe to this List / conference,
   please contact the owner directly to initiate the subscription

   Owner:  Eliot

   * NOTE: I would appreciate hearing from anyone who possibly would be
           willing to assist me in a co-administration of this List.

Date: Sun, 01 Jan 1995 23:19:30
From: (Gary Malet)
Subject: TELEMED PROJECT   Lung Diseases Telemedicine System
Message-ID: <>



TELEMED PROJECT   Lung Diseases Telemedicine System
This web page introduces TELEMED, a joint Project of the National Jewish 
Center for Immunology and Respiratory Medicine and Los Alamos
National Laboratory.  This telemedicine system will assist
physicians at The NJCIRM in Denver, CO to combat the effects of
tuberculosis and other lung diseases throughout the Nation. The
Telemed project is a  multimedia interface for radiographic
information and data that will eventually run over the National
Information Infrastructure (NII). 
Contact:  Dick Phillips

INTERNATIONAL HEALTH NEWS     Information and abstracts
International Health News reviews 40 of the world's most respected
medical  and scientific journals and condenses them into
understandable abstracts. The  focus is on diet, supplements,
exercise, lifestyle, arthritis, cancer, heart disease, and other
degenerative conditions. Contact: 
Dr. Gary Malet                |7 W 5th Street       |  "communication,
Family Physician              |Stockton, Ca. 95206  |      search,
Healthtel, Inc.-windows based |VOICE  209-466-6878  |     delivery,   
medical telecommunications    |FAX    209-466-0502  |    networking"         |Compuserve 72630.1535|

From obsto Wed Jan  4 11:49:08 1995
Received: by (AIX 3.2/UCB 5.64/4.03)
          id AA51960; Wed, 4 Jan 1995 11:28:16 +0100
Received: from UBDOS005.UNI-MUENSTER.DE by (AIX 3.2/UCB 5.64/4.03)
          id AA06133; Wed, 4 Jan 1995 11:28:14 +0100
X-Nupop-Charset: IBM 8-Bit
Date: Wed, 4 Jan 1995 11:29:19 +0100 (CET)
From: "Oliver Obst" 
Message-Id: <>
To: medibib-l
Subject: 100-Jahre-Roentgen-Tagung in Berlin?
Status: R

Hallo Berliner!

Weiss jemand von dieser Tagung? Interessiert mich auch persoenlich, da wir
auch sowas vorhaben.
Date:    Tue, 3 Jan 1995 13:09:55 CST
From:    "Barbara J. Henry" 
Subject: Roentgen centennial

One of our physicians is interested in attending a meeting in Berlin to
be held this fall in celebration of Roentgen's discovery of x-rays. Can
anyone out there supply us contact information for this meeting. He know
about a similar meeting scheduled in Wurzburg, but is really interested
one he heard about to be held in Berlin.

Please reply to me directly at address below, not to the list. Thanks.

VOICE  817/724-2230
FAX    817/724-4229
 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
 *  Oliver Obst, PhD                      Medical & Computing Department *
 *  medibib-l list owner                  Univ. & State Library, Pf 8029 *
 *  e-mail:         48043 Muenster |^|^|^| Germany *
 *   phone/fax +49.25183-4004/-8398 *
 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

From medibib-l-request Thu Jan  5 06:24:02 1995
Received: by (AIX 3.2/UCB 5.64/4.03)
          id AA75195; Thu, 5 Jan 1995 06:09:22 +0100
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          id AA75192; Thu, 5 Jan 1995 06:09:20 +0100
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	( id AA16132; Thu, 5 Jan 1995 00:09:15 -0500
Date: Thu, 5 Jan 1995 00:09:15 -0500
Message-Id: <>
Status: R


From obsto Fri Jan  6 10:21:21 1995
Received: by (AIX 3.2/UCB 5.64/4.03)
          id AA53251; Fri, 6 Jan 1995 10:03:45 +0100
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          id AA49919; Fri, 6 Jan 1995 10:03:42 +0100
X-Nupop-Charset: IBM 8-Bit
Date: Fri, 6 Jan 1995 10:04:49 +0100 (CET)
From: "Oliver Obst" 
Message-Id: <>
To: medibib-l
Subject: Medlib Digest 3.-5.1. und anderes mehr (auch zum lachen!)
Status: R

Liebe Medibibler,
diese Woche habe ich einen Hinweis auf eine Liste medizinischer FAQs
(Frequently Asked Questions) erhalten. Sie wird in der Newsgroup
gepostet und enthaelt die Adressen von ca. 40 medizinischen
Informationslisten zu speziellen Themen, nach denen immer wieder gefragt
und ueber die immer wieder diskutiert wird: Rauchen, Transplantation,
Diabetes, Hochspannungsleitungen + Krebs, Migraene, Unfruchtbarkeit,
und und und ...
Was ich Ihnen auch nicht vorenthalten wollte: Wie Silverplatter und andere
die alten CD-ROM-Scheiben entsorgen (Weihnachten ist ja vorbei, ob die nun
Ostereier aus den CDs machen ???). :->

Ihr O.Obst
1 Medical FAQ-list
2 Und alle Jahre wieder: die 5. Ausgabe der NLM-Klassifikation. Wann? Wo?
3 Neue Mailliste: Culture and Nursing
4 "Recycling" alter CDs
From: Frank Norman 
Message-Id: <>

This may be of interest.

Frank Norman

Forwarded message:
> From Mon Jan  2 01:41:23 1995
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Internet Address:, ftp site is pending
> This file is an evolving list of "Frequently Asked Questions"
> documents on medicine-related topics posted to UseNet Newsgroups on
> the Internet. The FAQs represent information that newsgroup
> participants find essential in their disciplines. For example, the
> diabetes FAQ presents collected wisdom about diabetes resources,
> health providers, and therapeutic approaches. The Medical FAQ List
> documents the locations of greater than 40 of these FAQS.
> Contact: Bruce C McKenzie,

Date:    Tue, 3 Jan 1995 18:29:00 EST
From:    Christa Hoffmann 
Subject: NLM Classification, 5th edition, Delay

The National Library of Medicine regrets to inform you that the
National Library of Medicine Classification, 5th edition, will not
become available as scheduled on January 5, 1995.  The delay is
beyond the Library's control and the Government Printing Office
(GPO) has not yet provided a new publication date.  As soon as this
information becomes available it will be announced over the

Christa F.B. Hoffmann
Head, Cataloging Section

CULTURE AND NURSING--The Culture and Nursing list is a new list
sponsored by the School of Nursing at the University of California
- San Francisco.  This list was created for nurses and other health
care professionals interested in topics relating to culture and

The moderators of this list are seeking to create an on-line
community which encourages the exchange of ideas in this exciting
new field.  The list will allow participants to address areas of
cultural competence, theory, practice, research, and experience in
an open and unmoderated forum.  It will give list members the
chance to discuss some of the political, economic, and demographic
issues affecting health care today.  It will also be an opportunity
to meet others working in the field of cross cultural and
transcultural nursing.

To subscribe to Culture and Nursing, send a mail message to:

with the message:


If you have any questions, please send them to:

      Chuck Pitkofsky, MS, RN
      list manager
      phone: 415-546-7822
      fax: 415-546-7823


We strung them together with Christmas ribbon and made garlands to
decortate the library .... Last year we hung them individually
from the ceiling. The garlands are prettier and can be kept from
year to year.

SilverPlatter has not yet found a cost-effective way to recycle
outdated CD-ROM's.  We donate outdated CD-ROM's to a local jewelry
maker, and we have also donated them to local charities which make
Christmas decorations from them.

Gerry Hurley
Director of Educational Services

SilverPlatter Information, Inc.     SilverPlatter Information,Ltd
100 River Ridge Drive               10 Barley Mow Passage
Norwood, MA  02062                  Chiswick, London  W4 4PH
   Phone: 800-343-0064 (US/Canada)     Phone: 0800-262-096 (UK)
          617-769-2599                        +44-81-995-8242
     Fax: 617-769-8763                   Fax: +44-81-995-5159
Internet:  or

From:    "John R. Clark" 

Up heah in Maine, we nail them 'bout 25 feet back in the woods in pairs
just pahst the apex of curves on route 27...scares the heck outta
flatlanders after dark.  John Clark <>

From medibib-l-request Tue Jan 10 18:25:53 1995
Received: by (AIX 3.2/UCB 5.64/4.03)
          id AA62240; Tue, 10 Jan 1995 18:06:27 +0100
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          10 Jan 95 16:23 +0000
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Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
Date: Tue, 10 Jan 1995 16:17:14 -0100
From: Ray McDermott 
Subject: Stroke and EMS
Status: R

Is anyone aware of information on th treatment of loss of gag reflex in
post stroke patients using neuromuscular electrical stimulation (NMES).
Alternatively is there research ongoing in the general use of NMES for
stroke treatment.

Ray McDermott
BMR Inc.
Galway, Ireland

From medibib-l-request Tue Jan 10 19:08:03 1995
Received: by (AIX 3.2/UCB 5.64/4.03)
          id AA53402; Tue, 10 Jan 1995 18:53:01 +0100
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          10 Jan 95 17:22 +0000
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Mime-Version: 1.0
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Date: Tue, 10 Jan 1995 17:21:18 -0100
From: Ray McDermott 
Subject: help
Status: R


From ollesch Tue Jan 10 21:24:27 1995
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          id AA55753; Tue, 10 Jan 1995 21:09:42 +0100
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Date: Tue, 10 Jan 1995 21:09:18 +0100
Message-Id: <>
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
From: (Lars von Olleschik)
Subject: Stroke and EMS
Status: R

Is anyone aware of information on th treatment of loss of gag reflex in
post stroke patients using neuromuscular electrical stimulation (NMES).
Alternatively is there research ongoing in the general use of NMES for
stroke treatment.

Ray McDermott
BMR Inc.
Galway, Ireland

From obsto Thu Jan 12 11:07:55 1995
Received: by (AIX 3.2/UCB 5.64/4.03)
          id AA74234; Thu, 12 Jan 1995 10:50:56 +0100
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Date: Thu, 12 Jan 1995 10:52:10 +0100 (CET)
From: "Oliver Obst" 
Message-Id: <>
To: medibib-l
Subject: Fw: ASpB-Tagung in Hamburg - Vorprogramm
Status: R

FYI, O.Obst

Wenn Sie INETBIB subscribieren, druecken Sie jetzt auf die D-Taste!

From: Thomas Hapke 
Thu, 12 Jan 1995 08:47:04 -0600 (CST)
To: Internet in Bibliotheken 
Subject: ASpB-Tagung in Hamburg - Vorprogramm

Liebe INETBIB-lerInnen,
als Vorprogramm der ASpB-Tagung vom 21. bis 25. Maerz hier in Hamburg,
die vorwiegend dem Thema Internet oder Virtuelle Bibliothek gewidmet ist,
findet in der Universiaetsbibliothek der TU Hamburg-Harburg ein informelles
Treffen fuer FachreferentInnen der Naturwissenschaften und andere
Interessierte statt:

Termin: Dienstag, 21. Maerz 1995, 16-19 h
Ort: UB der TUHH, Denickestr. 22, 21073 Hamburg (Harburg)

Themen sollen u.a. sein:
- Fachreferat und Internet - Erfahrungen, Moeglichkeiten, Aufgaben
- Elektronische Medien in der Bibliothek - Praxis und Zukunft

Das Treffen soll den persoenlichen, praxisbezogenen Erfahrungsaustausch
ermoeglichen. Anregungen zu den genannten Themen ueber diese Liste sind
Konkret waere ich an Beispielen interessiert, wo und wie bisher
im Rahmen des Fachreferats schon "Internet-Arbeit" (was ist das ueberhaupt
?) geleistet worden ist oder auch wo und wie schon welche Zugaenge zu
elektronischen Zeitschriften realisiert worden sind. Meiner Ansicht nach
werden die Bibliotheken zur Zeit mit Angeboten und Moeglichkeiten,
elektronische Zeitschriften zu beziehen, ueberschuettet, ohne sich selbst
genuegend darauf vorbereitet zu haben (dies ist jedenfalls bei uns so !).

Herzliche Gruesse aus Harburg,

        Thomas Hapke                        e-mail:
Subject Librarian for Chemical Engineering  phone:  40 7718-3365
       University Library                   fax:    40 7718-2248
Technical University Hamburg-Harburg
    D-21071 Hamburg, Germany
 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
 *  Oliver Obst, PhD                      Medical & Computing Department *
 *  medibib-l list owner                  Univ. & State Library, Pf 8029 *
 *  e-mail:         48043 Muenster |^|^|^| Germany *
 *   phone +49.25183-4004 fax -8398 *
 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

From obsto Thu Jan 12 11:39:39 1995
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          id AA15299; Thu, 12 Jan 1995 11:18:11 +0100
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Date: Thu, 12 Jan 1995 11:19:28 +0100 (CET)
From: "Oliver Obst" 
Message-Id: <>
To: medibib-l
Subject: Fw: Bibliothekssystem BISLOK
Status: O

FYI, O.Obst

Wenn Sie INETBIB subscribieren, druecken Sie jetzt auf die D-Taste!
Wed, 11 Jan 1995 16:08:57 +0100
To: Internet in Bibliotheken 
Subject: Bibliothekssystem BISLOK

Beim Suedwestdeutschen Bibliotheksverbund wurde eine Diskussionsliste fuer
Anwender / Interessenten des Bibliothekssystems BISLOK eingerichtet.
Naeheres dazu koennen Sie aus dem folgenden, zur Verbreitung ueber die
Fachpresse usw. vorgesehenen Text entnehmen.

Mit freundlichen Gruessen
   Thomas Dierg


SWB-Verbundzentrale                         Konstanz, 11.01.95

Fuer BISLOK-Anwender:

Eroeffnung einer Diskussionsliste via E-Mail

Wie die Anwendertreffen zu BISLOK zeigen, besteht ein starker Bedarf an
Informationsaustausch zwischen BISLOK-Anwendern. Viele Anwender kaempfen
mit Problemen, die andere Anwender bei sich bereits geloest haben.  Und je
besser Anwender ihre Probleme untereinander kennen, desto einheitlicher
koennen sie gegenueber der Anbieterfirma auftreten.

Deshalb hat die Universitaet Konstanz auf Wunsch des Suedwestdeutschen
Bibliotheksverbundes (SWB) eine Diskussionsliste fuer BISLOK-Anwender zu
sowohl technischen wie bibliothekarischen Fragen eingerichtet. In diese
Liste koennen sich alle BISLOK-Anwender oder BISLOK-Interessenten
eintragen, die die Moeglichkeit haben, E-Mails zu senden und zu empfangen.
Sobald man sich in die Liste eingetragen hat, kann man eigene Beitraege per
E-Mail in die Diskussionsliste einbringen und erhaelt auch automatisch die
Beitraege der anderen Teilnehmer an der Diskussionsliste per E-Mail

1) Wie koennen Sie sich in die Liste eintragen?

Senden Sie eine E-Mail an:


Als 'Subject' Ihrer Nachricht koennen Sie einen beliebigen Text

In die eigentliche E-Mail tragen Sie bitte nur folgende Zeile ein:

               subscribe  bislok    


               subscribe  bislok  gudrun  pausewang

Senden Sie die E-Mail ab. Ihre E-Mail-Adresse, unter der Sie spaeter
Nachrichten erhalten werden, entnimmt der Listserver dem Kopf
Ihrer Nachricht.

2) Wie koennen Sie Nachrichten in die Liste einbringen?

Nachdem Sie sich in die Liste eingetragen haben, senden Sie Ihre E-Mail zum
Thema BISLOK bitte an:


Als 'Subject' Ihrer Nachricht tragen Sie bitte kurz das Thema ihres
Beitrages ein, z.B.:

               BISLOK 2.1 (AIX) Sekundaerkorrekturen

3) Wie koennen Sie sich aus der Liste wieder austragen?

Senden Sie Ihre Abschieds-E-Mail bitte an:


Als 'Subject' Ihrer Nachricht koennen Sie wiederum einen beliebigen Text

In die eigentliche E-Mail tragen Sie bitte nur folgende Zeile ein:

               unsubsribe  bislok

Senden Sie die E-Mail ab. Danach sind Sie aus der Liste ausgetragen und
erhalten keine E-Mails der betreffenden Diskussionsliste mehr.

4) Wer verwaltet die Liste?

Die BISLOK-Diskussionsliste wird von Herrn Jacquin in der
SWB-Verbundzentrale an der Universitaet Konstanz verwaltet. Bei Fragen oder
Problemen zur Liste senden Sie bitte eine E-Mail an:


oder rufen Sie an: Telefon (07531) 88-3134.

  Suedwestdeutscher Bibliotheksverbund
        Universitaet Konstanz                     ** Besuchsadresse
Postfach 5560            Universitaetsstr. 10     Fritz-Arnold-Str.
D-78434 Konstanz         D-78464 Konstanz         D-78467 Konstanz

Tel:    +49 7531 88-2929                             Thomas Dierig
Fax:    +49 7531 88-3703                        Tel: +49 7531 88-2555
 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
 *  Oliver Obst, PhD                      Medical & Computing Department *
 *  medibib-l list owner                  Univ. & State Library, Pf 8029 *
 *  e-mail:         48043 Muenster |^|^|^| Germany *
 *   phone +49.25183-4004 fax -8398 *
 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

From medibib-l-request Thu Jan 12 15:37:30 1995
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Date: Tue, 10 Jan 1995 10:28:40 ECT
From: Elizabeth Maria Clough 
Subject: Information Explosion
Sender: Bibliographic Instruction Discussion Group
To: Multiple recipients of list BI-L 
Reply-to: Bibliographic Instruction Discussion Group
Message-id: <>

----------------------------Original message----------------------------
        I am a graduate student at the College of Library and Information
Services, University of Maryland, College Park.  I thought the following
information garnered from a lecture from one of my classes might throw
an interesting perspective on this thread.  It shows an historical view
on information storage and retrieval over the past 7000 years.


3000 B.C.       Clay tablets    1 character/1 cubic inch (cci)
1450 A.D.       Printed page    500 cci
1990s           Optical disk    125,000,000,000 cci


5000 B.C.       Abacus          2-4 instructions per second (psi)
1945 A.D.       Computer        100 ips
1960            Computer        100,000 ips
1970s           Computer        1,000,000 ips
1980s           Computer        10,000,000 ips
1990s           Computer        1,000,000,000 ips


4000 B.C.       Messenger       .01 words per minutes (wpm)
1844 A.D.       Telegraph       50-60 wpm
1980s           Cable/fiber     1,000,000,000 wpm
1990s           Fiber           100,000,000,000 wpm

---Most interesting of all ---


4000 B.C.       Written language        300 wpm
Today           Written language        300 wpm

4000 B.C.       Visual images           100,000,000 bits per glance
Today           Visual images           100,000,000 bits per glance

4000 B.C.       Spoken language         120 wpm
Today           Spoken language         120 wpm

        The point is, despite enormous technological leaps, the human capacity
for understanding and assimilation has remained constant.  While we have
complexity, we suffer with confusion, overload and bottlenecks.  There is
a definite need for reflection upon the best means to adapt and
accommodate what the machine has to offer with human limitations.

Beth Clough
College of Library and Information Services
University of Maryland
College Park

From medibib-l-request Thu Jan 12 17:00:25 1995
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Subject: Information Explosion
Organization: University of Basel, Switzerland
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Status: R

Liebe MEDIBIBler,

Die soeben weitergeleitete Mail zur "Information Explosion" aus der
Liste Bi-l hat mit Medizin nicht direkt viel zu tun. Sie haette an
Inetbib gehen sollen. Sorry fuer das Missgeschick. Nun habe ich selbst
zur Informationsflut beigetragen, hoffentlich aber auch zum Amusement.
Peter Wolf                           voice :  ++41.61.265 25 95
Medical Library, Univ. Basel         fax   :  ++41.61.267 31 91
Hebelstr. 20                         email :
CH-4031 Basel, Switzerland

From obsto Fri Jan 13 08:57:19 1995
Received: by (AIX 3.2/UCB 5.64/4.03)
          id AA47849; Fri, 13 Jan 1995 08:43:44 +0100
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          id AA06886; Fri, 13 Jan 1995 08:43:43 +0100
X-Nupop-Charset: IBM 8-Bit
Date: Fri, 13 Jan 1995 08:45:00 +0100 (CET)
From: "Oliver Obst" 
Message-Id: <>
To: medibib-l
Subject: RE: Information Explosion
Status: R

Also ich fand die Info ueber die Info amuesant, es machte mich aber auch
fuer einen Moment lang nachdenklich. Nur zu! In der Mail stand zwar
nirgenswo "Medizin" oder "Health", aber ich denke, wir sind auch davon

Oliver O.

> Die soeben weitergeleitete Mail zur "Information Explosion" aus der
> Liste Bi-l hat mit Medizin nicht direkt viel zu tun. Sie haette an
> Inetbib gehen sollen. Sorry fuer das Missgeschick. Nun habe ich selbst
> zur Informationsflut beigetragen, hoffentlich aber auch zum Amusement.
> Peter Wolf
 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
 *  Oliver Obst, PhD                      Medical & Computing Department *
 *  medibib-l list owner                  Univ. & State Library, Pf 8029 *
 *  e-mail:         48043 Muenster |^|^|^| Germany *
 *   phone +49.25183-4004 fax -8398 *
 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

From obsto Fri Jan 13 09:22:43 1995
Received: by (AIX 3.2/UCB 5.64/4.03)
          id AA44459; Fri, 13 Jan 1995 09:08:06 +0100
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          id AA48549; Fri, 13 Jan 1995 09:08:01 +0100
X-Nupop-Charset: IBM 8-Bit
Date: Fri, 13 Jan 1995 09:09:18 +0100 (CET)
From: "Oliver Obst" 
Message-Id: <>
To: medibib-l
Subject: Medlib Digest 6.-12.1. (wenig) und anderes (mehr)
Status: R

Liebe Medibibler,
heute morgen habe ich die Computerseite der ZEIT gelesen. Verblueffend, wie
die all das, was so unter der Woche an Dramatischem auf dem Netz passiert,
in gut lesbare und hochaktuelle Artikel giessen.
Auf ein schoenes Wochenende & all denen, die krank sind (dank des Wetters
einige) rechtzeitige Genesung!

1 8. Internationale Konferenz fuer Medizinisches Bibliothekswesen in
  London. Wann? - Im Jahre 2000!
2 Networking and the future of libraries, an int. conf. in Bath, UK
3 Medical CD-ROM catalogue information
4 NEW: NEUROPSYCH-HIV-AIDS - professional list
5 Internet Guide, Net Connections for Communication Disorders and Sciences
6 Medical Libraries of the Future: Ein paar interessante Anmerkungen
From: Tony McSean 

                     N E W S     I T E M


The 8th International Congress on Medical Librarianship (8ICML)
will take place in London in the year 2000:  probably  June 18-21st at
the Wembley Conference Centre.  The international congress will be
combined with the annual meeting of the MHWLG and the biennial
European meeting of EAHIL.

The Congerss has been awarded by IFLA to an ad-hoc bid committee
chaired by David Stewart, Librarian of the RSM.  The purpose of this
announcement is partly to get the dates into the diary of those who
take long-term planning really seriously; but mainly to call for
volunteers to join the organising team.

We hope to attract up to 1,500 delegates from all over the world, and
an event on this scale provides a mountain of work.  This will mainly
be in London, but the bid committee is anxious to involve the whole of
the UK profession.

Volunteers are invited to write to David Stewart at the RSM, or to
contact me by email or other means at the BMA.

                                                  Tony McSean
                           Secretary, London 2000 Bid Committee

Networking and the future of libraries 2
An International Conference

Provisional programme: lines 19-117
Booking form: lines 126-190

University of Bath, 19-21st April 1995

This major conference explores the issues that libraries
must face as they develop strategies for _Managing the
intellectual record_ in an electronic environment. It is
organised around four main themes, and we are very
pleased that Paul Evan Peters, of the Coalition for
Networked Information, will present the keynote address.
The provisional programme follows.

Wednesday 19th April
Transforming the organisation

Chair: Maurice B Line, Information and Library Consultant

Hans Geleijnse, University Librarian, Tilburg University,
 The Netherlands
A strategy for information access

Sheila Corrall, Director, Library and Information
 Services, Aston University, UK
An evolving service: managing change

Joan M Day, Head, Department of Information and Library
 Management Systems, University of Northumbria at
 Newcastle, UK
The electronic library: the impact on librarians

Julie Sabaratnam, Deputy Director, Information Services,
 National Computer Board, Singapore
Transforming libraries to support change and growth

Thursday 20th April
Producing the intellectual record

Chair: Tony Hall, Managing Director, BLCMP Library
Services, Ltd.

Robert Campbell, Managing Director, Blackwell Scientific
 Publications, Ltd, UK
An ordered migration?: the publisher and the network

Denise Lievesley, Director, ESRC Data Archive, University
 of Essex, UK
Creating sustainable networked research resources

Stevan Harnad, Professor of Psychology, University of
 Southampton, UK
Esoteric knowledge: the scholar and scholarly publishing
on the network

Lynne Brindley, Director of Information Services, British
 Library of Political and Economic Science, London School
 of Economics, UK
Forging new relationships: libraries and electronic

A distributed resource: accessing the intellectual record

Chair: Anton Bossers, Deputy Director, Pica, The

To be announced
Tools, systems and services: support for an effective
information environment

Richard Heseltine, University Librarian, University of
 Hull, UK
Resource discovery and systemic change: a UK perspective

Look Costers, Director, Pica, The Netherlands
A managed information network

Colin Steele, University Librarian, the Australian
 National University, Canberra
Netscope: the future for libraries in a networking

Friday 21st April 1995
Preserving the intellectual record

Chair: Peter Rau, University Librarian, University and
 State Library, Bonn, Germany

Harald v Hielmcrone, Head of Acquisitions Department,
 Statsbiblioteket, Aarhus, Denmark
Access to the intellectual heritage

Bendik Rugaas, the National Librarian, National Library
 of Norway
A policy framework for legal deposit in a networked age

Margaret Hedstrom, Chief of State Records Advisory
 Service, State Archives and Records Administration,
 Albany, NY, USA
A view from the archives

Clifford Lynch, Director, Division of Library Automation,
 University of California, USA
An integrated intellectual record?
Programme directors:  Lorcan Dempsey, UKOLN
                      Derek Law, King's College London

                        AN INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE
                The University of Bath  -  19-21 April 1995

                                                       Booking form
Surname   _______________________________________________________
Forenames _______________________________________________________
Title (Prof/Dr/Mr/Mrs/Miss/Ms) __________________________________
Position        _________________________________________________
Organisation    _________________________________________________
Address   _______________________________________________________
          ______________________       Post Code  _______________
Country   _______________________________________________________
Telephone ______________________       Fax   ____________________
E-mail    ___________________________

Please tick appropriate boxes
[]  Resident (with `en suite' facilities)  (370 pounds sterling)
             (includes accommodation and all meals)
[]  Resident (without `en suite' facilities)  (325 pounds sterling)
             (includes accommodation and all meals)
[]  Non-Resident  (280 pounds sterling)
                  (includes all meals except breakfast;
                   bed & breakfast hotel arrangements to be
                   made by delegate)
[]  Special Needs (eg. special diet / mobility - please specify)

Payment should be sent with booking form

A cheque/banker's draft is enclosed for:[] 370st (residential `en suite')
A cheque/banker's draft is enclosed for:[] 325st (residential)
A cheque/bankers' draft is enclosed for:[] 280st (non-residential)
  (UK sterling only acceptable;
   cheques to be made payable to University of Bath)


A bank transfer has been arranged for:[] 370st (residential `en suite')
A bank transfer has been arranged for:[] 325st (residential)
A bank transfer has been arranged for:[] 280st (non-residential)

Name of bank:  National Westminster Bank,
               39 Milsom Street, Bath, BA1 1DS, UK
               Bank sort code:  60 02 05
               Account number:  50972146

Address for invoice if required:
(an invoice administration charge of 10 pounds sterling will be levied)

The closing date for booking is Friday 24 March 1995.
Cancellations after this date will incur a cancellation
fee of 50 pounds sterling, but a substitute delegate is acceptable
in case of illness etc.
Please use a separate form for each application;
photocopies of this form are acceptable.
Please return to:  Conference Administrator,
                   University of Bath,
                   Bath, BA2 7AY, UK.

Date:    Wed, 11 Jan 1995 08:02:06 GMT
From:    Luke Smith 
Subject: Medical CD-ROM catalogue information

Thanks for all the e-mail responses to my request for CD-ROM catalogue
information. Some people mailed me requesting a summary of  all the
responses I received, so here is a listing of potential sources for
catalogue information:

Susan Gerding Bader
Director of Library Services
Majors Scientific Books

Information Marketing Group, Inc.
P.O. Box 4715
Los Alamos, NM 87544
Phone: 800-571-5444 or 505-672-0350
They have a catalogue of clinical software CD-ROMs, including texts.

1736 Westwood Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 90024
Phone: 800-882-2844 or 310-474-5900
They have a large CD-ROM catalogue, covering many categories, including

University of MI Learning Resource Center
Next edition of their catalogue available in early Feb will list
over 700 programs which are medical related only.
WWW homepage has more information.
and then go to the learning resource center from there.

Nawinda Utthanaphol (from someone else's e-mail address)

Tue, 10 Jan 1995 09:56:38 -0600
To: Multiple recipients of list 
Subject: HMATRIX-L digest 251

			    HMATRIX-L Digest 251

Topics covered in this issue include:

  1) NEW: NEUROPSYCH-HIV-AIDS - professional list


Date:         Sun, 1 Jan 1995 17:09:35 CST
To: Multiple recipients of list NEW-LIST <@UKANVM.CC.UKANS.EDU:NEW-LIST@NDSUVM1.bitnet>
Subject: NEW: NEUROPSYCH-HIV-AIDS - professional list
Message-ID: <>

FYI... Lee

neuropsych-hiv-aids via

   The HIV/AIDS population is somewhat unique in the degree to which
   psychiatric dysfunction is likely to result from a combination of
   neurological, psychopharmacological and psychological factors.

   The purpose of the neuropsych-hiv-aids list is

      (1) to provide a single forum for discussion of psychological and
      neurobehavioral (i.e.  neuropsychiatric / neurocognitive) dysfunction
      in individuals with HIV disease, AND, thereby,

      (2) to promote and facilitate the multidisciplinary sensitivity
      required of medical, mental health and other professionals engaged in
      clinical practice with and/or research regarding individuals with HIV

   Membership will be limited primarily to holders of an M.D., D.O.,
   and/or Ph.D in clinical or counselling psychology.

   Psychology graduate students (clinical and counselling) and others

      (1) currently are engaged in professional research about (and/or
      supervised pre-doctoral clinical work with) individuals who have
      HIV/AIDS related neuropsychological / psychiatric dysfunction, or

      (2) otherwise have substantial demonstrable facility with the medical
      and/or psychological challenges confronted by mental health care
      professionals who are working with individuals who manifest
      HIV-related psychological / neuropsychiatric dysfunction

   will be considered for membership on a case by case basis.

   If you would like to join / subscribe to this List / conference,
   please contact the owner directly to initiate the subscription

   Owner:  Eliot

   * NOTE: I would appreciate hearing from anyone who possibly would be
           willing to assist me in a co-administration of this List.

Version 3 of the Internet Guide, Net Connections for Communication
Disorders and Sciences, is now available from the University of
Michigan Clearinghouse. URL: gopher:// following
the path /inetdirrsstacks/kuster.  It contains many changes from version 2.2
- 24 listserv changes or additions, 5 new newsgroups, 4 new e-journals,
16 new gopher sites, 5 new telnet resources, and 53 new web sites.  All
together there are references to about 300 different resources on the Internet
which may be of interest to professional and students in the fields of speech-
language pathology, audiology, speech science, persons with communication
disabilities or differences and their support persons. The fourth version,
hopefully out in April, will concentrate on FTP.  If anyone has additions,
corrections or suggestions, I would appreciate hearing from you.  Also, if
anyone does not have access to gopher or is having trouble finding Net
Connections, I would be happy to e-mail a copy to you directly.

Date:    Thu, 12 Jan 1995 19:09:22 EST
From:    Bet Ison 
Subject: Re: Medical libraries of the future?

Here are my thoughts on "the medical library of the future"
(opinions may vary on the value of the ideas expressed here!)

1.  More centralized "corporate" libraries, with affiliated
non professionally staffed hospital libraries/information services.
As hospitals merge into large corporations, centralizing library
services will seem to be a cost efficient measure.
                Good?  Bad?  I suspect that this will improve
information services at some hospitals that formally had no
professional backup, and be hard to accept for some hospitals
which have had their own professionally run libraries in the past.

2.  Power shifts in hospitals - from doctors to administration.  The
day that the "doctors" got everything they wanted in hospitals is
almost over (over already for some of us).   Better look to your
power base - if you are in an adversarial position with your
administration - supported only by the physcians on your staff.
        Possibly this shift moves on to consumer power - in which
case - are you directly visible to the patient?  their family?
your community?

3.   Shift in focus of collection - to include more preventive medicine.
In my library we are still almost entirely focused on disease.  But
as my institution works more to become a partner in "keeping the
community healthy"  and increases its number of affiliated primary
care centers, I have got to work to support this with the collection
and services.

4.   More independent users and learners.  Are you all experiencing the
same trend that we are seeing - an increasing popularity of home
or individualized learning to meet continuing education credits?
What an opportunity for the library to provide access to this type
of material!  Doesn't this mean that we are also going to have to
revamp our own training materials?  What access can we provide to
information for these individuals?

5.   New technology, what a frightening thought!  I keep thinking if
I have to learn one more program - I am going to fall apart - and as
for the complexities of the internet, telemedicine, and health care
reform........               I see an increased
role for consultants and network coordinators - our membership in the
Eastern Kentucky Health Science Information Network has meant that
we were able to plan and implement grant programs that we never
would have been able to do on our own.  Coordinated education for
new technology, someone to set it up for you, and plan it (and find
grant funding for it) is going to be increasingly important in this
fast moving environment.

Finally, for all of you who said such kind things after my JCAHO posting
the following update:   We have moved equipment, books, desks, and
ourselves 10 times in the last 3 months as we avoided the construction
workers and the resulting dust and leaks.  Incredibly library services have
still survived, library staff is a little tattered, but still, for the
most part, whole.  The survival of our sanity is due in great part to
an adminstration who have treated us a valuable (and a not-to-be-done-
without) resource and a plant services department who has put in electical
outlets, restrung phone lines, and even built walls at our request, as well
as responding immediately to cries of "leak! flood!"
        Our reward comes sometime this spring (March, April?),
when we will get to move into our new space 2-3 times the size of our
present library.  Instead of losing our old space (which adjoins the
new) to quality management -  new telemedicine conference and clinical
space is being added to the library (in addition to the aforementioned
space and  yes,
they did put salary money in for this, although perhaps not enough.)

Yes, life is an adventure - but, at least, it's fun!

Bet Ison
St. Claire Medical Center
Morehead, KY
 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
 *  Oliver Obst, PhD                      Medical & Computing Department *
 *  medibib-l list owner                  Univ. & State Library, Pf 8029 *
 *  e-mail:         48043 Muenster |^|^|^| Germany *
 *   phone +49.25183-4004 fax -8398 *
 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

From obsto Mon Jan 16 10:09:57 1995
Received: by (AIX 3.2/UCB 5.64/4.03)
          id AA04730; Mon, 16 Jan 1995 09:48:26 +0100
Received: from UBDOS005.UNI-MUENSTER.DE by (AIX 3.2/UCB 5.64/4.03)
          id AA42096; Mon, 16 Jan 1995 09:48:19 +0100
X-Nupop-Charset: IBM 8-Bit
Date: Mon, 16 Jan 1995 09:49:46 +0100 (CET)
From: "Oliver Obst" 
Message-Id: <>
To: medibib-l
Subject: Fw: HIM'95 - information
Status: R

FYI, O.Obst

From: (M. Rittberger) 
Fri, 13 Jan 95 17:46:31 +0100
Subject: HIM'95 - information

**************  C A L L  F O R  P A R T I C I P A T I O N  *************

******  Including Registration Form and hotel reservation Form   *******

        Conference Hypertext - Information Retrieval - Multimedia

                HH  HH  II  MMM     MMM ''  999999  555555       
                HH  HH  II  MMMM   MMMM ''  99  99  55
                HH  HH  II  MM M   M MM ''  99  99  555
                HHHHHH  II  MM MM MM MM     999999    5555             
                HH  HH  II  MM MM MM MM         99      55
                HH  HH  II  MM  MMM  MM         99     555
                HH  HH  II  MM  MMM  MM     999999  555555

                 5 - 7 April 1995, University of Konstanz    

***************************  Organised by:  ***************************

        The department of Information Science, University of Konstanz
                (FG Informationswissenschaft, Universitaet Konstanz),
                The Society for Appplied Information Science
   (Gesellschaft f. Angewandte Informationswissenschaft Konstanz e.V.)
                The German Society of Computer Science
                (Gesellschaft fuer Informatik e.V., GI)

                        In co-operation with:

                 The Austrian Computer Society (VCG),
           The Swiss Society of Computer Scientists (SI),
        The Academic Association for Information Science (HI)


The conference will be held in Konstanz, a town with 75000 inhabitants.
Konstanz and the Euroregion Bodensee are well known for their pleasant
and attractive environment. Apart from the conference program the city
offers several cultural events, which may interest visitors as well.
For more information please have a look at our HIM'95 WWW-Server
All plenary sessions will take place at building "R" on the university
campus. For information about the location of the university in Konstanz
and the "R" building on the campus please use our HIM'95 WWW-Server.

More and more the requirements placed on modern information systems 
from the system's and the user's point of view do not allow a separate 
view of problems.  Hence the special interest groups 'Hypertext' 
(4.9.1), 'Information Retrieval' (2.5.4/4.9.3) and 'Multimediate 
electronic documents' (4.9.2) within the German Society for Computer 
Science (GI), the Austrian Computer Society (VCG), the Swiss Society 
of Computer Scientists (SI) and the Academic Association for 
Information Science (HI) will hold a joint conference with focus on 
hypertext (HT), information retrieval (IR) and multimedia (MM).

HIM'95 continues a successful series of meetings in German-speaking 
countries: It is the fifth hypertext conference (following Basel, 
Darmstadt, Graz and Zuerich), the second information retrieval-meeting 
after Regensburg and the second meeting of the special interest group 
'multimediate electronic documents'.
The meeting emphasizes the following issues:

Models for HT, IR and MM
Systems' architecture and implementation
Applications of HT, IR and MM-systems
Standards for interfaces, exchange formats and query languages
Content representation in HT, IR and MM-systems
Cognitive aspects in the use of  HT, IR and MM-systems
Authoring systems
Structure and administration of document sets
Distributed and open HT, IR and MM-systems
Requirements on large HT, IR and MM-systems
Database support of HT, IR and MM-systems
Cooperative, adaptive and knowledge based methods
Interaction and user interfaces
Quality, acceptance and evaluation
HT, IR and MM-systems as means of information management


Invited Speakers
Donna Harman: The TREC Conferences.
Simon Gibbs: Directions in Multimedia Programming.
Roy Rada: will discuss a Hypertext related theme.

Accepted Papers
Stephan Arens / Rainer Hammwoehner:
        Ein graphischer Browser fuer das Konstanzer Hypertext-System.
Catherine Berrut / Pascal Bouchon / Philippe Mulhem:
        Modelling and indexing medical images: the RIME approach.
Dietrich Boles: 
        Das IMRA-Modell - Modellierung interaktiver multimedialer
Anette Engel / Wolfgang Weber: 
        Generating Hypertext Links Through Queries.
Norbert Fuhr:
        Modelling Hypermedia Retrieval in dialog.
Leni Helmes / Matthias Razum / Andreas Barth:
        Concept of a Hypertext interface for the Information Retrieval
        in complex factual databases.
C.Juerss / D.Langkafel / Klaus Meusel:
        On transforming technical documentation into a corporate 
        information base.
Ammar Kheirbek / Yyes Chiaramella:
        Integrating Hypermedia and Information Retrieval with
        conceptual graphs formalism.
Oliver Lorenz / Gladys Monagan:
        Automatisches Indexieren von Liniengrafiken.
P.Luksch / H.-W.Mueller:
        Elektronisches Publizieren von Kristallstrukturdaten.
Thomas Mandl / Crista Womser-Hacker:
        "Softcomputing"-Verfahren zur Behandlung von Aehnlichkeiten und
        Vagheit in objektorientierten Informationsystemen.
Hermann Maurer:
        Hypermedia in a gambling casino setting.
Henning Moeller:
        Konsistentes Versionieren strukturierter Dokumentation.
Ulrich Pfeifer / Thomas Poersch / Norbert Fuhr:
        Searching proper names in databases.
Hans Holger Rath:
        Spezifikation von strukturierten Hypermedia-Dokumenten auf der
        Basis von SGML und HyTime.
Dieter Roller / Monika Bihler / M.Stolpmann:
        Adaptive hypermediale Informationsaufbereitung in betrieblichen
Gerda Ruge:
        Gedaechtnis und Termassoziation.
Klaus Tochtermann / G.Dittrich:
        Towards a family of formal models for Hypermedia.
Douglas Tudhope / Carl Taylor / Paul Beynon-Davies:
        Navigation via similarity in Hypermedia and Information
Carmen Wedemeyer / Martin Warnke:
        Dokumentation und Herausgabe des kuenstlerischen Nachlasses von
        Anna Oppermann mit computergestuetzten Verfahren - Vorstellung
        des Prototyps zum Ensemble "Umarmungen, Unerklaerliches und
        eine Gedichtzeile von R.M.R.".
Martin Wechsler:
        Eine neue Indexierungsmethode fuer Information Retrieval auf


All accepted poster sessions will be announced pretty soon.

This seven tutorials will be held on Tuesday afternoon and Wednesday morning.
More information about subject, duration, intended audience and fees will
be send pretty soon in an extra call for participation by email.

All tutorials will be held in german.

T_1 Rainer Hammwoehner, Univ. Konstanz:
        Offene Hypertext Systeme.
T_2 Eric Schoop, Technische Univ. Dresden; Ulrich Glowalla, Univ. Giessen:
        Multimedia: von der Technik zur Anwendung.
T_3 Norbert Fuhr, Univ. Dortmund
        Einfuehrung in Information Retrieval.
T_4 Norbert Streitz, GMD Darmstadt:
        Entwurf und Gestaltung Kooperativer Hypermediasysteme.
T_5 Peter Schaeuble, ETH Zuerich:
        Informationssuche in Multimedia-Datenbanken.
T_6 Martin Hofmann, SAP AG:
        Hypertext in der Industrie: Probleme und Lvsungsansdtze.
T_7 Ralf Steinmetz; Guido Grassel, IBM Heidelberg:
        Offene interaktive Multimedia Dokumente: Medien-Kompression
        und MHEG.

"Digital Libraries"
Panel chair: Hans-Peter Frei, UBILAB Zuerich
        Norbert Fuhr, Univ. Dortmund
        Jean-Frederic Jauslin, Schweizerische Landesbibliothek, Bern
        Rainer Kuhlen, Univ. Konstanz
        Hermann Maurer, Univ. Graz


In connection with the accepted papers some system demonstrations will
be held. Some conference related systems will be also shown by industry
representants of the Bodensee region.


On Thursday (6 April) evening we will visit the "Konstanzer Bucht" and
the "Obersee" by boat. The trip will end at the "Blumeninsel Mainau".
After visiting the "Mainau" and the castle of Count Bernadotte we will
have a conference dinner at the "Comturey-Keller".

We have started a WWW-Server at the department of information 
science at the University of Konstanz. There are some pages 
about the Hypertext - Information Retrieval - Multimedia HIM'95 
conference available. Those interested will find information about 
the conference, how to get to Konstanz, about hotel reservation, ...
The documents will be updated frequently with new information about

The Document URL for HIM'95:

Rainer Kuhlen (Univ. Konstanz)
Universitaet Konstanz
Postfach 5560
D-78434 Konstanz
Tel: ~49-7531-882878
Fax: ~49-7531-882601

Cochair hypertext:
        Rainer Kuhlen (Univ. Konstanz)
Cochair information retrieval:
        Peter Schaeuble (ETH Zuerich)
Cochair mulitmedia:
        Hans-Peter Wiedling (ZGDV e.V., Darmstadt)

Ralf Cordes (Telenorma, Frankfurt)
Norbert Fuhr (Univ. Dortmund)
Ulrich Glowalla (Univ. Giessen)
Rainer Hammwoehner (Univ. Konstanz)
Wolfgang Herzner (Forschungszentrum Seibersdorf)
Martin Hofmann (SAP AG, Walldorf)
Gerhard Knorz (FH Darmstadt)
Alfred Kobsa (Univ. Konstanz)
Hermann Maurer (TU Graz)
Marc Rittberger (Univ. Konstanz)
Gerhard Rossbach (Springer Verlag, Heidelberg)
Gerda Ruge (SNI Muenchen)
Jaques Savoy (Univ. Neuenburg)
Jack Schiff (Siemens AG Muenchen)
Juergen Schoenhut (FhG IGD, Darmstadt)
Eric Schoop (TU Dresden)
Lothar Simon (Univ. Erlangen)
Norbert Streitz (GMD-IPSI Darmstadt)
Peter Stucki (Univ. Zuerich)
Ulrich Thiel (GMD-IPSI Darmstadt)
Christa Womser-Hacker (Univ. Regensburg)

Marc Rittberger
Universitaet Konstanz
Postfach 5560
D-78434 Konstanz
Tel: ~49-7531-883595
Fax: ~49-7531-882601

For registration we recommend the email registration form at the bottom of 
this message. There are reduced fees for early registration 
(until 28 February 1995). The registration fee includes participation
at all sessions, posters, system demonstrations, social events
(except for student registrants) and a copy of the conference 
proceedings (except for student registrants).

Students are kindly asked to send a copy of their actual enrolment (Imma-
trikulationsbescheinigung). Please bring along your student identification
card for the conference check-in in Konstanz.

For the tutorials an additional registration is required. This extra
registration form will send by email pretty soon.

Please notice: Registration is valid only with the conference fee paid!
Please keep a receipt with you.

By bank transfer:
Please transfer in Germany to
        "HIM'95 conference" 
        Sparkasse Konstanz 
        Acc. No.: 80 309
        BLZ:: 690 500 01

Please transfer in Austria to
        "HIM'95 conference" 
        Acc. No.: 0788-33431/00
        BLZ:: 11870

Please transfer in Switzerland to
        "HIM'95 conference" 
        Schweizerischer Bankverein
        Acc. No.: L2-126.147.1

       28 February 1995    Deadline for early registration

********************  HIM'95 Registration Form  *********************

            to be returned to the Organisation Committee:


Post Code:___________________________________________________________

Registration fee
                     I Until 28 February 95 II  After 28 February 95 I
                     I DM  I SFr. I VS      II DM  I SFr. I VS       I
Full registration    I 350 I 292  I 2450    II 410 I 342  I 2870     I
GI/SI/VCG/HI  member I 290 I 242  I 2030    II 350 I 292  I 2450     I
Speakers             I 290 I 242  I 2030    II 350 I 292  I 2450     I
Student              I 50  I  42  I  350    II 110 I  92  I  770     I
*******************  HIM'95 Registration Form End  *******************

Konstanz can be reached by plane through Airports of Friedrichshafen,
Stuttgart, Frankfurt, Strassbourg and Zuerich. The train connections to
Konstanz and information about how to reach Konstanz by car are posted
in the HIM'95 WWW pages

Konstanz offers good accommodation facilities of all categories.
Accommodation will be organized by Tourist Information. Please
use this DIN-A4 form and send it to the Konstanz Tourist Information:

Tourist-Information Konstanz GmbH
Postfach 10 21 52
78421 Konstanz

I Zimmerreservierung/   | Hypertext-Information Retrieval-Multimedia   I
I Hotel reservation     |                HIM` 95                       I
Nachname/ Surname:                    Vorname/ First name:

Strasse/ street:

Wohnort/ Country and residence:

Telefon/ Telephone number:

Telefax/ Fax:
Bitte reservieren Sie/ Please reserve:

Kategorie/     Zimmer mit/         Einzelzimmer/     Doppelzimmer/
Category       Rooms with          Single            Double

    1          Bad/Dusche + WC     DM  150 - 270     250 - 440
               bath/shower + WC

    2          Dusche + WC         DM   95 - 140     160 - 215
               shower + WC

    3          Dusche/ shower      DM   70 -  90     110 - 150

    4          k.u.w. Wasser       DM   45 -  68      80 - 105
               running water
Mindest- und Hoechstpreise einschliesslich Fruehstueck und Mehrwert-
steuer pro Zimmer und Nacht./ Minimum and maximum price per room and
night, breakfast, service and VAT included.

Bitte deutlich ausfuellen/ Please fill in clearly:
I Einzelzimmer/ I Doppelzimmer/ I  Anreise/  I  Abreise/  I Kategorie/ I
I Single        I Double        I  Arrival   I  Departure I Category   I
I               I               I            I            I            I
I               I               I            I            I            I
Wenn gewuenschte Kategorie ausgebucht ist, reservieren    I            I
Sie bitte Kategorie/ If the chosen category is booked up, I
please reserve category:                                  --------------

Anreise mit/          Auto/ Car          Bahn/ Train
Arrival by               ( )                  ( )

********* Anmeldeschluss/ Time limit for reservation: 22.02.95 *********

Datum/ Date             Unterschrift und Stempel/ Signature and stamp

From obsto Wed Jan 18 14:28:01 1995
Received: by (AIX 3.2/UCB 5.64/4.03)
          id AA66618; Wed, 18 Jan 1995 14:04:56 +0100
Received: from UBDOS005.UNI-MUENSTER.DE by (AIX 3.2/UCB 5.64/4.03)
          id AA64311; Wed, 18 Jan 1995 14:04:53 +0100
X-Nupop-Charset: IBM 8-Bit
Date: Wed, 18 Jan 1995 14:06:21 +0100 (CET)
From: "Oliver Obst" 
Message-Id: <>
To: medibib-l
Subject: Neue WWW-Sites
Status: R

Aus dem Scout-Report:

Atlanta Reproductive Health Centre: Learn more about women's health issues
such as infertility and endometriosis. An online book for couples
describing infertility treatment is included. A photo gallery illustrates
various problems that result in pelvic pain and infertility. Various
surgical treatments are shown. Text and graphics explore the latest in
high-tech fertility options.

Cornell Vet Gopher:  Offers information about the Cornell Veterinary
College, information related to veterinary medicine, especially veterinary
medical education both within and outside the College.

Oliver Obst

From obsto Thu Jan 19 09:04:36 1995
Received: by (AIX 3.2/UCB 5.64/4.03)
          id AA47428; Thu, 19 Jan 1995 08:41:42 +0100
Received: from UBDOS005.UNI-MUENSTER.DE by (AIX 3.2/UCB 5.64/4.03)
          id AA47425; Thu, 19 Jan 1995 08:41:39 +0100
X-Nupop-Charset: IBM 8-Bit
Date: Thu, 19 Jan 1995 08:43:07 +0100 (CET)
From: "Oliver Obst" 
Message-Id: <>
To: medibib-l,
Subject: Update der Liste (aller) bibliothekarischen Mailinglisten.
Status: O

FYI, Oliver Obst

(Nur fuer Medibibler: Diese Liste koennen Sie auch ueber mich bekommen).

Date:    Wed, 18 Jan 1995 13:19:30 CST
From:    Steve Bonario 
Subject: update of library-oriented lists and electronic serials

----------------------------Original message----------------------------

 *** "Library-Oriented Lists and Electronic Serials" ***

 *** January 1995 update now available ***

This document is a compilation of electronic discussion lists, distribution
lists and electronic serials which are of interest to library professionals
and staff.  It is intended to assist the user of networked information
resources by: 1) providing the names and addresses of the selected electronic
lists and serials; 2) giving brief directions for obtaining access to these
resources; and 3) providing a subject index to the resources.


     send the following e-mail message to


     do not include any other text in the message


     point your gopher client to, port 70

     follow the path:

     -->Looking for Internet Tools and Information
          -->Information About the Internet
               -->Library-Oriented Lists and Electronic Serials



If you need more information please contact:

Ann Thornton (
Systems Librarian
University of Houston Libraries


Steve Bonario (
Systems Librarian
University of Houston Libraries

From medibib-l-request Thu Jan 19 12:47:13 1995
Received: by (AIX 3.2/UCB 5.64/4.03)
          id AA76238; Thu, 19 Jan 1995 12:17:25 +0100
Received: from by (AIX 3.2/UCB 5.64/4.03)
          id AA76235; Thu, 19 Jan 1995 12:17:24 +0100
Received: from by; Thu, 19 Jan 95 12:12:16 +0100
X-Nupop-Charset: English
Date: Thu, 19 Jan 1995 12:13:42 +0200
From: "markus aurand" 
Message-Id: <>
Subject: Med. Literatur ab 1944 im Internet?
Status: R

Hallo, liebe Medibib-ler!
Dies ist meine erste Anfrage an die Listenteilnehmer!
Ein Benutzer behauptet, es g!be im Internet die M!glichkeit, med. Literatur
bis 1944(?) zu recherchieren. Nach meinen Informationen geht Medlars zur!ck
bis 1964 und damit hat sich auch schon, oder etwa nicht???
Falls mir da etwas entgangen ist und jemand eine andere Bezugsquelle f!r
!ltere medizinische Literaturnachweise im Internet kennt, w!re ich !ber eine kurze
Info-Mail sehr dankbar!
Markus Aurand

From obsto Thu Jan 19 13:22:29 1995
Received: by (AIX 3.2/UCB 5.64/4.03)
          id AA11185; Thu, 19 Jan 1995 13:03:09 +0100
Received: from UBDOS005.UNI-MUENSTER.DE by (AIX 3.2/UCB 5.64/4.03)
          id AA67499; Thu, 19 Jan 1995 13:03:07 +0100
X-Nupop-Charset: IBM 8-Bit
Date: Thu, 19 Jan 1995 13:04:35 +0100 (CET)
From: "Oliver Obst" 
Message-Id: <>
To: medibib-l
Subject: RE: Med. Literatur ab 1944 im Internet?
Status: R

  "markus aurand"   writes:

> Ein Benutzer behauptet, es g!be im Internet die M!glichkeit, med.
> Literatur bis 1944(?) zu recherchieren. Nach meinen Informationen geht
> Medlars zur!ck bis 1964 und damit hat sich auch schon, oder etwa nicht???

Das scheint wirklich ein Tippfehler zu sein (auch wenn die Aussage "Medline
uebers Internet" etwas verwirrend ist, da es nur ueber Compuserve bzw. DIMDI
geht und ordentlich Geld kostet).

Ausnahme natuerlich: die med. Buecher, die bis ultimo recherchierbar sind
(je nach Bibliothek).

Oliver Obst

From medibib-l-request Thu Jan 19 17:31:14 1995
Received: by (AIX 3.2/UCB 5.64/4.03)
          id AA76243; Thu, 19 Jan 1995 17:09:13 +0100
Received: from by (AIX 3.2/UCB 5.64/4.03)
          id AA76223; Thu, 19 Jan 1995 17:09:10 +0100
Received: (from debro@localhost) by (8.6.9/8.6.9) id KAA12114; Thu, 19 Jan 1995 10:08:16 -0600
Date: Thu, 19 Jan 1995 10:08:12 -0600 (CST)
From: Diane Ebro 
Subject: Re: Med. Literatur ab 1944 im Internet?
To: markus aurand 
In-Reply-To: <>
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII
Status: R

So viel ich weiss, und wir sind hier alle durch INTERNET mit NLM verbunden,
MEDLINE in  jede Access-Moeglichkeit ist nur  ab 1966!  Es  wird  noch alle
in die National Library of Medicine  bearbeitet!   Ausserdem werde es nicht
KOSTENLOS sein!                        Kollegiale Gruesse!  Ms. Diane  Ebro 
*                                                                   *    
*  DIANE EBRO   MSc., AHIP           INTERNET:      *    
*  Health Sci.Lib.Director           VOICE:    01/218 - 726-8587    *     
*  University of Minnesota           F A X:    01/218 - 726-6205    *  
*  Ten  University   Drive   ----    ARIEL:      *
*  Duluth, MN 55803        --------                                 *
*  U.S.A.                  [] [] []                                 *
*                          [] [] []  6PM CST:  01/218 - 724-2734    * 
*                        ____________                               *

From obsto Fri Jan 20 08:58:52 1995
Received: by (AIX 3.2/UCB 5.64/4.03)
          id AA56053; Fri, 20 Jan 1995 08:41:00 +0100
Received: from UBDOS005.UNI-MUENSTER.DE by (AIX 3.2/UCB 5.64/4.03)
          id AA56050; Fri, 20 Jan 1995 08:40:55 +0100
X-Nupop-Charset: IBM 8-Bit
Date: Fri, 20 Jan 1995 08:41:38 +0100 (CET)
From: "Oliver Obst" 
Message-Id: <>
To: medibib-l
Subject: Medlib-Digest 13.-19.1.
Status: R

Liebe Medibibler,
wer medlib-l subscribiert, hat vielleicht schon bemerkt, dass ich mich nicht
mehr halten konnte (vor lachen) und sofort ein reply verfasste, als ich das
ueber die stillenden europaeischen Maenner las (siehe Nr.7).
Ich hoffe, sie haben ebensolche Freude an dieser absolut ernst gemeinten
Auskunftsfrage wie ich. :-)

Ihr O.Obst
1 Konferenz in Konstanz
2 Medical Research Council WWW-Page (UK)
3 ADVOCACY - Neue Liste ueber Behinderte
4 WWW-Server mit Infos zu vielen Krankheiten
5 SilverPlatter's 1995 MEDLINE Regeneration
6 Die 5. NLM Klassifikation, 6. Mitteilung
7 Breastfeeding Males in Europe? - oder: Was es nicht alles gibt!
>From Fri Jan 13 17:46:47 1995
Date: Fri, 13 Jan 95 17:46:31 +0100
Subject: HIM'95 - information

**************  C A L L  F O R  P A R T I C I P A T I O N  *************

******  Including Registration Form and hotel reservation Form   *******

        Conference Hypertext - Information Retrieval - Multimedia

                HH  HH  II  MMM     MMM ''  999999  555555
                HH  HH  II  MMMM   MMMM ''  99  99  55
                HH  HH  II  MM M   M MM ''  99  99  555
                HHHHHH  II  MM MM MM MM     999999    5555
                HH  HH  II  MM MM MM MM         99      55
                HH  HH  II  MM  MMM  MM         99     555
                HH  HH  II  MM  MMM  MM     999999  555555

                 5 - 7 April 1995, University of Konstanz

***************************  Organised by:  ***************************

        The department of Information Science, University of Konstanz
                (FG Informationswissenschaft, Universitaet Konstanz),
                The Society for Appplied Information Science
   (Gesellschaft f. Angewandte Informationswissenschaft Konstanz e.V.)
                The German Society of Computer Science
                (Gesellschaft fuer Informatik e.V., GI)

                        In co-operation with:

                 The Austrian Computer Society (VCG),
           The Swiss Society of Computer Scientists (SI),
        The Academic Association for Information Science (HI)


The conference will be held in Konstanz, a town with 75000 inhabitants.
Konstanz and the Euroregion Bodensee are well known for their pleasant
and attractive environment. Apart from the conference program the city
offers several cultural events, which may interest visitors as well.
For more information please have a look at our HIM'95 WWW-Server
All plenary sessions will take place at building "R" on the university
campus. For information about the location of the university in Konstanz
and the "R" building on the campus please use our HIM'95 WWW-Server.

More and more the requirements placed on modern information systems
from the system's and the user's point of view do not allow a separate
view of problems.  Hence the special interest groups 'Hypertext'
(4.9.1), 'Information Retrieval' (2.5.4/4.9.3) and 'Multimediate
electronic documents' (4.9.2) within the German Society for Computer
Science (GI), the Austrian Computer Society (VCG), the Swiss Society
of Computer Scientists (SI) and the Academic Association for
Information Science (HI) will hold a joint conference with focus on
hypertext (HT), information retrieval (IR) and multimedia (MM).

HIM'95 continues a successful series of meetings in German-speaking
countries: It is the fifth hypertext conference (following Basel,
Darmstadt, Graz and Zuerich), the second information retrieval-meeting
after Regensburg and the second meeting of the special interest group
'multimediate electronic documents'.
The meeting emphasizes the following issues:

Models for HT, IR and MM
Systems' architecture and implementation
Applications of HT, IR and MM-systems
Standards for interfaces, exchange formats and query languages
Content representation in HT, IR and MM-systems
Cognitive aspects in the use of  HT, IR and MM-systems
Authoring systems
Structure and administration of document sets
Distributed and open HT, IR and MM-systems
Requirements on large HT, IR and MM-systems
Database support of HT, IR and MM-systems
Cooperative, adaptive and knowledge based methods
Interaction and user interfaces
Quality, acceptance and evaluation
HT, IR and MM-systems as means of information management


Invited Speakers
Donna Harman: The TREC Conferences.
Simon Gibbs: Directions in Multimedia Programming.
Roy Rada: will discuss a Hypertext related theme.

Accepted Papers
Stephan Arens / Rainer Hammwoehner:
        Ein graphischer Browser fuer das Konstanzer Hypertext-System.
Catherine Berrut / Pascal Bouchon / Philippe Mulhem:
        Modelling and indexing medical images: the RIME approach.
Dietrich Boles:
        Das IMRA-Modell - Modellierung interaktiver multimedialer
Anette Engel / Wolfgang Weber:
        Generating Hypertext Links Through Queries.
Norbert Fuhr:
        Modelling Hypermedia Retrieval in dialog.
Leni Helmes / Matthias Razum / Andreas Barth:
        Concept of a Hypertext interface for the Information Retrieval
        in complex factual databases.
C.Juerss / D.Langkafel / Klaus Meusel:
        On transforming technical documentation into a corporate
        information base.
Ammar Kheirbek / Yyes Chiaramella:
        Integrating Hypermedia and Information Retrieval with
        conceptual graphs formalism.
Oliver Lorenz / Gladys Monagan:
        Automatisches Indexieren von Liniengrafiken.
P.Luksch / H.-W.Mueller:
        Elektronisches Publizieren von Kristallstrukturdaten.
Thomas Mandl / Crista Womser-Hacker:
        "Softcomputing"-Verfahren zur Behandlung von Aehnlichkeiten und
        Vagheit in objektorientierten Informationsystemen.
Hermann Maurer:
        Hypermedia in a gambling casino setting.
Henning Moeller:
        Konsistentes Versionieren strukturierter Dokumentation.
Ulrich Pfeifer / Thomas Poersch / Norbert Fuhr:
        Searching proper names in databases.
Hans Holger Rath:
        Spezifikation von strukturierten Hypermedia-Dokumenten auf der
        Basis von SGML und HyTime.
Dieter Roller / Monika Bihler / M.Stolpmann:
        Adaptive hypermediale Informationsaufbereitung in betrieblichen
Gerda Ruge:
        Gedaechtnis und Termassoziation.
Klaus Tochtermann / G.Dittrich:
        Towards a family of formal models for Hypermedia.
Douglas Tudhope / Carl Taylor / Paul Beynon-Davies:
        Navigation via similarity in Hypermedia and Information
Carmen Wedemeyer / Martin Warnke:
        Dokumentation und Herausgabe des kuenstlerischen Nachlasses von
        Anna Oppermann mit computergestuetzten Verfahren - Vorstellung
        des Prototyps zum Ensemble "Umarmungen, Unerklaerliches und
        eine Gedichtzeile von R.M.R.".
Martin Wechsler:
        Eine neue Indexierungsmethode fuer Information Retrieval auf


All accepted poster sessions will be announced pretty soon.

This seven tutorials will be held on Tuesday afternoon and Wednesday morning.
More information about subject, duration, intended audience and fees will
be send pretty soon in an extra call for participation by email.

All tutorials will be held in german.

T_1 Rainer Hammwoehner, Univ. Konstanz:
        Offene Hypertext Systeme.
T_2 Eric Schoop, Technische Univ. Dresden; Ulrich Glowalla, Univ. Giessen:
        Multimedia: von der Technik zur Anwendung.
T_3 Norbert Fuhr, Univ. Dortmund
        Einfuehrung in Information Retrieval.
T_4 Norbert Streitz, GMD Darmstadt:
        Entwurf und Gestaltung Kooperativer Hypermediasysteme.
T_5 Peter Schaeuble, ETH Zuerich:
        Informationssuche in Multimedia-Datenbanken.
T_6 Martin Hofmann, SAP AG:
        Hypertext in der Industrie: Probleme und Lvsungsansdtze.
T_7 Ralf Steinmetz; Guido Grassel, IBM Heidelberg:
        Offene interaktive Multimedia Dokumente: Medien-Kompression
        und MHEG.

"Digital Libraries"
Panel chair: Hans-Peter Frei, UBILAB Zuerich
        Norbert Fuhr, Univ. Dortmund
        Jean-Frederic Jauslin, Schweizerische Landesbibliothek, Bern
        Rainer Kuhlen, Univ. Konstanz
        Hermann Maurer, Univ. Graz


In connection with the accepted papers some system demonstrations will
be held. Some conference related systems will be also shown by industry
representants of the Bodensee region.


On Thursday (6 April) evening we will visit the "Konstanzer Bucht" and
the "Obersee" by boat. The trip will end at the "Blumeninsel Mainau".
After visiting the "Mainau" and the castle of Count Bernadotte we will
have a conference dinner at the "Comturey-Keller".

We have started a WWW-Server at the department of information
science at the University of Konstanz. There are some pages
about the Hypertext - Information Retrieval - Multimedia HIM'95
conference available. Those interested will find information about
the conference, how to get to Konstanz, about hotel reservation, ...
The documents will be updated frequently with new information about

The Document URL for HIM'95:

Rainer Kuhlen (Univ. Konstanz)
Universitaet Konstanz
Postfach 5560
D-78434 Konstanz
Tel: ~49-7531-882878
Fax: ~49-7531-882601

Cochair hypertext:
        Rainer Kuhlen (Univ. Konstanz)
Cochair information retrieval:
        Peter Schaeuble (ETH Zuerich)
Cochair mulitmedia:
        Hans-Peter Wiedling (ZGDV e.V., Darmstadt)

Ralf Cordes (Telenorma, Frankfurt)
Norbert Fuhr (Univ. Dortmund)
Ulrich Glowalla (Univ. Giessen)
Rainer Hammwoehner (Univ. Konstanz)
Wolfgang Herzner (Forschungszentrum Seibersdorf)
Martin Hofmann (SAP AG, Walldorf)
Gerhard Knorz (FH Darmstadt)
Alfred Kobsa (Univ. Konstanz)
Hermann Maurer (TU Graz)
Marc Rittberger (Univ. Konstanz)
Gerhard Rossbach (Springer Verlag, Heidelberg)
Gerda Ruge (SNI Muenchen)
Jaques Savoy (Univ. Neuenburg)
Jack Schiff (Siemens AG Muenchen)
Juergen Schoenhut (FhG IGD, Darmstadt)
Eric Schoop (TU Dresden)
Lothar Simon (Univ. Erlangen)
Norbert Streitz (GMD-IPSI Darmstadt)
Peter Stucki (Univ. Zuerich)
Ulrich Thiel (GMD-IPSI Darmstadt)
Christa Womser-Hacker (Univ. Regensburg)

Marc Rittberger
Universitaet Konstanz
Postfach 5560
D-78434 Konstanz
Tel: ~49-7531-883595
Fax: ~49-7531-882601

For registration we recommend the email registration form at the bottom of
this message. There are reduced fees for early registration
(until 28 February 1995). The registration fee includes participation
at all sessions, posters, system demonstrations, social events
(except for student registrants) and a copy of the conference
proceedings (except for student registrants).

Students are kindly asked to send a copy of their actual enrolment (Imma-
trikulationsbescheinigung). Please bring along your student identification
card for the conference check-in in Konstanz.

For the tutorials an additional registration is required. This extra
registration form will send by email pretty soon.

Please notice: Registration is valid only with the conference fee paid!
Please keep a receipt with you.

By bank transfer:
Please transfer in Germany to
        "HIM'95 conference"
        Sparkasse Konstanz
        Acc. No.: 80 309
        BLZ:: 690 500 01

Please transfer in Austria to
        "HIM'95 conference"
        Acc. No.: 0788-33431/00
        BLZ:: 11870

Please transfer in Switzerland to
        "HIM'95 conference"
        Schweizerischer Bankverein
        Acc. No.: L2-126.147.1

       28 February 1995    Deadline for early registration

********************  HIM'95 Registration Form  *********************

            to be returned to the Organisation Committee:


Post Code:___________________________________________________________

Registration fee
                     I Until 28 February 95 II  After 28 February 95 I
                     I DM  I SFr. I VS      II DM  I SFr. I VS       I
Full registration    I 350 I 292  I 2450    II 410 I 342  I 2870     I
GI/SI/VCG/HI  member I 290 I 242  I 2030    II 350 I 292  I 2450     I
Speakers             I 290 I 242  I 2030    II 350 I 292  I 2450     I
Student              I 50  I  42  I  350    II 110 I  92  I  770     I
*******************  HIM'95 Registration Form End  *******************

Konstanz can be reached by plane through Airports of Friedrichshafen,
Stuttgart, Frankfurt, Strassbourg and Zuerich. The train connections to
Konstanz and information about how to reach Konstanz by car are posted
in the HIM'95 WWW pages

Konstanz offers good accommodation facilities of all categories.
Accommodation will be organized by Tourist Information. Please
use this DIN-A4 form and send it to the Konstanz Tourist Information:

Tourist-Information Konstanz GmbH
Postfach 10 21 52
78421 Konstanz

I Zimmerreservierung/   | Hypertext-Information Retrieval-Multimedia   I
I Hotel reservation     |                HIM` 95                       I
Nachname/ Surname:                    Vorname/ First name:

Strasse/ street:

Wohnort/ Country and residence:

Telefon/ Telephone number:

Telefax/ Fax:
Bitte reservieren Sie/ Please reserve:

Kategorie/     Zimmer mit/         Einzelzimmer/     Doppelzimmer/
Category       Rooms with          Single            Double

    1          Bad/Dusche + WC     DM  150 - 270     250 - 440
               bath/shower + WC

    2          Dusche + WC         DM   95 - 140     160 - 215
               shower + WC

    3          Dusche/ shower      DM   70 -  90     110 - 150

    4          k.u.w. Wasser       DM   45 -  68      80 - 105
               running water
Mindest- und Hoechstpreise einschliesslich Fruehstueck und Mehrwert-
steuer pro Zimmer und Nacht./ Minimum and maximum price per room and
night, breakfast, service and VAT included.

Bitte deutlich ausfuellen/ Please fill in clearly:
I Einzelzimmer/ I Doppelzimmer/ I  Anreise/  I  Abreise/  I Kategorie/ I
I Single        I Double        I  Arrival   I  Departure I Category   I
I               I               I            I            I            I
I               I               I            I            I            I
Wenn gewuenschte Kategorie ausgebucht ist, reservieren    I            I
Sie bitte Kategorie/ If the chosen category is booked up, I
please reserve category:                                  --------------

Anreise mit/          Auto/ Car          Bahn/ Train
Arrival by               ( )                  ( )

********* Anmeldeschluss/ Time limit for reservation: 22.02.95 *********

Datum/ Date             Unterschrift und Stempel/ Signature and stamp

From: Frank Norman 
Subject: MRC WWW Home Page
Date: Sun, 15 Jan 1995 15:47:45 +0000 (GMT)

A Medical Research Council WWW Home Page is now available:

The Medical Research Council (MRC) promotes the balanced development
of medical and related biological research in the UK. The Council receives
an annual Grant in aid from Parliament via the Office of Science and
Technology. It also receives funds for or works with a number of
government departments, industry and charities. It has close links
with the Health Departments and the other Research Councils.

The Home Page includes information about MRC Institutes and Units,
Interdisciplinary Research Centres, and about other UK Research
Councils.  Hyperlinks are provided where available.

Frank Norman
Deputy Librarian
National Institute for Medical Research
The Ridgeway
Mill Hill
London NW7 1AA


   ADVOCACY is a discussion list dedicated to addressing the issues of
   people with disabilities in bettering their lives and protecting
   their rights.

   To subscribe to ADVOCACY, do the following.  Send a mail message to: . Leave the subject line BLANK and in the
   body of the mail message, type this:

   subscribe advocacy Firstname Lastname

   Please place your real name in place of Firstname Lastname.

   You will receive notification of your subscription.  LISTSERV then
   asks that you send a message back with the reply command with the
   word OK as the only thing in the reply.  Read your notification

   The topics below are just suggestions.

   This list was created, not as a gripe list, but as a group of people
   who investigate ways that we can use this form of communication to
   empower and better the lives of people with disabilities around the

   Please join us.

   Members may be interested in discussing such topics as:
        1) Health care reform,
        2) Benefits,
        3) PCA's (Personal Care Assistants),
        4) Employment,
        5) Accessibility,
        6) Civil Rights issues,
        7) Transportation problems,
        8) Insurance,
        9) Other topics not included in the above list.


Date:    Fri, 13 Jan 1995 15:09:02 GMT
From:    jcone@INS.INFONET.NET
Subject: NIDDK/NIH Experimental Web Server

This from the newsgroup:

The NIDDK is trying an experimental web server. It contains patient
information on a number of diseases. We would be grateful for comments
which can be directed to The URL is:


Thought you might like to know, if you don't already.

Jon Cone
Mercy Hospital
Iowa City IA 52245

Date:    Tue, 17 Jan 1995 15:34:00 EST
From:    Silver Platter Information <0005025691@MCIMAIL.COM>
Subject: SilverPlatter's 1995 MEDLINE Regeneration

We thought that our MEDLINE subscribers would be interested in
the status of the 1995 MEDLINE regeneration.  Our Database Design,
Database Development, and Production Groups created a project plan
for the 1995 MEDLINE regeneration to ensure the swiftest possible
release of the database.

The National Llibrary of Medicine had predicted it would begin to
ship data tapes to all their licensees starting the week of 12/19/94;
SilverPlatter's MEDLINE tapes arrived in-house on 12/30/94, the
earliest we have ever received this data.  Because of the timely
NLM tape delivery, and the planning work we did prior to mid-December,
we are on schedule.  The first several CD's of the set have already
been sent to the mastering plant.

We expect to begin shipping MEDLINE 1995 to customers on January 24,
and to begin shipping to MEDLINE Express customers on January 27, 1995.

SilverPlatter Information, Inc.     SilverPlatter Information,Ltd
100 River Ridge Drive               10 Barley Mow Passage
Norwood, MA  02062                  Chiswick, London  W4 4PH
   Phone: 800-343-0064 (US/Canada)     Phone: 0800-262-096 (UK)
          617-769-2599                        +44-81-995-8242
     Fax: 617-769-8763                   Fax: +44-81-995-5159
Internet:  or

Date:    Wed, 18 Jan 1995 15:55:00 EST
From:    Christa Hoffmann 
Subject: New Date for NLM Classification, 5th edition

The U.S. Government Printing Office (U.S. G.P.O.) today notified
the National Library of Medicine that the National Library of
Medicine Classification, 5th edition, is now scheduled for
distribution at the end of February.  GPO anticipates delivery of
the publication on February 24, 1995.  The NLM regrets this delay
which is beyond the Library's control.

Christa F.B. Hoffmann
Head, Cataloging Section

Date:    Wed, 18 Jan 1995 12:40:46 -0500
From:    "Stephanie C. John" 
Subject: Breastfeeding/lactating males in Europe

That subject got your attention, didn't it?  It's a real reference
question.  An OB resident says that "people in Europe are experimenting
with having males breastfeed because the mother works".  She's sure of
it.  Certain.  A search of MEDLINE from 1990-94 turned up zip.  Ditto for
EMED.  I'm going to try lactation type listservs on the Internet and
calling La Leche (and believe me, it's hard to keep a neutral tone with
this question).  Any other ideas?  (I almost asked if she was put up to
this because we have a history here of giving each other facetious
MEDLINE search requests as practical jokes - but nobody I know would dare
ask this lady to participate in such a joke!  If you're curious, ask me
about the fake reference request about using discarded foreskins from
circumsions to replace congenitally-absent eyelids.  I'd post it here,
but the punchline uses a mildly dirty word.)

Thanks for any help you can offer - even a "yeah, I've been there"!
Stephanie C. John, M.Ln., DM, AHIP    || Internet:
Director                              || Voice: 517/771-6846
Saginaw Health Sciences Libraries 1000 Houghton Avenue, Saginaw MI 48602-5398
 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
 *  Oliver Obst, PhD                      Medical & Computing Department *
 *  medibib-l list owner                  Univ. & State Library, Pf 8029 *
 *  e-mail:         48043 Muenster |^|^|^| Germany *
 *   phone +49.25183-4004 fax -8398 *
 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

From obsto Mon Jan 23 09:16:38 1995
Received: by (AIX 3.2/UCB 5.64/4.03)
          id AA65704; Mon, 23 Jan 1995 09:00:29 +0100
Received: from UBDOS005.UNI-MUENSTER.DE by (AIX 3.2/UCB 5.64/4.03)
          id AA65701; Mon, 23 Jan 1995 09:00:27 +0100
X-Nupop-Charset: IBM 8-Bit
Date: Mon, 23 Jan 1995 09:01:15 +0100 (CET)
From: "Oliver Obst" 
Message-Id: <>
To: medibib-l
Subject: Fw: MLA News now covered in BUBL's Section E2
Status: R

Die BUBL-Leute sind recht aktiv. Sie stellen Abstrakts von ca. 120
bibliothekarischen Zeitschriften zur Verfuegung, u.a. vom Bulletin of the
MLA, MLA News, Health Libraries Review u.a.
Wie kommt man da dran? Gopher to, 2.Menuepunkt, dann
5.Menuepunkt, dann 2.Menuepunkt (Table of contents of LIS and computing

oder (als bookmark)

BUBL Current Contents of Library Journal - alphabetically
E2 - Tables of Contents and Abstracts of LIS and Computing Journals

From: BUBL Administrator 
Fri, 20 Jan 1995 20:42:32 EST
Subject: MLA News now covered in BUBL's Section E2

The BUBL Information Service has expanded coverage of the titles covered
in the current contents of LIS journals area of BUBL.
Specifically, Section E2EM08.
Over the past few months we have been adding the Tables of Contents, some
with published abstracts to a number of Medical librarianship oriented
titles which you may find useful.
Path to Section E of BUBL is: 2,5 from the BUBL Gopher Main Menu.
 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
 *  Oliver Obst, PhD                      Medical & Computing Department *
 *  medibib-l list owner                  Univ. & State Library, Pf 8029 *
 *  e-mail:         48043 Muenster |^|^|^| Germany *
 *   phone +49.25183-4004 fax -8398 *
 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

From obsto Mon Jan 23 09:21:18 1995
Received: by (AIX 3.2/UCB 5.64/4.03)
          id AA45324; Mon, 23 Jan 1995 09:01:10 +0100
Received: from UBDOS005.UNI-MUENSTER.DE by (AIX 3.2/UCB 5.64/4.03)
          id AA45321; Mon, 23 Jan 1995 09:01:08 +0100
X-Nupop-Charset: IBM 8-Bit
Date: Mon, 23 Jan 1995 09:01:56 +0100 (CET)
From: "Oliver Obst" 
Message-Id: <>
To: medibib-l
Subject: Fw: Physiology list
Status: R

FYI, Obst
From: "Ian Winship, Univ Northumbria Info Services"  
Fri, 20 Jan 95 16:46 GMT
Subject: Physiology list

                         Message forwarded by
        Ian Winship, University of Northumbria Information Services

		|					  |
		|					  |

It is called physiology

Its description reads:

The Physiology list has been set up to focus discussion relating to all
aspects of physiology teaching and research. Special emphasis will be
placed upon encouraging collaboration and new education and research
initiatives between Physiology Departments. 

To join this list send the command:

	join physiology firstname(s) lastname

as the only text of an e-mail message to:

(Remember to replace "firstname(s)" and "lastname" with your first name(s) 
and last name)

	 Donal Hanna, Mailbase, University Computing Service, 
	Newcastle University, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK, NE1 7RU
			Tel: 0191 222 8080
 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
 *  Oliver Obst, PhD                      Medical & Computing Department *
 *  medibib-l list owner                  Univ. & State Library, Pf 8029 *
 *  e-mail:         48043 Muenster |^|^|^| Germany *
 *   phone +49.25183-4004 fax -8398 *
 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

From obsto Mon Jan 23 09:31:20 1995
Received: by (AIX 3.2/UCB 5.64/4.03)
          id AA56943; Mon, 23 Jan 1995 09:17:08 +0100
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          id AA69484; Mon, 23 Jan 1995 09:17:06 +0100
X-Nupop-Charset: IBM 8-Bit
Date: Mon, 23 Jan 1995 09:17:54 +0100 (CET)
From: "Oliver Obst" 
Message-Id: <>
To: medibib-l
Subject: Liste ueber die "non-pharmacologic prevention of coronary heart disease"
Status: R

FYI, Obst

Date: Fri, 20 Jan 1995 08:26:22 -0400
From: Michael Allen 
Message-ID: <01HM29YRKPQQ00LZF5@AC.DAL.CA>

This is an invitation to join a mail list for discussion
on non-pharmacologic prevention of coronary heart disease.

All are welcome.

The Cardiac Prevention Research Centre was created through
collaboration between Dalhousie University and Marion Merrell Dow
(Canada) Inc.  Its goals are to promote research into and
communication about the non-pharmacological prevention of
coronary heart disease.  This mail list is to help fulfil the
communication goal.

The mail list is not moderated and open to any discussion and
questions about prevention of coronary heart disease that does
not involve medications.  Diet, exercise and smoking are obvious
subjects for discussion, but we should not forget economic,
social, educational and cultural factors.  Because cholesterol
and triglycerides are likely to be mentioned, and because
subscribers may come from the U.S. and other parts of the world I
provide the following conversions:

     To convert cholesterol, HDL, or LDL from mmol/L to mg/dL,
     multiply by 38.7.  Thus a cholesterol of 5 mmol/L is
     equivalent to 194 mg/dL.

     To convert triglycerides from mmol/L to mg/dL, multiply by
     88.5.  Thus a triglyceride level of 2.5 mmol/L is
     equivalent to 221 mg/dL.

- To subscribe to the list send mail to:
          with single line message:
               subscribe cardiac-prev

- To remove yourself from the list send mail to:
          with the single line message:
               unsubscribe cardiac-prev

- To post a message to everyone on the list, mail it to:

- To find out who else is on the list, send mail to:
          with single line message:
               send/list cardiac-prev

- To get full list of MAILSERVE commands, send mail to:
          with single line message:

- Please direct any questions or problems to:

Michael Allen, M.D.             

Medical/Communications Coordinator        TEL: 902-496-4791
Cardiac Prevention Research Centre        FAX: 902-496-4571
9th Floor, Abbie Lane Bldg
Camp Hill Medical Centre
Halifax, NS   B3H 3G2
 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
 *  Oliver Obst, PhD                      Medical & Computing Department *
 *  medibib-l list owner                  Univ. & State Library, Pf 8029 *
 *  e-mail:         48043 Muenster |^|^|^| Germany *
 *   phone +49.25183-4004 fax -8398 *
 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

From medibib-l-request Thu Jan 26 01:03:01 1995
Received: by (AIX 3.2/UCB 5.64/4.03)
          id AA65895; Thu, 26 Jan 1995 00:47:36 +0100
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Date: Wed, 25 Jan 1995 17:46:52 -0600 (CST)
From: Diane Ebro 
Subject: EJO Adding WWW Access (fwd)
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII
Status: R

FOR YOUR INFORMATION!     Kollegiale Gruesse sendet,                         
                                                      Ms. Diane  Ebro         
*                                                                   *    
*  DIANE EBRO   MSc., AHIP           INTERNET:      *    
*  Health Sci.Lib.Director           VOICE:    01/218 - 726-8587    *     
*  University of Minnesota           F A X:    01/218 - 726-6205    *  
*  Ten  University   Drive   ----    ARIEL:      *
*  Duluth, MN 55803        --------                                 *
*  U.S.A.                  [] [] []                                 *
*                          [] [] []  6PM CST:  01/218 - 724-2734    * 
*                        ____________                               *
---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Wed, 25 Jan 1995 09:48:33 -0600 (CST)
From: Darlene Morris 
To: Diane Ebro 
Subject: EJO Adding WWW Access (fwd)

F.Y.I. Latest information from OCLC on their electronic journals.

>                                        Deb Bendig (1/614) 761-5084
>                                        Nita Dean (1/614) 761-5002
>                   ADDING WORLD WIDE WEB ACCESS
> DUBLIN, Ohio, Jan 24, 1995--OCLC has designed a World Wide Web
> interface for the OCLC Electronic Journals Online system that
> will make subscriber access to journals possible from multiple
> computer platforms using NCSA Mosaic software.
> Using the Mosaic software, IBM PC, Macintosh and UNIX users have
> access to the full text, color and halftone images, graphics,
> complex equations and tables available in OCLC Electronic
> Journals Online.  The Electronic Journals Online system for IBM
> PC users is also available through Guidon, OCLC's Windows-based
> graphical user interface.
> _Applied Physics Letters Online_, the electronic version of the
> weekly journal published by the American Institute of Physics
> (AIP), is the first of the OCLC Electronic Journals Online to be
> available through the Web.  Other OCLC Electronic Journals Online
> will be available on the Web over the course of 1995.
> _Applied Physics Letters Online_ is now available to subscribers
> through the "On Ramp to OCLC Services" at the OCLC Home Page,
> on the World Wide Web.

> "I firmly believe that Mosaic and other Web browsers represent a
> revolution in communication technology," said Peggy Judd, AIP
> director of information technology.  "Publishing _Applied Physics
> Letters Online_, the first physics journal to be fully accessible
> via the Web and Mosaic, clearly establishes the
> American Institute of Physics as a significant electronic
> publisher and marks its participation in this important new way
> of communicating with the world-wide scientific community."
> "OCLC's goal is to provide convenient, world-wide access to
> important scholarly journals via the user's choice of a variety
> of graphical interfaces and platforms," said Andrea Keyhani,
> manager, OCLC electronic publishing.
> According to Stuart Weibel, OCLC senior research scientist, there
> were two major tasks required to make Web-based scholarly journal
> access possible.
> "We developed an automated process to translate from Standard
> Generalized Markup Language (SGML) to HyperText Markup Language
> (HTML), and to generate the special characters necessary for
> scholarly typography," said Dr. Weibel.  "We developed a
> specialized server that maintains session context for a user,
> which does not happen in a normal Web transaction.  By doing
> this, we have laid the foundation for fully Z39.50-compliant
> access to full text and reference database services."
> "OCLC's Electronic Journals Online is the first commercial system
> to offer these advanced capabilities in a World Wide Web
> product," said Dr. Weibel.
> "Development of the World Wide Web interface is an evolving
> process," said Ms. Keyhani.  "OCLC continues to study ways to
> improve the interface, and continues work with the National
> Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA) and the Internet
> Engineering Task Force working group on HTML to improve the HTML
> standard itself."
> A demonstration of the OCLC Electronic Journals Online service
> will soon be available through the World Wide Web.
> To obtain a current list of EJO-compatible browsers and their
> EJO-required settings, use:
> o   OCLC Reference Services Home Page.  Go to
> o   Anonymous FTP.  Enter this command: ftp
> Change to this directory: /pub/documentation/ejo/.
> o   E-mail.  Send this message: get ejo browsers; to this
> Internet e-mail address:
> OCLC is a nonprofit computer library service and research
> organization whose computer network and services link more than
> 19,000 libraries in 61 countries and territories.     (RJM)
>                               -30- 

From obsto Thu Jan 26 10:24:56 1995
Received: by (AIX 3.2/UCB 5.64/4.03)
          id AA55730; Thu, 26 Jan 1995 10:08:44 +0100
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          id AA06829; Thu, 26 Jan 1995 10:08:42 +0100
X-Nupop-Charset: IBM 8-Bit
Date: Thu, 26 Jan 1995 10:09:35 +0100 (CET)
From: "Oliver Obst" 
Message-Id: <>
To: medibib-l
Subject: Fw: PharmInfoNet WWW
Status: R

FYI, Obst
From: "Ian Winship, Univ Northumbria Info Services"  
Wed, 25 Jan 1995 16:54:00 GMT
Subject: PharmInfoNet WWW

                         Message forwarded by
        Ian Winship, University of Northumbria Information Services

                   Announcing PharmInfoNet,
  A New World Wide Web Site for Pharmaceutical Information
PharmInfoNet(tm) is devoted to delivering useful, up-to-date,
and accurate pharmaceutical information to pharmacists,
physicians, and patients. Some of the resources found on
PharmInfoNet include:
o  A database of articles from PIA Ltd publications Medical
   Sciences Bulletin and Transgenica: Topics in Clinical
o  DrugFAQs(tm) - Frequently Asked Questions about drugs with
   answers from pharmaceutical manufacturers and other
   approved sources,
o  PharmMall(tm) - an area for companies -- pharmaceutical
   manufacturers, publishers, software developers, etc. -- to
   place their home pages, catalogs, and product information,
o  A rotating exhibit of pharmaceutical and pharmacy-related
   art, photographs and multimedia museum tours,
o  A moderated archive of drug-related discussion threads
   from the newsgroup arranged by drug
   category, and
o  Links to other Internet sites of interest to
   pharmaceutical professionals.
This information is provided free to physicians, medical
students, pharmacists, nurses, patients and anyone else with
access to the Internet and the World-Wide Web.
PharmInfoNet is sponsored by Pharmaceutical Information
Associates, Ltd. (PIA Ltd), a former MecklerWeb Charter
Partner. PIA Ltd is an innovative company that specializes in
communicating scientific information to regulatory and
health-care professionals.
For more information, send a message to:
or call 1-800-584-1063 or 1-215-949-0490
 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
 *  Oliver Obst, PhD                      Medical & Computing Department *
 *  medibib-l list owner                  Univ. & State Library, Pf 8029 *
 *  e-mail:         48043 Muenster |^|^|^| Germany *
 *   phone +49.25183-4004 fax -8398 *
 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

From obsto Fri Jan 27 16:21:39 1995
Received: by (AIX 3.2/UCB 5.64/4.03)
          id AA65403; Fri, 27 Jan 1995 15:58:51 +0100
Received: from UBDOS005.UNI-MUENSTER.DE by (AIX 3.2/UCB 5.64/4.03)
          id AA06254; Fri, 27 Jan 1995 15:58:46 +0100
X-Nupop-Charset: IBM 8-Bit
Date: Fri, 27 Jan 1995 16:01:26 +0100 (CET)
From: "Oliver Obst" 
Message-Id: <>
To: medibib-l
Subject: Fw: Current literature for healthcare librarians
Status: R

Von der Liste lis-medical, FYI - Obst
Fri, 27 Jan 1995 11:56:43 +0000
Subject: Current literature for healthcare librarians

Current literature for health care librarians

Compiled by John Hewlett, with help too numerous to mention -
full credit will be given in the printed version in MHWLG

Please send additions to this list by e-mail or snail-mail.


Skrzeszewski, S.  Virtual libraries: the convergence of
technologies and partnerships.  Bibliotheca medica canadiana 1994;
16(2): 71-76.


Glanville, J.  The NHS Centre for Reviews and Dissemination
[York].  IFM Healthcare Newsletter 1994 Winter; 5(4): 2-8.

Lennie, F. & Nickerson, A.  Indexing medical works.  Key Words
1994; 2(2): 12-16. 
What do users of medical book indexes look for?  How do their
needs differ from those of other users?


Collins, J.P.  Establishing a Wessex pharmaceutical group library
network: a feasibility study.  Aberystwyth: University of Wales
MSc dissertation, 1993.
Reviewed in IFM Healthcare Newsletter 1994 Autumn; 5 (3): 39-41. 


Altman, D.G. & Goodman, S.N.  Transfer of technology from
statistical journals to the biomedical literature: past trends and
future predictions.  Journal of the American Medical Association
1994; 272: 129-132.

Vine, R.  An Internet primer for medical librarians.  Bibliotheca
medica canadiana 1994; 16(2): 68-70.  
3 pages of facts, directed to the Canadian market; includes how
to access Blackwell's UnCover (searching only).


Baker, L.  Monitors and blunters: patient health information
seeking from a different perspective.  Bibliotheca medica
canadiana 1994; 16(2): 60-63. 
Information needs of women with multiple sclerosis.

Duncan, V.  Partners in information: genetic support groups,
health care professionals and the health sciences librarian. 
Bibliotheca medica canadiana 1994; 16(2): 64-67.  
Finding information written for the layman on rare genetic
syndromes and conditions.

Farmer, J. & Van Hengel, J.  Drug information for patients: do we
know the answer?  Journal of Documentation 1994 December; 50(4):


Hague, H., compiler.  Core collection of medical books and journals
1994/95.  London: BMA, 1994.  o5.00 + o1.00 p&p.

Laupacis, A. and others (Evidence-Based Medicine Working Group). 
Users' guides to the medical literature. V, How to use an article
about prognosis.  Journal of the American Medical Association 1994
July 20; 272(3): 234-237.

Malinowsky, H.R.  Reference sources in science, engineering,
medicine and agriculture.  Phoenix, AZ: Oryx Press, 1994.  $39.95
hbk.  ISBN  0-89774-745-3.
Formerly Science and technology information sourcebook. 
Includes complete bibliographical information and brief annotations
for more than 2400 reference sources.


Braude, R.M.  Medical librarianship and medical informatics: a call
for the disciplines to join hands to train tomorrow's leaders. 
Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association 1994
November; 1(6): 467-468.


Mooney, E. & Hodgson, G.  UK Health for All network.  IFM
Healthcare Newsletter 1994 Winter; 5(4): 15-20.  
Further information about the network is available from

Smith, C. & Padden, S.C.R.  Cumberlege II: managing the
knowledge base of healthcare...  IFM Healthcare Newsletter 1994
Autumn; 5 (3): 19-24.  
Reports of seminars held in London, October 1993, and in Cardiff,
July 1994.

Booth, A.  Information for purchasing: an evaluation of the
region-wide Purchasing Intelligence Project Database.  IFM
Healthcare Newsletter 1994 Autumn; 5 (3): 25-29.

Jamieson, A.H.  Managing the knowledge base of health care: the
Scottish dimension.  IFM Healthcare Newsletter 1994 Winter; 5(4):


Collings, L.  The provision of nursing informatics training in the
Aberystwyth: University of Wales MSc dissertation, 1993.  IFM
Healthcare Newsletter 1994 Autumn; 5 (3): 36-38 (Review).


1991 Census on CD-ROM.  Managing Information (Aslib) 1994
November; 1(11/12): 55-56.  
A brief review of the database on 8 CDs + 2 floppy disks.

Watson, M.  Publishing a CD-ROM database in-house: a case study. 
Managing Information (Aslib) 1994 November; 1(11/12): 24-27.  
One route to the publication of databases, describes Caredata DC,
produced by the National Institute for Social Work.


Dakers, H., Jespersen, S.  The impact of S/NVQs.  Library
Association Record 1995 January; 97 (1): 34.

Wood, K.  More flexible routes to LA qualifications.  Library
Association Record 1995 January; 97 (1): 30-31,33.


Grey literature: a seminar held on Tuesday 10 May 1994 at the
London Medical Book Fair.  IFM Healthcare Newsletter 1994
Autumn; 5 (3): 2-18.  
Includes A supplier's view, HMSO publications, SIGLE, and The
literature of the European Union.

Ashwell, S.  Grey literature and how to deal with it.  IFM
Healthcare Newsletter 1994 Winter; 5(4): 9-14.  
A talk given at the London Medical Book Fair, May 1994.

Health: state-of-the-art, 1994 October: 1(4).  o20.00 p.a.for
individuals, o35 for institutions.
"the first research-oriented newsletter in the UK" summarizing
internationally published complementary medicine research.  From
Health Research, 6 Alfred Road, Windmill Hill, Bristol BS3 4LE. 
ISSN 1355-5488.


Channer, K.S.  Auditing the British Medical Journal.  Journal of
the Royal Society of Medicine 1994; 87: 655-657.

Shaw, J.G.  Electronic journals: some speculation.  Newsl.Eur.Hlth
Libr. 1994; no.27: 11-13.  
The impact of electronic journals on medical communication and

Watson, M.  Publishing a CD-ROM database in-house: a case study. 
Managing Information (Aslib) 1994 November; 1(11/12): 24-27.  
One route to the publication of databases, describes Caredata DC,
produced by the National Institute for Social Work.


Clarke, A.  Raising a DIN!  The final report of a region-wide
disability information project which promoted cross-agency work
via Disability Information Networks.  Oxford: NHS Executive, Anglia
& Oxford, 1994.  Obtainable from A&O RHA, Old Road, Headington,
Oxford OX3 7LF.

Happy reading!


John Hewlett
Regional Librarian, North Thames [East],
BPMF, 33 Millman Street, London WC1N 3EJ
tel: 071 831 6222
fax: 071 831 3752
 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
 *  Oliver Obst, PhD                      Medical & Computing Department *
 *  medibib-l list owner                  Univ. & State Library, Pf 8029 *
 *  e-mail:         48043 Muenster |^|^|^| Germany *
 *   phone +49.25183-4004 fax -8398 *
 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

From obsto Fri Jan 27 16:26:24 1995
Received: by (AIX 3.2/UCB 5.64/4.03)
          id AA58034; Fri, 27 Jan 1995 16:01:48 +0100
Received: from UBDOS005.UNI-MUENSTER.DE by (AIX 3.2/UCB 5.64/4.03)
          id AA58027; Fri, 27 Jan 1995 16:01:43 +0100
X-Nupop-Charset: IBM 8-Bit
Date: Fri, 27 Jan 1995 16:04:22 +0100 (CET)
From: "Oliver Obst" 
Message-Id: <>
To: medibib-l
Subject: Fw: HIM'95 - tutorial information
Status: R

FYI, Obst
From: (M. Rittberger) 
Fri, 27 Jan 95 14:14:05 +0100
Subject: HIM'95 - tutorial information

****************************  T U T O R I A L S  ***********************
**************  C A L L  F O R  P A R T I C I P A T I O N  *************

********************  Including Registration Form   *******************

         Conference Hypertext - Information Retrieval - Multimedia

                HH  HH  II  MMM     MMM''  999999  555555
                HH  HH  II  MMMM   MMMM ''  9999  55
                HH  HH  II  MM M   M MM ''  99  99  555
                HHHHHH  II  MM MM MM MM     999999    5555
                HH  HH  II  MM MM MM MM         99      55
                HH  HH  II  MM  MMM  MM                555
                HH  HH  II  MM  MMM  MM     999999  555555

                 5 - 7 April 1995, University of Konstanz    

***************************  Organised by:  ***************************

       The department of Information Science, University of Konstanz
            (FG Informationswissenschaft, Universitaet Konstanz),
               The Society for Appplied Information Science


Tutorial T_1:  Erzeugung von Hypertexten in der industriellen Praxis.
Organizer:     Dr. Martin Hofmann, SAP AG
Time and Date: Dienstag 14.00 - 17.30 und Mittwoch 09.00 - 12.30
Audience:      Personen, die vor praktischen Aufgaben im Hypertext-
               umfeld stehen, sowie Entscheider, die ueber Hypertext-
               projekte entscheiden muessen. Ausserdem Personen aus
               dem akademischen Umfeld, die sich fuer die Problem-
               stellungen der Praxis interessieren (muessen).
Duration:      ganztaegig
Abstract:      1 Einfuehrung
               2 Hypertextanwendungen, WWW
               3 Verteilungsmittel
               4 Dokumentstandards, Hypertextstandards
               5 Problemfelder beim Einsatz/Erzeugung von HT in der
               6 Werkzeuge zum Erzeugen von Hypertexten
               7 Konsistenz von Hypertexten
               8 Entwicklungsmethodik ESPRIT-Projekt HYTEA/HIFI
               9 Entwicklungsmethodik Simon/Hofmann
               10 Ergonomische Faktoren im einzelnen
vitae:         Dr. Martin Hofmann
               bis 1987     Studium der Informatik an der TU Braunschweig
               1987-1991    Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter an der TU 
                            Taetigkeitsgebiete: Multimediasysteme,
                            Hypertext, wissensbasierte Systeme,
                            Objektorientierte Dokumentarchitekturen
               1991         Dissertation; Themenkreis Hypermedia
               seit 1991    Mitarbeiter der SAP AG, Walldorf
                            Taetigkeitsbereiche: Hypertext,
                            Multimediaevaluationen, Textsysteme,
                            offene Schnittstellen der SAP
               seit 1994 Projektleitung Desktopintegration
               Dr. Hofmann ist Autor zahlreicher Veroeffentlichungen
               mit Schwerpunkt Hypertext und Hypermedia. Seit 1990
               gehoert er der Fachgruppenleitung der GI-Fachgruppe
               "Hypertextsysteme" an. Ausserdem ist er Co-Autor des
               Buchs 'Problemloesung Hypertext', Carl Hanser Verlag,
               1995 (zusammen mit Lothar Simon).

Tutorial T_2:  Offene interaktive Multimedia Dokumente - Medien-
               Kompression und MHEG.
Organizer:     Dr. Ralf Steinmetz und Guido Grassel, IBM Heidelberg
Time and Date: Dienstag 14.00 - 17.30 und Mittwoch 09.00 - 12.30
Duration:      ganztaegig
Abstract:      ca. 1.5 St., Multimedia: Uebersicht, Grundkonzepte 
               ca. 2 St., Kompression: Allgemein, JPEG, H.261,
               MPEG-1, -2 -4
               ca. 3 St., ISO Standardisierung MHEG: Konzepte,
               Komponenten, Realisierungserfahrungen
               ca. 0.5 St., Ausblick: Anwendungsbeispiele 

               Unterlagen zum Tutorial:

               zur "Anschauung":
               [Stei93] Ralf Steinmetz, Multimedia-Technologie:
               Einfuehrung und Grundlagen, Springer-Verlag, 1993.

               wird verteilt:
               [Stei94a] Ralf Steinmetz; Data Compression in
               Multimedia Computing: Principles and Techniques; acm 
               journal 'Multimedia Systems', vol.1, no.4, pp.166-172, 
               February 1994.
               [Stei94b] Ralf Steinmetz; Data Compression in 
               Multimedia Computing: Standards and Systems; acm
               journal 'Multimedia Systems', vol.1, no.5, March 1994,
               [Meye94]: Thomas Meyer-Boudnik: MHEG in der Uebersicht;
               Technischer Bericht der Universitaet Mannheim,
               September 1994.
vitae:         Dr. Ralf Steinmetz
               Dr. habil. Ralf Steinmetz studied electrical engineering with
               the focus on communications at the University of 
               Salford, England, and at the Technical University of
               Darmstadt, Germany, where he received the M.Sc.
               (Dipl.-Ing.) degree in 1982. Working as scientific
               assistant, he received the Ph.D. degree (Dr.-Ing.) in
               1986 at the same university. There he worked in the
               area of Petri-Nets and concurrent programming languages.
               After the last graduation (Ph.D.) he focused his work
               in CSP nd OCCAM, there he published the first book on
               OCCAM-2 in German. Subsequently he joined the 
               "Advanced Development Department" of "Philips 
               Kommunikations Industrie" in Siegen-Eiserfeld, Germany,
               where he was involved in an ISDN and established an 
               ESPRIT project as part of multimedia workstations 
               development activities.
               Since 1988 he has worked at the IBM European Networking
               Center (ENC) in Heidelberg, Germany. There he has been
               involved in various multimedia communication activities.
               He started the first activities on multimedia and 
               networking at the ENC and was in charge of a multimedia 
               laboratory. In the follow-up integrated multimedia
               projects he acted as a key technical coordinator. He was
               the leader of the whole OS/2 multimedia transport system
               development and subsequently was in charge of several
               application projects and the respective application 
               support issues. Ralf Steinmetz is also in charge of the
               definition and establishment of new projects in this
               area. Now he leads the Multimedia Technology group at the
               ENC in Heidelberg.
               He lectures at the University of Frankfurt on
               "distributed multimedia systems". He is editor and 
               co-author of a multimedia course, which reflects the
               major issues of a first in-depth technical book on
               multimedia technology, 1993, (in German). He is editor 
               of the magazine "Computer Communications" published by
               Butterworths-Heinemann and of the "Distributed Systems 
               Engineering".  He was the leader of a worldwide IEEE
               Multimedia Taskforce working group for magazine
               publication. There he is the associate-editor in-chief
               of the IEEE Multimedia Magazine. He has served as chair,
               vice-chair and member of various program and steering
               committees of multimedia workshops and conferences. He
               is member of acm, GI, ITG, and senior member of IEEE.
               Guido Grassel
               Mr. Guido Grassel studied computer science and business
               administration (a joint course) at the University of 
               Mannheim, Germany, where he received a Master's degree
               in March 1994. His special interest at university was
               deveoted to computer networks, software engeneering
               and commercial computer applications. Since May 1993
               he is working at the European Networking Center of IBM
               in Heidelberg where he has evaluated the proposed
               standard for a data interchange format for interactive
               multimedia documents (MHEG) and developed a MHEG
               run-time environment. Currently he represents IBM in 
               the ESPRIT / Open MHEG Architecture (OMHEGA) project 
               and the German national technology development project
               Berkom Globally Accessible Services (GLASS). He has
               been editor and author of a paper and a deliverable
               within the OMHEGA project and has given a course about
               the priniciples of MHEG and MHEG system design at the
               EURECOM Institute in Sophia-Antipolis, France.

Tutorial T_3:  Multimedia - von der Technik zur Anwendung
Organizer:     Dr. Ulrich Glowalla, Univ. Giessen; Prof. Dr. Eric Schoop,
               Technische Univ. Dresden
Time and Date: Dienstag 14.00 - 17.30
Audience:      Adressaten sind in erster Linie Entscheider ueber die
               Nutzung von Multimediatechnologie in beruflichen
               und/oder privaten Einsatzfeldern. Grundlegende
               Kenntnisse der Zusammenhaenge rechnerunterstuetzter
               Informationsverarbeitung sind sinnvoll, weitere
               Vorkenntnisse werden nicht vorausgesetzt.  
Duration:      halbtaegig
Abstract:      Ausgehend von einem grundlegenden Begriffsverstaendnis
               werden die wichtigsten technologischen Aspekte von 
               Multimedia eingehend erlaetert, bevor schwerpunktmae_ig
               anhand exemplarischer Beispiele auf Nutzungsaspekte und
               Einsatzgebiete der jungen Technologie eingegangen wird.
               Im Vordergrund stehen die Eigenschaften des Mediums
               und die sich daraus ableitenden Potentiale fuer bestimmte
               Anwendungen. Entsprechend ihrer unterschiedlichen
               fachlichen Herkunft (Psychologie, Wirtschaftsinformatik)
               legen die Referenten ihr Hauptaugenmerk auf die 
               kommunikativen und praesentativen Effekte multimedialer
               Anwendungssysteme, auf technologieinduzierte Impulse, 
               auf die dahinterstehenden Aufgaben sowie auf die 
               Diskussion von Effektivitaet und Effizienz als Basis fuer

               Dieses Tutorium bietet sich als Vorbereitung auf eine
               sich anschlie_ende Session wie T_2 oder T_7 an.   
vitae:         Prof. Dr. Eric Schoop
               Prof. Dr. Eric Schoop  ist Inhaber des Lehrstuhls fuer
               Wirtschaftsinformatik, insbesondere Informations-
               management, an der Fakultaet Wirtschaftswissenschaften
               der Technischen Universitaet Dresden. Nach dem Studium
               der Volkswirtschaftslehre an der Universitaet Heidelberg
               wurde er an der Universitaet Bamberg 1987 mit einer
               Arbeit ueber dezentrale Fertigungsinformationssysteme
               zum Dr.rer.pol. promoviert. 1993 erfolgte die
               Habilitation zum Dr. rer.pol.habil an der Universitaet
               Wuerzburg mit einer Arbeit ueber entscheidungs-
               orientierte Informationsverarbeitung mit Hypertext.
               Derzeitige Arbeitsschwerpunkte sind die Entwicklung
               verteilter, multimedialer Anwendungssysteme sowie
               das Informationsmanagement in kooperativen Arbeits-
               umgebungen. Prof. Schoop ist aktiv in mehreren
               Fachgruppen der Gesellschaft fuer Informatik und
               Mitglied des wissenschaftlichen Beirats des Heidelberger

               Dr. Ulrich Glowalla
               Dr. habil. Ulrich Glowalla, geb.1951, vertritt seit 1989
               an der Universitat Gie_en eine Professur fuer Kognitive 
               und Paedagogische Psychologie. Im gleichen Jahr gruendete
               er die Forschungsgruppe "Entwicklung und Evaluation
               interaktiver Lern- und Informationssysteme", die
               bis heute unter seiner Leitung in 26 Einzelunter-
               suchungen die Effizienz elektronischer Medien untersucht
               hat. Dr. Glowalla arbeitete als Gastwissenschaftler an
               verschiedenen Universitaeten und Gro_forschungsein-
               richtungen in USA und Europa. Er gehort seit 1990 dem
               Leitungsgremium der Fachgruppe 4.9.1, Hypertextsysteme,
               der Gesellschaft fur Informatik (GI) an. 1992 rief er
               gemeinsam mit dem Wirtschaftsinformatiker Prof. Schoop
               den GI-Arbeitskreis "Hypermedia in der Aus- und 
               Weiterbildung" ins Leben. Dr.Glowalla ist au_erdem
               stellvertretender Vorsitzender des wissenschaftlichen
               Beirats des Deutschen Multimedia Kongresses.

Tutorial T_4:  Einfuehrung in Information Retrieval.
Organizer:     Prof. Dr. Norbert Fuhr, Univ. Dortmund
Time and Date: Dienstag 14.00 - 17.30
Aim:           Der traditionelle Forschungsgegenstand des Information
               Retrieval (IR) ist die inhaltlichen Suche in Text-
               bestaenden. Weder reichen die hierfuer von den Datenbank-
               systemen angebotenen Zeichenkettenfunktionen aus, noch
               bieten die derzeit auf dem Markt vertretenen speziali-
               sierten IR-Systeme (mit ihrer zudem umstaendlichen
               Bedienung) eine befriedigende Retrievalqualitaet. Schon
               25 Jahre alte Ansaetze aus der IR-Forschung ermoeglichen
               dagegen eine effektivere Suche bei gleichzeitig 
               einfacherer Bedienung. Hierbei werden Anfragen als vage
               aufgefasst und die Repraesentation der Textinhalte als
               mit Unsicherheit behaftet angesehen; anstelle einer
               fest umrissenen Antwortmenge wird daher eine nach
               fallender "Aehnlichkeit zur Anfrage geordnete Folge von
               Antworten bestimmt. 
               Ziel dieses Kurses ist es, neuere, grundlegende
               Konzepte aus dem Bereich des IR vorzustellen; ein Teil
               hiervon wird anhand experimenteller und teilweise auch
               im Internet verbreiteter Systeme demonstriert. Auf
               gaengige kommerzielle Systeme wird hingegen nicht

Audience:      Das Tutorium bietet eine Einfuehrung fuer alle an dem
               Gebiet "`Information Retrieval"' Interessierte, 
               insbesondere fuer Entwickler und Anwender von
Duration:      halbtaegig
Abstract:      Einfuehrung: Vagheit und Unsicherheit in Informations-
               Retrievalqualitaet: Relevanz, Bewertungsma_e und 
               Repraesentation von Textinhalten: informatische,
               computerlinguistische und wissensbasierte Methoden
               IR-Modelle: Boolesches und Fuzzy Retrieval,
               Vektorraummodell, probabilistisches Modell, Clustering.

               Folienkopien, kommentiertes Literaturverzeichnis.

vitae:         Prof.Dr. Norbert Fuhr
               Norbert Fuhr arbeitete nach seinem Datentechnik-
               Studium als wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter und
               Hochschulassistent am Fachbereich Informatik der 
               TH Darmstadt, wo er 1986 ueber "`Probabilistisches
               Indexing und Retrieval"' promovierte. Seit 1991 ist er
               Inhaber einer Professur am Fachbereich Informatik der
               Universitaet Dortmund. Seine Hauptarbeitsgebiete sind
               probabilistische IR-Modelle, die Integration von IR- 
               und Datenbanksystemen und IR in multimedialen 
               Informationssystemen. Er ist Sprecher der 1991
               gegruendeten Fachgruppe Information Retrieval der GI.

Tutorial T_5:  Offene Hypertextsysteme
Organizer:     Dr. Rainer Hammwoehner, Univ. Konstanz           
Time and Date: Mittwoch 09.00 bis 12.30
Audience:      Das Tutorial wendet sich an einen Personenkreis, der sich
               ueber die Moeglichkeiten offener Hypertext-Systeme
               informieren will. Es werden aber auch Aspekte der 
               Realisierung derartiger Syteme untersucht, die fuer 
               Entwickler von Interesse sind. Spezielle Vorkenntnisse
               sind nicht erforderlich. 
Duration:      halbtaegig
Abstract:      Offenheit von Hypertexten bzw. Hypertext-Systemen, ein
               Aspekt der in der Forschung in den Vordergrund gerueckt
               ist und auch in der Praxis an Bedeutung gewinnen wird,
               umfa_t eine Gruppe von Systemeigenschaften, wie
               - Verteiltheit / gro_e Datenmengen,
               - diversifizierte Nutzungsmoeglichkeiten,
               - Multi-Medialitaet,
               - heterogene Nutzergruppern,
               - Integration heterogener Informationsressourcen
                 (e-mail, Online-Db, etc.).
              Das Tutorial wird den Begriff der Offenheit im Zusammenhang
              mit Hypertext-Systemen einfuehren und plausibel machen. Der
              von derartigen Systemen zu erwartende Nutzen wird an
              konkreten Beispielen exemplarisch aufgezeigt.
              Abschlie_end wird auf Aspekte der Implementation derartiger
              Systeme eingegangen.
              Im einzelnen werden folgende Fragestellungen angesprochen: 
              - Struktur offener Hypertexte
              - Benutzerschnittstellen fuer offene Hypertext-System fuer
                  - Navigation / Suche in offenen Hypertexten
                  - Manipulation offener Hypertexte
              - Integritaet offener Hypertexte
              - Tailoring offener Hypertexte
vitae:         Dr. Rainer Hammwoehner
               Dr. Rainer Hammwoehner, geb. 14.12.56, Studium der
               medizinischen Informatik in Heidelberg/Heilbronn, seit
               1983 Mitarbeit im Fachbereich Informationswissenschaft der
               Universitaet Konstanz, zunaechst in den Projekten
               TOPOGRAPHIC und TOPIC/TOPOGRAPHIC, seit Promotion im Jahr
               1990 als Hochschulassistent. Seit 1991 Projektleiter
               zusammen mit Prof. Kuhlen des DFG-Projekts WITH, das die
               Entwicklung einer Methodologie offener Hypertext-Systeme
               zum Ziel hat.

Tutorial T_6:  Entwurf und Gestaltung kooperativer Hypermediasysteme.
Organizer:     Dr. Dr. Norbert Streitz, GMD Darmstadt
Time and Date: Mittwoch 09.00 bis 12.30
Aim:           In diesem Tutorial sollen die Teilnehmer einerseits das
               innovative Potential von Hypertext und Hypermedia fuer 
               Anwendungen im Bereich des computergestuetzten 
               kooperativen Arbeitens (CSCW - Computer-Supported
               Cooperative Work) kennenlernen. Andererseits soll
               dargestellt werden, wie existierende Hypermediasysteme
               um die Funktionalitaet verteilter und kooperativer
               Systeme erweitert werden muessen. Dazu gehoert auch
               die Perspektive, kooperative Hypermediasysteme als eine 
               Basis fuer Anwendungen auf den zur Zeit diskutierten
               Datenautobahnen (Information Super Highways) einzusetzen.
Audience:      Das Tutorial wendet sich an Teilnehmer, die keine 
               speziellen Vorkenntnisse zu  Hypertext oder CSCW haben
               muessen. Das Tutorial richtet sich sowohl an aktuelle 
               oder potentielle Anwender als auch an Entwickler aus
               Forschung und Industrie.
Duration:      halbtaegig
Abstract:      Das Tutorial beginnt mit einer kurzen Einfuehrung in die
               Konzepte von Hypertext/Hypermedia und in ausgewaehlte
               Szenarios von CSCW-Anwendungen (z.B. kooperative
               Dokumenterstellung von zeitlich und raeumlich verteilten
               Gruppen, kooperatives Problemloesen, Argumentations- und
               Entscheidungsunterstuetzung). Dies betrifft sowohl die
               Zusammenarbeit vom persoenlichen Arbeitsplatz aus
               (desktop-based collaboration) als auch lokale und
               verteilte elektronische Gruppensitzungsraeume (electronic
               meeting rooms). Auf der Basis dieser Anwendungs-
               situationen werden Anforderungen fuer den Entwurf und die
               Gestaltung von kooperativen Informationssystemen
               abgeleitet. Dabei spielen z. B. Fragen der synchronen und
               der asynchronen Zusammenarbeit und der "weichen" 
               Uebergaenge zwischen Situationen eine wichtige Rolle. Es
               werden ausgewaehlte Beispiele von kooperativen 
               Hypermediaystemen vorgestellt und in Bezug auf die
               zugrundeliegenden Designentscheidungen kritisch
               diskutiert. Zum Abschlu wird ein Ausblick auf aktuelle
               Entwicklungen und sich abzeichnende Trends gegeben. Die
               interaktive Praesentation wird durch ausgewaehlte Video 
               Clips von Systemen ergaenzt.
vitae:         Dr. Dr. Norbert A. Streitz
               Dr. Dr. Norbert A. Streitz ist der stellvertretende
               Leiter des Instituts fuer integrierte Publikations- und
               Informationssysteme (IPSI) der GMD in Darmstadt. Seit
               1987 am IPSI, leitet er dort seit 1990 den Forschungs-
               bereich "Kooperative Hypermediasysteme". Er ist Sprecher
               der GI-Fachgruppe Hypertextsysteme (seit 1990) und war  
               Vice Chair der ACM SIGLINK (Special Interest Group fuer
               Hypertext/media) von 1991-1993. Seit 1991 ist er 
               Associate Editor der Fachzeitschriften ACM Transactions
               on Information Systems (TOIS) und Hypermedia.

Tutorial T_7:  Informationssuche in Multimedia-Datenbanken.
Organizer:     Prof. Dr. Peter Schaeuble, ETH Zuerich
Time and Date: Mittwoch 09.00 bis 12.30
Audience:      Alle Interessierte mit Grundkenntnissen im Bereich
Duration:      halbtaegig
Abstract:      Fuer die schnelle und flexible Bereitstellung von
               Information werden immer oefter moderne Informations-
               und Kommunikationstechnologien (Information
               Superhighways, Digitale Bibliotheken) eingesetzt.
               Insbesondere werden spezielle Muldimedia-
               Datenbanksysteme (Dokumenten-Management-Systeme)
               verwendet, um die schnell anwachsende Zahl verfuegbarer
               Dokumente zu verwalten und zu archivieren. Dabei haben
               wir es seit neuestem neben Text- auch vermehrt mit 
               Multimedia-Dokumenten zu tun, die Bilder, Audio-
               aufnahmen und Filmsequenzen enthalten, anstelle von
               Referenzen auf solche nichttextuelle Objekte. Die
               Multimedialitaet der Dokumente, die schnell anwachsende
               Zahl maschinenlesbarer Dokumentenkollektionen und
               deren komplexe Struktur haben dazu gefuehrt, da_ das
               Auffinden relevanter (und nur relevanter) Information
               schwieriger geworden ist.
               Das hier angekuendigte Tutorium ist dem Problem der 
               schwieriger gewordenen Informationssuche gewidmet.
               Es werden moderne Methoden vorgestellt, welche die 
               Informationssuche in grossen Multimedia-Datenbanken 
               optimal unterstuetzen. Ausserdem wird anhand von
               Systemdemonstrationen gezeigt, wie diese Methoden in
               verschiedenen Informationssystemen Anwendung finden.
vitae:         Prof. Dr. Peter Schaeuble
               Nach dem Mathematikstudium an der ETH Zuerich
               beschaeftigte sich Peter Schaeuble mit der Berechnung
               von Satellitenbahnen bei der Europaeischen Raumfahrt-
               organisation (ESA). Er doktorierte anschliessend an
               der ETH auf dem Gebiet Information Retrieval und
               verbrachte einen Postdoc-Aufenthalt bei den
               Hewlett-Packard Laboratories, Kalifornien. Seither ist
               er als Oberassistent bzw. als Assistenzprofessor am 
               Institut fuer Informationssysteme der ETH Zuerich taetig
               und beschaeftigt sich mit der Informationssuche auf
               grossen Mengen von Daten.


Registration for the pre-conference tutorials

For registration we recommend the email registration form at the bottom
of this message. The deadline for the tutorial registration is March 15

Students are kindly asked to send a copy of their actual enrolment 
(Immatrikulationsbescheinigung). Please bring along your student 
identification card for the conference check-in in Konstanz.

Please notice: Registration is valid only with the conference fee paid!
Please keep a receipt with you.

All tutorials will be held in german.

The tutorials will take place only with the minimum number of eight

Registration fee
                     I   (full-day)         II  (half-day) T_3, T_4  I
                     I    T_1, T2           II   T_5, T_6,T_7        I
                     I DM  I SFr. I ATS     II DM  I SFr. I ATS      I
Industry             I 800 I 672  I 5600    II 400 I 336  I 2800     I
Members of Universi- I     I      I         II     I      I          I
ties or other public I     I      I         II     I      I          I
institutions         I 400 I 336  I 2800    II 200 I 168  I 1400     I
                     I     I      I         II     I      I          I
Student              I 200 I 168  I 14000   II 100 I  84  I  700     I

By bank transfer:
Please transfer in Germany to
        "HIM'95 tutorial " 
Sparkasse Konstanz 
        Acc. No.: 80 309
        BLZ:: 690 500 01

Please transfer in Austria to
        "HIM'95 tutorial" 
        Acc. No.: 0788-33431/00
        BLZ:: 11870

Please transfer in Switzerland to
        "HIM'95 tutorial" 
Schweizerischer Bankverein
        Acc. No.: L2-126.147.1

****************  HIM'95 Tutorial Registration Form  *****************

            to be returned to the Organisation Committee:


Post Code:___________________________________________________________

Your Tutorial choises:

Ganztaegige (full-day) Tutorials:
 (  ) T_1   (  ) T_2

Halbtaegige (half-day) Tutorials:
 (  ) T_3   (  )  T_4   (  )  T_5    (  ) T_6    (  ) T_7

Total Tutorial fee:
************  End of HIM'95 Tutorial Registration Form  *************
 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
 *  Oliver Obst, PhD                      Medical & Computing Department *
 *  medibib-l list owner                  Univ. & State Library, Pf 8029 *
 *  e-mail:         48043 Muenster |^|^|^| Germany *
 *   phone +49.25183-4004 fax -8398 *
 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

From medibib-l-request Mon Jan 30 10:33:35 1995
Received: by (AIX 3.2/UCB 5.64/4.03)
          id AA08107; Mon, 30 Jan 1995 10:15:41 +0100
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          id AA08104; Mon, 30 Jan 1995 10:15:39 +0100
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Date:         Mon, 30 Jan 95 10:09:14 MEZ
From: "Ursula M. Hausen" <>
Organization: Medizinische Hochschule Hannover, Deutschland
Subject:      approved ob-gyn residencies in calif
To: medibib-l 
Message-Id:   <950130.100914.MEZ.HAUSEN@DHVMHH1.BITNET>
Status: R

Liebe Kollegen, Hat jemand in seiner Bibliothek die AMA Approved intern
ships and residencies. Es hei~t "Directory of approved..." und kŠnnte mir
aus California, pr{ziser: San Francisco Bay area (d.h.San Jose, Palo Alto,
San Francisco, Oakland und Umgebung) die approved residency hospitals NUR
IM GEBIET: Obstetrics and Gynecology herauskopieren.  Wenn das nicht zuviel
Arbeit ist, w{re ich sehr dankbar und bitte um Sendung an: Albert-Schweitzer
Hof 15, D-30559 Hannover.  Die Bibl. hat leider nur }ber 20 Jahre alte Ausg.
Herzlichen Gru~  ursula Hausen

Medizinische Hochschule Hannover
Konstanty-Gutschow-Strasse 8
D-30623 Hannover
Bundesrepublik Deutschland

From obsto Mon Jan 30 11:18:09 1995
Received: by (AIX 3.2/UCB 5.64/4.03)
          id AA49271; Mon, 30 Jan 1995 11:01:55 +0100
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          id AA49232; Mon, 30 Jan 1995 11:01:51 +0100
X-Nupop-Charset: IBM 8-Bit
Date: Mon, 30 Jan 1995 11:02:51 +0100 (CET)
From: "Oliver Obst" 
Message-Id: <>
To: medibib-l
Subject: Medlib-l Digest 20.-29.1.
Status: R

Liebe Medibibler,
letzte Woche war nicht viel los in medlib-l, ausser dass die Liste
vollgestopft war mit Diskussionsbeitraegen, ob medlib-l moderiert (sprich
zensiert) werden sollte oder nicht. Anlass war eine Mail, die ganz
offensichtlich nichts, aber auch wirklich gar nichts mit dem Listenthema zu
tun hatte. Die andere Haelfte der Beitraege bestand aus einer modischen
Diskussion, ob die Bibliothek in XY-City, State ABC ihren orangen Teppich
gegen einen pinkfarbenen (oder was auch immer fuer eine Farbe) austauschen
sollte. Na ja, es gab auch noch was Interessantes...

Aus Anlass meines einwoechigen Urlaubs eine instaendige Bitte an Sie:

! ! ! Benutzen Sie bitte keine Programme, die _automatisch_ auf eine Mail
! ! ! antworten. In Zusammenhang mit einer ebenfalls automatisch sendenden
! ! ! Liste kann so leicht ein Teufelskreis von hin- und hergeschickten
! ! ! Mails entstehen, die natuerlich an alle Teilnehmer einer Liste
! ! ! geschickt werden und dort in nullkommanix den Briefkasten verstopfen.
! ! ! So was nennt man eine Listen-GAU und gehoert zum Schlimmsten, was
! ! ! einem sowohl als Teilnehmer als auch als "Owner" passieren kann.

Auf eine friedliche Woche.

Ihr Oliver Obst

P.S.: Ich habe natuerlich einen Vertreter ...
1 NLM Classification
2 Neue WWW-Seite der NNLM
3 Favorable article about librarians
Date:    Thu, 19 Jan 1995 09:22:00 EST
From:    Christa Hoffmann 
Subject: NLM Classification - order & gopher information

    Just in case you missed the information:
    1.    New GPO distribution date: February 24, 1995
          [Delay result of printer/technical problems beyond the NLM's

    2.    Order information
          Superintendent of Documents is accepting orders.
Orders should be mailed to:
       New Orders, Superintendent of Documents
       P.O. Box 371954
       Pittsburgh, PA 15250)7954

The Stock No. is:  017)052)00319)4
Price:  $40.00 domestic
        $50.00 foreign

Order may be FAXed to: (202) 512)2250

    3.    Gopher information
National Library of Medicine Classification, 5th Edition,
Introductory Materials is available on the NLM Gopher.

You will find this material under
Internet Address:
Path:  Technical services resources and information \ NLM

NLM is making the introductory materials, geographic table and
the list of new and deleted classification numbers of the NLM
Classification, 5th edition, available on the gopher to libraries
who wish to use the new classification numbers before they
receive the publication from GPO.  These files will be available
through March 1995.

Included are:
Introduction -- Provides a brief history of the Classification and
the scope of the revision.
NLM Classification Practices -- Provides a brief overview of NLM
classification practices, including special plans, serial
publications, application of Library of Congress Schedules, and
changes in classification practice since the 4th edition was
Table G -- Provides instructions for applying Table G notations for
geographic arrangement, as well as the table itself, including a
listing of obsolete notations.
Introduction to the Index of the Classification -- Provides
an overview to the Index and instructions on its use.
Numbers Added or Deleted -- Consists of two tables, the first for
the new numbers and the second for the deleted ones.  These tables
may be especially useful to librarians who wish to apply the new
numbers immediately.

The Schedules themselves and the Index to the Classification will
not be available on the gopher.

Date:    Tue, 24 Jan 1995 09:08:26 -0800
From:    Nancy Press 
Subject: Announcing the NN/LM WWW Server

                           NN/LM NATIONAL HOME PAGE

   The National Network of Libraries of Medicine is developing a
   World-Wide Web server with a national home page and a home page for
   each Regional Medical Library (RML). We are trying to provide you with a
   reasonable jumping off point for the Internet: if you have the national
   or regional home page as the first item in your WWW browser's bookmark
   list, we will provide you with much of the regional information you need
   from your RML and will also make the links for you to many of the valuable
   sources used by health librarians and health professionals. For example,
   the links in "Resources Elsewhere" are revised frequently to bring you the
   latest Internet sources. We would also be very happy to hear from you
   if you know of a good source that we can add for you and your


   I will send, as a separate message, instructions for accessing the
   NN/LM Home Page.  If you need further help in getting to the national or
   regional home page, just give your RML a call at 800-338-7657.

Nancy Ottman Press
Regional Medical Library, HSLIC  
University of Washington, SB-55                        206/543-8262
Seattle, Washington  98195                         FAX 206/543-2469

> Date: Wed, 25 Jan 1995 11:50:11 -0500 (EST)
> From: Marjorie Anderson 
> Subject: Favorable article about librarians
> To:
> Message-Id: 
> Mime-Version: 1.0
> Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII
> Colleagues:
> The Jan. 1995 issue of Academic Medicine, Vol.70.#1 has
> an excellent article entitled "Informatics & Medical Libraries:
> Changing Needs & Changing Roles by Mark E. Frisse, M.D. et al.
> pages 30-35.  Soome highlights: "Librarians have been leaders in
> employing technology to provide service."
> "..The birth of new forms of institutional and corporate knowledge
> created from aggregate data raises the potential for a new form
> of librarianship that will require a synergistic reformulation
> of the roles of both the medical informatician and the librarian."
> "..the time for mutual support is here."
> Ending with "No matter what the ultimate formulation, libraries-
> and librarians-will have the opportunity
> to play a central role."
> Nice to hear,  we still will be needed in the future.
> Marj

Date:    Thu, 26 Jan 1995 01:31:53 GMT
From:    Andrew Chong 

A few yrs ago we did a comparison between the two dbs re-drug related info
; what we find is: Embase is a lot more current than Medline and it also
has a lot more drug related info than Medline.

Whenever I am on an online drug hunt I use Embase, Biosis, IPA, and Chem
Abstracts.  Datastar now has the Derwent file DIFT now, I believe.
Have never taken the time to compare results, but I would expect to find
more in Embase because of their broader international coverage.  SCI is
also a good source.

I did a study several years ago comparing EMBASE (full database) with
MEDLINE on three nursing topics, including a drug-related topic.  We
found that EMBASE did enhance the MEDLINE search on the drug-related
topic.  In case you are interested in the article, here is the citation:

Burnham J, Shearer B.  Comparison of CINAHL, EMBASE and MEDLINE databases
for the nurse researcher. _Medical Reference Services Quarterly_ 1993
Fall; 12(3):46-57.

while I find MELDINE and excellent resource for Drug Related information,
I know I can always turn to EMBASE if I seem to strike out in MELDINE.
The nicke thing about EMBASE, is that EMBASE indexes every drug mentioned
in an aritcle and not just the call of drug as MEDLINE tends to do when
indexing to the most specific topic.  EMBASE is knows as the Drug
Information Database, and we make extensive use of this file.

Yes, Embase is considered to have better drug coverage,
and is often the only place to find articles on drugs
not yet approved in North America.  Embase also claims
to beat Medline for alternative medicine.  We hardly
ever use Embase, however, because of its price.
The other problem I've experiences with Embase is that
if the journals are not widely used enough in North
America to warrant NLM indexing them for Medline,
chances are that the journals won't be widely subscribed
to either, making it frustrating for users who get a
printout full of articles they can't get their hands on easily.

  Andrew asked if others had the experience of finding more Drug Related
  items on Embase rather than on Medline.  That has been my experience
  It makes sense if you think about it, Excerpta Medica's initial thrust
  (this may still be true) was to index the world's literature on human
  medicine and particularly on drug-related literature.

Andrew -- In my work with students over many years, we found that they
got more references from EMBASE than from MEDLINE for their drug questions
and the references usually included many items that WERE in MEDLINE but
simply were not as thoroughly indexed for the drugs as in EMBASE. If you
more details, send me questions directly. Win Sewell

Embase indexes all articles twice.  The first time just for regular
indexing and then the second time special drug indexers reindex for drug
information.  They also have many more sub headings for drugs e.g. drug
interaction, drug development, drug combination etc.  Since DIALOG allows
onesearch searching it's very easy to be comprehensive and search both

    This is in response to the person who inquired about the
usefulness of EMBASE versus MEDLINE for drug information.  In their
1991 article, Biarez and associates found EMBASE to be the superior
database for drug information in a comparison of EMBASE and eight
other databases, including MEDLINE.  The citation for that article is
as follows:

    Biarez O., Sarrut B., Boreau, C.G., and Etiene, J.  "Comparison
and evaluation of nine bibliographic databases concerning adverse
drug reactions."  DICP 1991 Oct;25(10):1062-5.

    I also have subscribed to EMBASE Drugs and Pharmacology subset
on CD-ROM, available from SilverPlatter and now others probably.
Compared to MEDLINE, the EMBASE retrieval averaged 2-3 times as many
articles in the same time period for the same drug as MEDLINE.  Many
European drug trials were included in European journals not indexed
by MEDLINE.  Fortunately, most had useful abstracts.  Interlibrary
loans resulted but patrons were pleased.  The subset was costly,
however, and we had to drop it due to budgetary constraints.  New
drugs would also show up in the EMBASE database before they appeared
in MEDLINE.  For drug information, I have found EMBASE superior.  But
MEDLINE still serves the needs of most library users adequately.  I
can go online to EMBASE for the others.

        The Associate librarian here at Nova/Southeastern Health Sciences
 tells me that  indeed EMBASE is better and more extensive for resources
on new drugs and related queries.
        He also points out that EMBASE is more expensive.
        According to his "off the top of his head" estimate he would
guess a 20:1 hit ratio between medline and EMBASE on this topic.

     Pharmacodynamics, drug interactions and adverse effects are
     particularly well-covered in EMBASE and the descriptors and
     subheadings are much better adapted to searching these concepts than
     Medline. Also, for drugs approved elsewhere but not in the United
     States, or recently approved in the U.S. but in use longer elsewhere,
     EMBASE is much better.
     **However, consider the cost -- but a straight hour/hour,
     record/record relationship "doesn't compute". In the above cases, the
     improvement in search precision makes up for a great deal of the cost
     differential. In most other cases, including generally uncomplicated
     drug therapy, MEDLINE is as efficient and must more cost-effective.
     For clinical medicine, I've been able to justify using EMBASE only in
     the areas above or in the rare (clinical) instance when nothing
     is found on Medline -- especially if non-English materials will be
     useful to the requestor. For research, it's a different question
     Effective use of EMBASE requires descriptors even more than Medline
     considering the cost of the database and, frankly, the greater
     precision of the descriptors. If you haven't already, take advantage
     of any of the free training and update seminars which include EMBASE.
     Consider the source -- I'm in a community hospital setting, and other
     circumstances could strongly affect the comparison.
 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
 *  Oliver Obst, PhD                      Medical & Computing Department *
 *  medibib-l list owner                  Univ. & State Library, Pf 8029 *
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 *   phone +49.25183-4004 fax -8398 *
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