MEDIBIB-L Archiv: Dezember 1994 bis Januar 1995
MEDIBIB-L Archiv: Dezember 1994 bis Januar 1995
From obsto Thu Dec 1 08:35:37 1994
Received: by (AIX 3.2/UCB 5.64/4.03)
id AA28921; Thu, 1 Dec 1994 08:32:56 +0100
Received: from UBDOS005.UNI-MUENSTER.DE by (AIX 3.2/UCB 5.64/4.03)
id AA28918; Thu, 1 Dec 1994 08:32:54 +0100
X-Nupop-Charset: IBM 8-Bit
Date: Thu, 1 Dec 1994 08:33:58 +0100 (CET)
From: "Oliver Obst"
Message-Id: <>
To: medibib-l
Subject: Fw: pharmacy colleagues and drug list book
Status: O
Das duerfte wohl fuer die Liste gewesen sein... Oliver O.
From: "Eileen C. Moyer"
Wed, 30 Nov 1994 12:50:02 -0500 (EST)
Subject: pharmacy colleagues and drug list book
We are looking for colleagues in Europe who are librarians in pharmacy
libraries. We have one specific question now, but would be interested
in making relationships for cooperative information exchange as needed
and as time permits with all our busy schedules. My German is poor, but
I can correspond in German and would like to practice.
Our immediate question regards a notice for a new publication that
appeared in Scrip (oct 7, 1994,p10) for the latest Pharmindex-Brevier
published by Medizinische Medien Informations GmbH. The book is a drug
directory in Poland, Czech Republic and Hungary. I faxed the person
listed but have received no reply.
Does anyone have this and is it worthwhile?
Can we order it directly from the company?
Does anyone have the ISBN,price and any other ordering information?
Any suggestions for drug lists for Eastern European countries?
We answer many questions regarding drugs from outside the US and try
to buy all drug list from other countries.
Thank you for your help. Sorry to have written this in
English. Eileen Moyer, Sheppard Library,Massachusetts College of
From obsto Fri Dec 2 10:20:39 1994
Received: by (AIX 3.2/UCB 5.64/4.03)
id AA32434; Fri, 2 Dec 1994 09:48:56 +0100
Received: from UBDOS005.UNI-MUENSTER.DE by (AIX 3.2/UCB 5.64/4.03)
id AA65695; Fri, 2 Dec 1994 09:48:37 +0100
X-Nupop-Charset: IBM 8-Bit
Date: Fri, 2 Dec 1994 09:49:43 +0100 (CET)
From: "Oliver Obst"
Message-Id: <>
To: medibib-l
Subject: Medlib digest 25.-30.11.
Status: R
Liebe Medibibler,
wieder schaffe ich es nur knapp vor dem wohlverdienten Wochenende, Ihnen den
wohlverdienten Digest zukommen zu lassen. Der Freitag scheint sich langsam
zum Medlib-l-Digest-Tag zu entwickeln!
Also: Auf ein schoenes Wochenende,
Ihr Oliver Obst
1 Becoming an information master in medicine
2 Searching instructions for the MEDLIB-L Archive
3 NEW: IBEGROUP - Internet based Biomedical Engineering GROUP
4 Visible Human Project
5 Santa Claus nun auch auf dem WWW :-)
6 Final GPO Sale Date for: MLM Classifiction, 5th edtion.
7 Mayo Clinic Family Health Book on CD-ROM
8 Clement, Gail. "Evolution of a Species: Science Journals Published on the Internet"
9 Medical Reference Books
10 Cancernet Update for December
11 Worldwide directory of pharmaceutical companies
Date: Fri, 25 Nov 1994 20:14:00 -0800
From: Laurie Potter
Subject: Becoming an information master
There is an interesting article in the most recent issue of the Journal
of Family Practice:
Shaughnessy AF., Slawson DC., Bennett JH. Becoming an information master: a
guidebook to the medical information jungle. Journal of Family Practice
1994 39(5):489-99
Laurie A. Potter,MLS*Medical Reference Librarian*Savitt Medical Library/306
University of Nevada School of Medicine*Reno,NV 89557-0046
*702-784-4489(fax) *702-784-4625(voice)
Date: Fri, 25 Nov 1994 14:28:17 EST
From: Nancy Start
Subject: Searching archives instructions
MEDLIB-L Readers,
I have just discovered a nice set of instructions for
searching discussion list archives. It was written
for PACS-L by Charles Bailey, Jr. We have a copy
available here on our listserv. To retrieve it:
send a message to:
or listserv@ubvm (BITNET)
with the command: get search doc
If you use this document to search the MEDLIB-L
archives, be sure to substitute MEDLIB-L's name
and listserv address!
These instructions are for batch mode searching, which
is the type of searching that all Internet users must
do for our listserv. It includes instructions for
searching by topic as well as by date. (Great for
catching up on a messages you may have missed while
set to nomail!)
Let me know if you have any difficulty retrieving this
* Nancy Start // *
* MEDLIB-L List Owner // Phone... (716) 829-3337 *
* Health Sciences Library // BITNET... HSLSTART@UBVM *
* University at Buffalo // Internet... *
Date: Wed, 23 Nov 1994 19:47:35 CST
From: Herman van den Bergen
Subject: NEW: IBEGROUP - Internet based Biomedical Engineering GROUP
The IBEGROUP is a non-profit Internet based distributed product
development group. The current project involves the development of
a high performance 32/128 channel biomedical data acquisition system
for research and clinical use. The group's objectives are:
(1) Make a contribution to the science of biomedical instrumentation
(2) Provide biomedical engineers with an opportunity to develop
interdisciplinary contacts worldwide,
(3) Introduce participants to the art of product development, from
conception to manufacturing.
Funding will be sought through grants, sponsors, and support from
users and manufacturers of biomedical equipment. The group seeks
expertise in such areas as: low voltage, low power, ultra low noise,
fiber-optics, telemetry, analog and digital IC design, power/signal
isolation, DSP, computer interfacing, and manufacturing.
Scientists, engineers, technologists and educators with relevant
experience, as well as users and manufacturers of biomedical
equipment, are invited to participate in this project. Please email
the Project Coordinator (list owner) for more information.
This is a private list and subscription is owner controlled.
Owner: Herman van den Bergen
Date: Tue, 29 Nov 1994 23:01:33 -0500 (EST)
From: Michael J Ackerman Ph.D.
Subject: Visible Human Data Set
The License Agreement for use of the male Visible Human Project
data set is now available. It can be retrieved from NLM's gopher
site, "". The agreement will be found in the
section entitled Visible Human Project as a text file and as a
downloadable WordPerfect file. It is also available from NLM's
FTP site, "". The agreement will be found in
section "visible" as a WordPerfect file, "vhpagree.wp", or as a
text file, "vhpagree.txt". Please make two copies of the
agreement and have both copies signed as originals by your
appropriate officials. The agreement requires that you include a
statement explaining your intended use of the data set. Send
both signed copies of the agreement and the statement of how you
intend to use the data set to me at:
Dr. Michael J. Ackerman
Visible Human Project
National Library of Medicine
8600 Rockville Pike
Bethesda, MD 20894
We will have the agreement signed here at NLM and one of the originals
will be returned to you. At that time you will be sent your account and
password to the Visible Human Project FTP site if you wish to download all
or part of the data set via the internet and information on where you may
purchase the data set on 8 mm or 4 mm DAT tape. The data set will be
distributed on 6 DAT tapes in a compressed UNIX TAR format corresponding
to 6 body regions. At this time each tape is estimated to cost $150 in
the US, Canada and Mexico, $300 elsewhere. A 7th, "sample", tape which
contains the entire body at 1 cm increments will also be available. The
set of 7 tapes should cost $1,000 in the US, Canada and Mexico, $2,000
Sample images are also available at this time via the NLMPubs FTP
site. Six full color anatomical images and an explanatory README
file can be found in "visible/samples/color24" as "*.raw".
Please be careful as each of these images is over 6 megabytes in
size. Ten CT scan images and an explanatory README file can be
found in "visible/samples/ct" as "*.fre" (5 images captured while
the cadaver was fresh) and "*.fro" (5 images captured after the
cadaver was frozen). Six MRI scan images and an explanatory
README file can be found in "visible/samples/mri" as "*.t1".
The male data set consists of axial MRI images of the head and
neck taken at 5 mm intervals and longitudinal sections of the
rest of the body also at 5 mm intervals. The MRI images are 256
pixel by 256 pixel resolution. Each pixel has 12 bits of grey
tone resolution.
The CT data consists of axial CT scans of the head and neck taken
at 1 mm intervals at a resolution of 512 pixels by 512 pixels
where each pixel is made up of 12 bits of grey tone. The axial
anatomical images are 2048 pixels by 1216 pixels where each pixel
is defined by 24 bits of color, about 7.5 megabytes. The
anatomical cross-sections are at 1 mm intervals and coincide with
the CT axial images. There are about 1871 cross-sections for
each mode, CT and anatomy, were obtained from the male cadaver.
The data set from the female cadaver will have the same
characteristics as the male cadaver with one exception. The
axial anatomical images will be obtained at 0.33 mm intervals
instead of 1.0 mm intervals. This will result in over 5,000
anatomical images. The data set is expected to be about 40
gigabytes in size. Distribution is anticipated during the summer
of 1995. We are decreasing the spacing in the "Z" direction to
0.33 mm in order to match the pixel spacing in the "XY" plane
which is 0.33 mm. This will enable developers who are interested
in three-dimensional reconstructions to work with cubic voxels.
Your continued interest in NLM's Visible Human Project is greatly
Michael J. Ackerman, Ph.D.
Project Officer
>From the December Everybody's Internet Update.
Great, it's not enough that you have to explain to your kid why there's a
different Santa at every mall you go to, now you have to tell her why
there's at least three Santas on the World-Wide Web.
Yes, it's dueling Santas! Who has the better North Pole weather forecast:
Snowflake the Elf at or Donder and Blitzen at Citylink? Do
you go for the cutesy reindeer recipes at Citylink or the more realistic
(i.e., gross) recipes over at (not to be confused with Send e-mail to Santa or fill out a Web form to him? Oh,
it's enough to make one hope for a visit from the Grinch!
In the interests of research, let's visit all three.
We find Santa Number 1 at First thing you see
is a free "letter from Santa'' that you can customize for your very own
child. All you have to do is download the thing, load it into a word
processor, subsitute his name for "(Child's Name)" and print it out.
Whee! Next is "Santa's Christmas Favorites." That could be interesting.
But open it up and, guess what, it's an online mini-catalog just full of
expensive stuff that Junior couldn't possibly want (Scarves? Clocks? I
don't think so). Sure, Santa and commerce are inextricably linked, but
is the big guy so strapped for cash that he has to turn the workshop into
a showroom?
I flee to Santa Number 2, at There we find
another canned message from Santa, along with similar messages from
Rudolph and the Elves. And, oh, look, for only $5, you can order an "I
e-mailed Santa" button! Oookay! Onto...
Santa Number 3 at Here we find a Santa with an
Attitude (more precisely, elves with attitude, Kris himself stays pretty
much out of the limelight here).
One thing though: no crass commercialism here. In fact, the first thing
you see is the Cyberspace Christmas Campaign, where good little boys and
girls can get lists of worthy causes that could use some donations. In
fact, every time someone visits one of the homepages of the listed
charities, corporate sponsors give a dime to the charity (just like a
telethon, but without Jerry Lewis).
Kids can also fill out a North Polargram to send to Santa, and even look
up some recipes from Rudolph: "A tasty concoction of the best from the
frozen tundra. Rudolph says the green slimey moss works the best. He
mixes in the exotic taste of ginger and penguin feathers to create a true
taste treat."
"Penguins" is highlighted; click on it, and you read: "Yeah, yeah, yeah.
We know! 'There are no penguins at the North Pole.' We hear it all the
time. Bet you think reindeer can't fly either!''
There's even a variety of digital Christmas trees and ornaments free for
the downloading, starting with the City Tree (A moderate tree with few
colors. Kind of like those pitiful artificial trees you end up with when
you're stuck someplace you'd rather not be) and ending up with the
Juniper Supreme (when only the finest will do, this JPEG file will turn
your pixels from mere bitmaps into bundles of Xmas joy. Dragging this
data through woods may tire your modem out, but these bits are worth the
extra effort. For extra fun, decorate the national tree with Socks the
This Santa is good friends with the folks who do the "Geek of the Week"
radio show on the Internet and other sound-intensive activities, so it's
no surprise that a lot of the choices are sounds of elves hammering away,
singing songs and the like -- which is no doubt really nice if you have
the time and equipment to download and play these things.
Conclusion? Kids will probably prefer Santa #2 at Adults, though, should head straight
for Santa #3 at
Date: Tue, 29 Nov 1994 09:22:00 EST
From: Christa Hoffmann
Subject: Final GPO Sale Date for: MLM Classifiction, 5th edtion.
Update on availability of the National Library of Medicine
Classification, 5th edition.
NLM just learned from GPO that the 5th edition will go on sale on
January 3, 1995.
Christa Hoffmann
Head, Cataloging Section
Date: Wed, 30 Nov 1994 12:19:56 -0600
From: Pat Erwin
Subject: Re: Mayo Clinic Family Health Book
Nearly all of the Mayo health books are available on CD-ROM:
The Mayo Clinic Family Health Book (CD-ROM version) is available for both
Mac and Windows. Published by IVI, Inc. The retail price was $99.95, but
I have seen it discounted for quite awhile. It's often bundled with
multimedia systems as well.
Also available from same provider (IVI) : Mayo Clinic Heart Book, and just
published, the Mayo Clinic Sports and Fitness Book.
Pat Erwin
Mayo Medical Library
Rochester MN 55905
Date: Wed, 30 Nov 1994 13:31:03 EST
Subject: Re: Mayo Clinic Family Health Book
Yes, the Mayo Clinic Family Health Health Book is available on CD-ROM and is
available for purchase through several vendors. One is:
Continuing Medical Education Associates
P.O. Box 109074
Chicago, IL. 60610
phone 800-227-CMEA
fax 312-733-3107
It's $59. Item #159. Specify for Mac or Windows.
This information is from CMEA's 1995 catalog.
Karen M. Zundel, Director
Health Services Library
McKeesport Hospital
1500 Fifth Avenue Medical Librarians...
McKeesport, PA. 15132 The Specialists' Specialists
phone 412-664-2363
fax 412-664-2581
aus den Current Cites:
Clement, Gail. "Evolution of a Species: Science Journals
Published on the Internet" Database 17(5) (October/November
1994):44-54. -- An excellent overview of the current state
of electronic science journals, including where they have
come from and where they may be headed. Although focused
entirely on science journals, many of the observations are
also appropriate for journals in other disciplines. Clement
includes a number of pointers to key electronic journal
resources. Sidebars include a list of current or planned
electronic science journals, and informative case studies of
specific titles. -- RT
Date: Thu, 1 Dec 1994 09:07:51 -0500
From: Marjorie Anderson
Subject: Re: Reference tools or bibliogrphies in medical areas
A basic resource is " Information Searching in Health Care" by Renee M.
Williams et al. Slack Inc. 6900 Grove Road, Thorofare NJ 08086. ISBN
1-55642-093-5, 1992.
Hope this helps,
Date: Thu, 1 Dec 1994 08:38:29 -0600
From: Anna Beth Crabtree
Subject: Re: Reference tools or bibliogrphies in medical areas
A good reference tool is:
Introduction to Reference Sources in the Health Sciences. 3rd edition.
by Fred W. Roper and Jo Anne Boorkman, c1994. Available from Scarecrow
Press, phone 800-537-7107 for $35.00.
Und natuerlich nicht das Buch von Herrn Korwitz (3.Aufl.) vergessen!
Date: Thu, 1 Dec 1994 12:38:54 -0500
From: Cheryl Burg
Subject: Cancernet Update for December
| C A N C E R |
| C E N T E R |
| |
CancerNet, NCI's mail server providing cancer information has been
updated for December. For a description of statement changes, request
Monthly PDQ Statement Changes ( cn-405001). For a brief listing
of CancerNet content changes for the current month, request CancerNet
Changes ( cn-400000).
CancerNet is now available on the FEDWORLD BBS. You can access FEDWORLD
via dial-up ( 703 321-8020 8N1 ) or via Internet ( telnet:
( login: new ). Select Option D, Health Mall from
the main menu, and Option B, National Cancer Institute - CancerNet (NCI)
from the submenu.
CANCERLIT citations and abstracts for December will be available
in CancerNet on December 6, 1994.
The National Cancer Institute has a new Information Associates Program
which provides one-stop, easy access to all of NCI's scientific
information resources, including online access to the PDQ database
via the Internet or by dialing toll-free to NCI using just a
modem and personal computer. For details, select news articles
How to Access NCI Information Resources - U.S. Residents ( cn-400035)
or How to Access NCI Information Resources - International ( cn-400036).
To access CancerNet, send a mail message to:
In the body of the mail message, enter HELP to receive the instructions
and most current contents list. If you have a problem accessing CancerNet,
please call 1-800-624-7890 (within U.S.) or (301) 816-2083 or send an
email message to:
CancerNet statements are available in Spanish. To request the
Instructions and Contents List in Spanish, enter SPANISH in the
body of the mail message. If you would like to request the statements
in Spanish, substitute the prefix "cs-" in front of the number
(e.g., cs-100022 to receive the statement on anal cancer in Spanish).
All of the physician, patient, and supportive care statements
are available in Spanish. Selected news articles marked with a "#" in
the Contents List are available in Spanish.
CancerNet is available on the NIH gopher server. Point gopher client
software to Select #3 Health and Clinical Information,
and #1 CancerNet information. Telnet access is available at the
National Cancer Center Research Institute in Tokyo (
login: gopher ). For a listing of other sites where CancerNet
Information is available, request Redistribution of CancerNet and
CancerNet Availability (cn-400030). This news article also has information
on the conditions that apply when redistributing CancerNet information.
Please send comments or questions to:
Cheryl Burg
International Cancer Information Center
Date: Thu, 1 Dec 1994 18:10:38 GMT
From: Richard Gedye
Subject: Worldwide Directory of Pharma Companies
An organisation over here publish a number of directories giving
info about pharmaceutical companies and personnel worldwide. For
further details contact:-
KYM Research
Random Research Ltd
Trinity House
Ermine Business Park
PE18 6YA
Tel: +44 1480 414 200
Fax: +44 1480 414 210
Hope this helps.
Richard Gedye
Oxford University Press
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
* Oliver Obst, PhD Medical & Computing Department *
* medibib-l list owner Univ. & State Library, Pf 8029 *
* e-mail: 48043 Muenster |^|^|^| Germany *
* phone/fax +49.25183-4004/-8398 *
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
From obsto Sat Dec 10 11:40:03 1994
Received: by (AIX 3.2/UCB 5.64/4.03)
id AA70226; Sat, 10 Dec 1994 11:34:37 +0100
Received: from UBDOS005.UNI-MUENSTER.DE by (AIX 3.2/UCB 5.64/4.03)
id AA70222; Sat, 10 Dec 1994 11:34:32 +0100
X-Nupop-Charset: IBM 8-Bit
Date: Sat, 10 Dec 1994 11:35:50 +0100 (CET)
From: "Oliver Obst"
Message-Id: <>
To: medibib-l
Subject: Medlib digest 1.-9.12.
Status: R
Liebe Medibibler,
ich habe mal in medlib-l ein bisschen Reklame gemacht fuer unsere most
valuable ;-) Mailliste. Dort wird naemlich gerade diskutiert, ob und wie und
warum man ueberhaupt noch mit den vielen Mails in medlib-l schritthalten
kann, soll und muss. Na ja, bei 50 Mails am Tag merkt man schon, was es
heisst aus diesem Info-Wust die 1,2 wichtigen rauszusuchen.
4 Tage seinen Briefkasten nicht geleert zu haben heisst, sich 200 Mails
anschauen und mindestens 190 mal die Delete-Taste druecken zu muessen.
In dieser Diskussion wollten sogar einige die medlib-l nur noch fuer
Mitglieder der MLA offenhalten! Der Gedanke, eine eigene Liste nur fuer
MLA-Mitglieder zu machen, scheitert wahrscheinlich nur daran, dass der
naheliegende Name MLA-L schon von der Modern Language Association besetzt
wurde, und dass auch noch die Music Libraries Association "namensmaessig"
im Wege steht.
Schoenes Wochenende, bzw. Wochenanfang,
Ihr Oliver Obst
P.S.: Heute am wichtigsten erscheint mir, dass einfuehrendes Material zur
neuen NLM-Classification auf dem NLM-Gopher vorhanden ist. Darunter z.B.
eine Liste der geloeschten und eine der neu hinzugekommenen Stellen. Ich habe
mir diese Listen heruntergeladen und maile sie jedem zu, der es wuenscht.
(Bitte angeben ob Ascii- oder Wordperfect 5.1-Format gewuenscht).
1 Englische und deutsche "Schwesterlisten" von medlib-l
2 New Interpsych Forum: Addiction Medicine
3 Ten Reasons God Never Got Tenure at any University
4 More on Physician's GenRx
6 Electronic encyclopedias: Summary
7 Clickable World Map by Xerox Parc Web Server
8 National Data Archive on Child Abuse and Neglect
9 Medical List update 12/94
10 Information Super Highway Article
11 IBIs software
12 NLM-Classification 5th. edition: Einfuehrendes Material auf dem
NLM-Gopher vorhanden (wie gesagt fuer Gopher-Scheue: auch ueber mich
zu erhalten)
Date: Thu, 8 Dec 1994 10:05:50 +0100
From: Oliver Obst
Subject: Re: Replies on medlib
>PLEASE, let us not find a way to *increase* the number
>of messages coming across Medlib!
>Jeff St. Clair
Dear Jeff,
I think the number of medline contributors will not decrease in the next
few years (I hope not), but there might be some support to prevent
that we suffer from an (amusing) information death:
If a listserv extends to a certain size, it probably gets children, which
will help their mother to compete with growing information needs. There
are at least two listservs which prevent their contributors to plug up
A British one by Tony A. King (lis-medical) and a German one (medibib-l).
They provide not only a very useful medlib-l digestion service, cut down
to their contributors needs, but also a forum for discussions, which are
_not_ of world-wide interest.
If you knew any other please let me know.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
* Oliver Obst, PhD Medical & Computing Department *
* medibib-l list owner Univ. & State Library, Pf 8029 *
* e-mail: 48043 Muenster |^|^|^| Germany *
* phone/fax +49.25183-4004/-8398 *
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Date: Fri, 2 Dec 1994 16:43:11 -0500
From: "Mr. Ian Pitchford"
Subject: NEW: Addiction-Medicine
New InterPsych Forum: Addiction-Medicine
To join send the message: subscribe addiction-medicine
This conference has been set up to encourage an exchange of ideas,
opinions, and information among health care professionals working in the
field of addiction to alcohol and/or other psychoactive substances. A broad
working definition of addiction follows: "Addiction is a disease
characterized by continuous or periodic; impaired control over the use of
drugs or alcohol, preoccupation with drugs or alcohol, continued use of
these chemicals despite adverse consequences related to their use, and
distortions in thinking, most notably denial." (Adapted from the American
Society of Addiction Medicine).
We recognize that there is a spectrum of use of alcohol and some
psychoactive drugs, from intermittent use that does not interfere with
health, to malignant destructive use. For the purposes of this list we would
in general encourage open discussion about all aspects of addiction as
defined above.
Please note that this list is intended for those working in the field and is
not to be used as a recovery list to work on individual issues. Such work is
supported by many lists on Internet. Strong opinions are welcomed, but
flaming will NOT be tolerated!
Peter E Mezciems, MD, CCFP.
Director of Undergraduate Education
Homewood Alcohol and Drug Services
Homewood Health Centre
150 Delhi St.
Guelph, Ontario
N1E 6K9
Voice: 519-824-1762, ext. 159
Fax: 519-824-1827
Mr Ian Pitchford
Department of Biomedical Science
University of Sheffield
Western Bank
United Kingdom
Tel: +44 742 780319
Date: Fri, 2 Dec 1994 09:25:45 -0600
Stolen from Mitch Turitz, San Francisco State University on
the AUTOCAT list:
Top Ten Reasons God Never Got Tenure at any University
1. He had only one major publication.
2. It was in Hebrew and had no references.
3. It wasn't published in a refereed journal and some doubt that
he even wrote it himself.
4. It may be true that he created the world, but what has he
done since then?
5. The scientific community has had a hard time replicating his results.
6. He never applied to the Ethics Board for permission to use live subjects.
7. When one experiment went awry, he tried to cover it up by drowning the
8. He rarely came to class, just told students to read the book.
9. Althought there were only ten requirements, most students failed his tests.
10. His office hours were infrequent and usually held on a mountain top.
Date: Fri, 2 Dec 1994 10:46:50 CST6CDT
From: "* E. Guy Coffee"
Subject: More on Physician's GenRx it's free on the net, too....that was a quick price break :-) kb
------- Forwarded Message Follows -------
* Announcing Physician's GenRx International (tm) *
* The world's most comprehensive drug compendium program *
* now available on-line on the Internet! *
The popular Physician's GenRx drug compendium program is now
available for subscription via telnet to the servers at Internet
Connect Services, Inc.
Physician's GenRx is the most comprehensive listing of
pharmaceuticals available to date. The database includes the
listing of not only generic but also U.S. and International brand
names. The database can be searched by generic or brand names and
by drug category. Multiple drugs can also be tagged and searched for
any potential interaction amongst the entered list in an instant!
The Internet On-Line addition will be continuously updated
and upgraded so that subscribers don't have to worry about obtaining
update diskettes and constantly upgrading their database to stay
Physicians GenRx is also available in all Unix OS's and VMS
for site-license applications. We are accepting hospital and large
clinic applications for beta testing the on-site edition of
Physician's GenRx International (tm). For more information login as
"guest" and send an e-mail message via our internal messaging
system to ICS.
AVAILABLE *FREE* TO ALL INTERNET USERS: Access with a "guest" account
allowing searching of ALL drugs displaying the description of the
Available by subscription: Detailed and comprehensive information on
ALL drugs along with interaction searching in a fast, easy-to-use
To access Physician's GenRx International (tm):
telnet to ""
Login as "genrx", Password "genrx"
Choose appropriate terminal emulation then login the program as:
Respectfully endeavoring to enrich the Internet environment with
quality medical informatics - Internet Connect Services, Inc.
Philip Suarez, M.D.
President - Internet Connect Services, Inc.
From: Mark Funk, Cornell University Medical Library
Many Collection Development librarians are being asked to either purchase,
recommend, or list available scientific software. A good source for this
type of information is SciTech International, 2525 N. Elston Ave., Chicago,
IL 60647-2003 (phone: 800-622-3345, or 312-486-9191), I have been receiving
their catalogs for a few years, but they have now expanded to the web.
Check out their home page at
Their home page is still in the development stage. While you can now get
pricing and other information that is in their catalog, they will
eventually add live demos of the software, which should be invaluable for
Collection Development work. Why don't more companies offer demos over the
internet? Here is a list of the subjects that SciTech covers:
Bibliographic Research
Biology and Medicine
CAD, CAE, EDA & Architecture
Chemical Drawing and Molecular Modeling
Chemistry and Environmental Chemistry
Chemistry Databases
Curve Fitting
Data Acquisition
Data Analysis
Data Management
Design of Experiments
Econometrics, Time Series Analysis
Electrical Engineering, Electronic & PCB Design
Engineering, Mechanical, Civil and Chemical
Environmental Chemistry
Exploratory Data Analysis
File Conversion
Groundwater Analysis
Image Processing and Analysis
Interactive Graphics
Map & Data Files, Census Data, Other Data Files
Mapping, GIS
Marketing Research, Conjoint Analysis, Correspondence Analysis
Neural Networks
Presentation Graphics
Programming Tools
QC Charts, SPC Tools, ISO-9000 Implementation Tool
Scientific Spreadsheets
Scientific Word Processing Tools
Simulation & Operation Research
Spell Checking and Dictionaries
From: "Yeh, Daniel"
Subject: Electronic encyclopedias
Thank you all for your responses to my recent inquiry. I understand that
I do not have to summarize them for the list, as they are all posted
here. But for those who missed them, here they are (with the
respondents' names omitted):
The Washington Post Business section dated November 28, 1994 contained an
article by Mike Langberg entitled "CD-ROM Encyclopedias Turn to a New
Page on Research." He reviewed Encarta '95, Compton's NewMedia and the
1995 Grolier Multimedia. He recommends Compton's for children who are
interested in manipulating the contents (good editing features), Encarta
for children who want to play with an encyclopedia (interesting
simulations), and Groliers for kids 14 and older. All have street prices
under $100.
Booklist has a section called Reference Books Bulletin which
covers encyclopedias each year in the September 15 issue. This year
electronic encyclopedias were covered. Another excellent source is
Kenneth F. Kister's "Kister's Best Encyclopedias" from Oryx Press. The
second edition (1994) covers electronic encyclopedias in a separate 40
page section. Finally, PC-Magazine had an issue this summer (sorry, don't
know the date) on the Top 100 CD ROMS which mentioned encyclopedias. Most
of these sources seem to lean toward Groliers for general home use.
NEWSWEEK (12/5/94) PAGE 88 "MOST BANG FOR THE BUCK" (catchy title, don't
(they underrate Grolier's, I think), BUT IT DOES GIVE A GENERAL REVIEW.
The most recent issue of Newsweek (the one with the pizza slice on the
cover) has a one-page review of about 4 encyclopedias. Good for someone
with a short attention span!
A newsmagazine for online services and CD-ROM, LINK UP, recently
published an extensive 2 part review of CD-ROM encyclopedias (Vol. 11,
issues 5 and 6). The reviews were quite analytical and well-written,
covering popular (and one or two not-quite-so-popular titles) and looking
into content, interface and search engine design, implementation of
multi-media, etc.
There was a short review on the latest CD Rom encyclopedias in the Dec.
5th, 1994 Newsweek on page 88. In short, they liked the Microsoft
Encarta the best. Send me e-mail if you can't get it and I'll fax you a
The 2nd ed. (1994) of Kister's Best Encyclopedias has about 50 pages on
electronic encyclopedias, so that would be the easiest review source. If
that's not handy, I can tell you that Kister has a chart and gives a
grade of A to the CD of the Britannica, Compton's, Concise Columbia,
Microsoft Encarta, Software Toolworks, and New Grolier.
Our two year experience with both in-library and circulating versions
of the various CD ROM encylopedias is that New Grolier is a better
encyylopedia for the entire family, Comptons is OK for the kiddies, and
Encarta has a better grasp of how a multimedia should be integrated into
a package.
All our in-house small computers are Macs, with our 'real' computer
a VAX running VMS. We circulate all versions available of any CD ROM
title we offer to the public, and Encarta for Windows really blows
the minds of users, while the Mac users all say: 'big deal, we've had
this kind of stuff for years.'
Try PC Magazine - 13 Sep 1994 for review of 100 best CDs - includes a
section on encyclopedias.
Look at the most recent Newsweek, the one with the pizza on the cover.
Daniel, I wrote a review of MS Encarta and the Grolier encyclopedia for
the Winter issue of OCLC Systems Services Magazine - it should be out
soon. Grolier's is a more comprehensive encyclopedia since it is based
on the Academic American while Encarta is based on Funk & Wagnell's.
However, Encarta is a superior product from the multimedia point of view.
Both are good products but if your patron wants glitz I suggest Encarta -
the 1995 version is now available I think.
The latest edition of Newsweek has a Focus on Technology section and
among other things compares cd encyclopedias. (omigosh, as I write this
I'm wondering: was it the latest Wired (2.12) or Newsweek?) Nah, I'm
pretty sure it was Newsweek. They seemed to like Encarta best.
I've only watched others used CD-ROM encyclopedias, but those people I
know who use them a lot, say the Groliers is the best.
Encarta is excellent and under $100.
Thank you very much.
Daniel Yeh
West Chester University
Xerox PARC Web Map Viewer offers a "clickable" world map which lets you
zoom in on areas of interest. Cities, roads, and rivers are not labeled
since the underlying map data contains only line data such as coastlines,
borders, rivers, roads, and not the data or software to add labels or
topographic information. However, there is a link to link to the
Geographic Name Server which allows searches by name, and returns a Map
Viewer page which pinpoints the searched item on the appropriate map.
National Data Archive on Child Abuse and Neglect, provided by the Family
Life Development Center at Cornell University.
gopher to:
Date: Wed, 7 Dec 1994 01:23:51 -0500
From: Gary Malet
Subject: ANNOUNCE: "The Medical List" 12/94 Update
Version 1.12, 1 December 1994
Dr. Gary Malet,
Lee Hancock, LE07144@UKANVM.CC.UKANS.EDU
A December 1, 1994 update of The Medical List is now available from
the Univ. of Michingan Clearinghouse for Subject Oriented Guides
The Medical List is a database of clinical medicine Internet
resources. This new and improved version categorizes resources by
disease, specialty, and other interest areas and lists more than 45
new entries. It gives text descriptions of resources, spotlights
the more developed programs, and gives news and backround on
Internet medical resource development.
The Medical List is made available in a Mosaic, hypertext,
Internet-linked format as "Medical Matrix". Medical Matrix is
available at the URL:
Dr. Gary Malet |7 W 5th Street | "communication,
Family Physician |Stockton, Ca. 95206 | search,
Healthtel, Inc.-windows based |VOICE 209-466-6878 | delivery,
medical telecommunications |FAX 209-466-0502 | networking" |Compuserve 72630.1535|
Date: Wed, 7 Dec 1994 09:11:45 -0600
From: Nancy Reynolds
Subject: Information Super Highway Article
I was bumped off of MEDLIB listserver for a week so I don't know if
someone already mentioned that Physician's Management published a 10 page
article entitled " Hey! Let's cruise the divided 'information super
highway'", v. 34, no. 11, November 1994, pp. 36-40,43-46, 49.
Nancy Reynolds
Texas Medical Association Library
401 West 15th Street
Austin, TX 78701-1680
Date: Thu, 8 Dec 1994 11:01:35 -0800
From: MB Stargrove
Greetings -
You may have heard about IBIS, the Interactive BodyMind Information System.
I know many of you use IBIS in your practices.
IBIS is a large software reference tool for clinical practice, teaching and
It provides treatment options and materia medica information for 282
conditions from the perspectives of nutrition, homeopathy, acupuncture,
Western and Chinese herbs, psychospiritual approaches, physical medicine,
vibrational healing, etc.
IBIS is produced by AMR'TA, a non-profit group, and is essentially an
on-going collective work of the coomplementary/alternative/natural medicine
If you want to explore a demo of IBIS (Mac or DOS/PC) or examine some
sample texts from IBIS you can now access them from an ftp site.
Here's how:
ftp to,
log in as anonymous,
and go to the
/vendors/ibis directory.
The URL is:
The IBIS demos are also on CompuServe and America-On-Line in software libraries.
A recent letter from Jeffrey Bland, Ph.D., calls IBIS an "extraordinary work".
Likewise, a review in the Dec. '94 "Journal of Alternative and
Complementary Medicine" by Leon Chaitow, ND, DO, called "IBIS on Trial in
Practice" concludes "Every practitioner should have the system" after using
it as his primary reference tool during an average day in his clinical
IBIS doesn't have all the answers, nor is it "complete".
Rather it is a living work that reflects and communicates our collective
desire to serve our patients and refine our work through empirical research
and collective interaction.
You are invited to participate in this exciting and necessary process.
Blessings and Good Health,
(a.k.a. Mitchell Bebel Stargrove, N.D., L.Ac.)
"The art of medicine consists of amusing the patient
while nature cures the disease." - Voltaire
Date: Fri, 9 Dec 1994 09:54:00 EST
From: Christa Hoffmann
Subject: NLM Classification 5th ed., Introductory Materials on GOPHER
National Library of Medicine Classification, 5th Edition,
Introductory Materials is now available on the NLM Gopher.
You will find this material under
Internet Address:
Path: Technical services resources and information \ NLM
NLM is making the introductory materials, geographic table and
the list of new and deleted classification numbers of the NLM
Classification, 5th edition, available on the gopher to libraries
who wish to use the new classification numbers before they
receive the publication from GPO. These files will be available
through March 1995.
Included are:
Introduction -- Provides a brief history of the Classification and
the scope of the revision.
NLM Classification Practices -- Provides a brief overview of NLM
classification practices, including special plans, serial
publications, application of Library of Congress Schedules,
and changes in classification practice since the 4th
edition was published.
Table G -- Provides instructions for applying Table G notations for
geographic arrangement, as well as the table itself,
including a listing of obsolete notations.
Introduction to the Index of the Classification -- Provides
an overview to the Index and instructions on its use.
Numbers Added or Deleted -- Consists of two tables, the first for
the new numbers and the second for the deleted ones. These
tables may be especially useful to librarians who wish to
apply the new numbers immediately.
The Schedules themselves and the Index to the Classification will
not be available on the gopher.
The documents are available in a WP5.1 version and an ASCII version.
From medibib-l-request Mon Dec 12 09:03:11 1994
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id AA60520; Mon, 12 Dec 1994 08:47:55 +0100
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Date: Mon, 12 Dec 1994 08:48:40 +0100 (MET)
From: Ulrich Korwitz
Subject: Gesundheitswegweiser
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Liebe Medibibler,
hier ein Hinweis auf ein wichtiges Auskunftsmittel, das gerade in der 2.
Auflage erschienen ist:
Gesundheitswegweiser: Kooperationspartner, ihre Aufgaben und Angebote.-
2., aktualisierte u. erw. Aufl.- Koeln: Bundeszentrale fuer
gesundheitliche Aufklaerung, 1994.- 640 S.
Aus dem Vorwort:
"Beschreibt ca. 230 ueberregional taetige Fachinstitutionen und informiert
ueber ihre Angebote (Fachinformation, Medien, Fortbildungs- und
Beratungsmoeglichkeiten, Referentendienste)
Soziale Dienste
Preis: 15,- DM (gegen Rechnung)
Anforderung bei:
Bundeszentrale fuer gesundheitliche Aufklaerung
Herrn Stephan Bluemel
Ostmerheimer Str. 200
51109 Koeln
Ulrich Korwitz
Deutsche Zentralbibliothek fuer Medizin
From obsto Tue Dec 13 17:00:15 1994
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Date: Tue, 13 Dec 1994 16:38:02 +0100 (CET)
From: "Oliver Obst"
Message-Id: <>
To: medibib-l
Subject: Fw: Anfrage aus Marburg
Status: RO
Das ist wohl fuer die Liste:
From: "Brugbauer, Ralf"
Tue, 13 Dec 1994 13:50:48
To: "Oliver Obst"
Subject: Anfrage aus Marburg
Lieber Herr Obst, zunaechst vielen Dank fuer die aktuellen
Veraenderungen in der NLM-Klassifiation!!
Vor wenigen Minuten erhielt ich eine Anfrage, die ich nicht zu
beantworten wusste. Vielleicht gelingt mit Hilfe der Medibib-l eine
Eine praktizierende Aerztin hatte von einem mir unbekannten
amerikanischen Computerprogramm gehoert, welches in der Lage sein
soll, englischsprachige medizinische Texte oder auch Aufsaetze in die
deutsche Sprache zu uebersetzen. Falls Ihnen dieses Programm bekannt
sein sollte, teilen Sie mir bitte mit:
- Wer vertreibt dieses Programm?
- Wie ist die Qualitaet einzuschaetzen?
- Wieviel kostet es?
Fuer Hinweise danke ich herzlich! Gruss Ralf Brugbauer, Marburg
****** ******
*** Ralf Brugbauer ***
** **
** Universitaetsbibliothek Marburg **
* Tel.: 06421/28 5131 od. 5141 *
* Fax.: 06421/28 5133 *
* Postfach 1920 35008 Marburg *
* E-Mail: *
*** ***
From medibib-l-request Tue Dec 13 17:02:20 1994
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=00Folgende Dubletten stehen kostenlos zur Verf=81gung:
=00AJR (1993), Vol 161, Nr. 3
=00American Journal of Clinical Nutrition (1993), Vol. 57, Nr 4
=00American Journal of Medicine (1994), Vol. 96, Nr 2,5,6
=00American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology (1994), Vol. 170, Nr=
=00BMJ (1994), Vol 308, Nr 6920-6945, Index
=00Cancer (1994), Vol. 73, Nr 1-7, Nr 10
=00Chest (1993) Vol. 104, Nr 1-6; Vol. 105 (1994) Nr 1-5
=00Fukushima Journal of Medical Science (1992), Vol. 38, Nr 1
=00The Journal of International Medical Research (1993), Vol. 21, Nr =
=00Journal of General Internal Medicine (1993), Vol. 8, Nr 4
=00The Journal of Steroid Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (1994),
=00 Vol. 48, Nr=
=00Kobe Journal of Medical Sciences (1993), Vol. 39, Nr 1-6
=00Krankenpflege Journal (1993), Vol. 31, Nr 1-12
=00Laryngologie-Rhinologie-Otologie (1993), Vol. 72, Nr 1-6
=00Neurosciences (Japan) (1993), Vol. 19, Nr 1-4 und Suppl.
=00Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA (1993),
=00 Vol. 90, Nr =
=00Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine
=00 (1994), Vol. 205, Nr =
=00Psychopharmacology Bulletin (1993), Vol.29 Nr 2
=00Revue roumaine de physiologie (1990), Vol. 27, Nr 1
=00Schweizer Spital (1992), Vol. 56, Nr 11, (1993), Vol. 57, Nr 9,10,=
=00Schweiz. Aerztezeitung (1993), Vol. 74, Nr 1-8, Nr 10-18, Nr 20-30=
=00Science (1992), Vol. 255, Nr 5040-5052, Vol. 256, Nr 5053-5065, Vo=
=00 257, Nr 5066-5077, Vol. 258, Nr 5078-5090, (1993), Vol. 25=
=00 Nr 5091-5103, Vol. 260, Nr 5104-5116, Vol. 261, Nr 5117-51=
=00 Vol. 262, Nr. 5133-5142
=00Stroke (1977 - 1984),Vol. 8 - Vol. 15, jeweils Nr 1-6, (1985), Vol=
From medibib-l-request Thu Dec 15 17:58:41 1994
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Liebe Medibib-ler,
wer kann mir in folgender Angelegenheit helfen:
Ich suche Informationen }ber bereits existierende Netzwerke
/ Informationssyteme zu den Themen "Krebs" und "Herz-/Kreis-
lauf", in Deutschland und in den }brigen EU-L{ndern. Ich
habe von einem "Onco-Net" geh|rt, wei~ aber noch nichts
N{heres dar}ber. Gibt es noch andere Netze? Sind irgendwo
welche im Aufbau?
Im voraus schon vielen Dank.
Kornelia Junge
Springer-Verlag, Tiergartenstr. 17, 69115 Heidelberg
From obsto Fri Dec 16 08:50:28 1994
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id AA65480; Fri, 16 Dec 1994 08:36:28 +0100
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id AA65465; Fri, 16 Dec 1994 08:36:25 +0100
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Date: Fri, 16 Dec 1994 08:37:02 +0100 (CET)
From: "Oliver Obst"
Message-Id: <>
To: medibib-l
Subject: Fw: Oncolink
Status: R
Frau Moyer hatte es versehentlich an medibib-l-request geschickt statt an
die Liste, O.Obst
From: "Eileen C. Moyer"
Thu, 15 Dec 1994 13:53:03 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Oncolink
Liebe Kornelia
Meine Meinung nach, Sie moechten Oncolink finden. Hoeffenlich
haben Sie WWW oder koennen ein publicum WWW Platz (site) finden.
Die Addresse ist:
Es gibt auch ein anderes WWW site mit viel Information von Medizin
Grunden (sources auf English). Das URL ist:
Kann jemand Kornelia helfen das (die,der) WWW zu finden and benutzen?
Eileen Moyer Massachusetts College of Pharmacy, Sheppard Library
From obsto Tue Dec 20 11:46:26 1994
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id AA63438; Tue, 20 Dec 1994 11:26:57 +0100
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id AA48068; Tue, 20 Dec 1994 11:26:53 +0100
X-Nupop-Charset: IBM 8-Bit
Date: Tue, 20 Dec 1994 11:27:33 +0100 (CET)
From: "Oliver Obst"
Message-Id: <>
To: medibib-l
Subject: Fw: GfKl-Tagung: Bibliotheken und Internet
Status: R
Aus der Liste INETBIB, O.Obst
From: Hans-Joachim Waetjen
Tue, 20 Dec 1994 10:04:47 MET-DST
To: Internet in Bibliotheken
Subject: GfKl-Tagung: Bibliotheken und Internet
Liebe INETBIB-Kolleginnen und -Kollegen,
nachfolgend moechte ich Euch/Sie auf ein - hoffentlich interessantes
- Tagungsprogramm aufmerksam machen, das die Kollegen Hobohm, Hermes
und ich fuer die Gesellschaft fuer Klassifikation zusammengestellt
haben. Ich hoffe viele von Euch/Ihnen in Basel zu treffen.
Bis dann
Han Waetjen
Gesellschaft fuer Klassifikation e.V.
- Lernen und Wissen -
19. Jahrestagung -- Universitaet Basel -- 8.-10. Maerz 1995
Auszug aus dem vorlaeufigen Programm
Das Internet steht bei dieser Jahrestagung im Mittelpunkt der die
Bibliothekare und Dokumentare interessierenden Vortraege. Das Chaos
im Internet ordnet sich langsam auch dank der Klassifikationsarbeit
von Bibliothekaren. In dem jaehrlichen, traditionellen
Fortbildungskurs der GfKl werden Referenten in praktischen Demonstra-
tionen die Erschliessung der Informationsressourcen im Internet und
die Recherchestrategien mit den verschiedenen Suchwerkzeugen
darstellen. Die Moeglichkeiten und Schwierigkeiten bei der
Klassifikation und Gewinnung von Information im Internet werden durch
die Vortraege in den Sektionen vertieft.
Schliesslich lockt die Baseler Fassnacht unmittelbar vor der Tagung.
Sie macht aber auch eine rechtzeitige Hotelbuchung erforderlich.
Hans-Juergen Pfeffer (Clausthal):
Gopher und Veronica
Traugott Koch (Lund):
World Wide Web und WAIS. Methoden der automatischen Klassifizierung
und Indizierung
Thomas Dierig (Konstanz):
Online-Bibliothekskataloge in Gopher und World Wide Web
Diann D. Rusch-Feja (Berlin):
Strukturierung von fachbezogenen Informationen im Internet
Peter Ihm (Marburg):
Fragen der Qualitaetssicherung im Internet am Beispiel der Medizin
David Price (Oxford):
Indexing the world: current developments in accessing distributed
Rainer Hammwoehner, Rolf Assfalg (Konstanz):
Aufgabenangepasster Zugang zu Internet-Ressourcen
Traugott Koch (Lund):
Versuche zur automatischen Klassifikation von WAIS-Datenbanken und
zur Unterstuetzung des Retrievals klassifizierter Internet-Dokumente
Alois Kempf (Birmensdorf):
Forstliche Klassifikation und Meta-Information zum Wald im Internet
Klaus Lepsky (Duesseldorf):
Automatische Indexierung in der Sacherschliessung
Fredy Groebli, Felix Winter (Basel):
Koordination der verbalen Sacherschliessung im Deutschschweizer
Ronald Chemelli (Graz):
Unvereinbarkeit zwischen DK und RSWK?
WaltherTraiser (Frankfurt /M.):
Die Deutsche Bibliothek - Sacherschliessung: Der neueste Stand
Mechthild Dilger (Aachen):
Das Miteinander von DK und RSWK in Aachen
Fuehrung durch die Oeffentliche Bibliothek der Universitaet Basel
(Schoenbeinstrasse 18-20)
Klaus Loth (Zuerich):
Neuerungen in ETHICS
Anette Weisse (Freiberg):
Projekt DK-Umsetzung an der UB Freiberg
Franz-Johann Heigl (Wien):
5. Dach-Konferenz am 13.9.1994 in Wien. Ein Bericht
1.1 Berichte der Mitglieder ueber neue Entwicklungen an ihren
1.2 Verschiedenes
Anmeldungen an:
ISO/WWZ, Prof. Dr. W. Polasek, Universitaet Basel, Petersgraben 51,
CH-4051 Basel, Tel.: ++41/+61/2673311. Fax: ++41/+61/2673327, E-mail:
DM 95,- fuer Mitglieder der GfKl und assozierter Gesellschaften
(inkl. Tagungsband)
DM 150,- fuer Nichtmitglieder (inkl. Tagungsband)
DM 20,- fuer Studenten (ohne Tagungsband)
DM 35,- nur Fortbildungskurs (ohne Tagungsband)
DM 60,- Rheinfahrt mit Fondue (ggf. mit Tagungsgebuehr ueberweisen)
Ueberweisung an:
W. Polasek Sonderkonto, Nr. 3276 56-759, Postbank Karlsruhe BLZ 660
100 75
W. Polasek, ISO/WWZ, Nr. 40-159298-5, Postscheckamt Basel,
Hans-Joachim Waetjen
Bibliotheks- und Informationssystem
der Universitaet Oldenburg
Uhlhornsweg 49-55
Postfach 2541
26015 Oldenburg
Tel.: +49-441-7984010
FAX: +49-441-7984040
From Wed Dec 21 12:18:27 1994
Received: from UBDOS005.UNI-MUENSTER.DE by (AIX 3.2/UCB 5.64/4.03)
id AA61425; Wed, 21 Dec 1994 12:01:47 +0100
X-Nupop-Charset: IBM 8-Bit
Date: Wed, 21 Dec 1994 12:02:29 +0100 (CET)
From: "Oliver Obst"
Message-Id: <>
To: medibib-l, , ,
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Subject: Merry Christmas to Everybody!
Status: R
Obwohl ich ja ein schlechtes Gewissen wegen der Netzueberlastung habe,
folgen nun jeden Tag bis Heiligabend ein paar schoene Weihnachtsgruesse ...
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___________________Wuenscht Ihnen Ihr Oliver Obst________________________
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* Oliver Obst, PhD Medical & Computing Department *
* medibib-l list owner Univ. & State Library, Pf 8029 *
* e-mail: 48043 Muenster |^|^|^| Germany *
* phone/fax +49.25183-4004/-8398 *
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
From Thu Dec 22 15:19:23 1994
Received: from UBDOS005.UNI-MUENSTER.DE by (AIX 3.2/UCB 5.64/4.03)
id AA08433; Thu, 22 Dec 1994 15:04:27 +0100
X-Nupop-Charset: IBM 8-Bit
Date: Thu, 22 Dec 1994 15:05:05 +0100 (CET)
From: "Oliver Obst"
Message-Id: <>
To: medibib-l, , ,
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Subject: Merry Christmas Teil 2
Status: R
Ich habe leider beim letzten Mal vergessen hinzuzufuegen, dass ich diese
schoenen Sachen *nicht* selber gemalt habe (und auch keine Zeit ...).
Ansonsten: Viel Spass!
Oliver Obst
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* Oliver Obst, PhD Medical & Computing Department *
* medibib-l list owner Univ. & State Library, Pf 8029 *
* e-mail: 48043 Muenster |^|^|^| Germany *
* phone/fax +49.25183-4004/-8398 *
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
From Fri Dec 23 09:31:22 1994
Received: from UBDOS005.UNI-MUENSTER.DE by (AIX 3.2/UCB 5.64/4.03)
id AA09898; Fri, 23 Dec 1994 09:17:58 +0100
X-Nupop-Charset: IBM 8-Bit
Date: Fri, 23 Dec 1994 09:18:40 +0100 (CET)
From: "Oliver Obst"
Message-Id: <>
To: medibib-l, , ,
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Subject: Merry xmas part 3 and a happy new year!
Status: R
Ihnen allen nocheinmal (und zum letztenmal in '94) die schoensten
Weihnachtsglueckwuensche und ein gesegnetes neues Jahr!
Ihr O.Obst
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* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
* Oliver Obst, PhD Medical & Computing Department *
* medibib-l list owner Univ. & State Library, Pf 8029 *
* e-mail: 48043 Muenster |^|^|^| Germany *
* phone/fax +49.25183-4004/-8398 *
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
From obsto Fri Dec 23 10:24:10 1994
Received: by (AIX 3.2/UCB 5.64/4.03)
id AA57640; Fri, 23 Dec 1994 10:08:40 +0100
Received: from UBDOS005.UNI-MUENSTER.DE by (AIX 3.2/UCB 5.64/4.03)
id AA69095; Fri, 23 Dec 1994 10:08:33 +0100
X-Nupop-Charset: IBM 8-Bit
Date: Fri, 23 Dec 1994 10:09:16 +0100 (CET)
From: "Oliver Obst"
Message-Id: <>
To: medibib-l
Subject: Medlib Digest 17.-22.12. + anderes
Status: O
Liebe Medibibler,
ich freue mich, Ihnen den vorerst letzten Digest diesen Jahres anbieten
zu koennen. (Freue ich mich jetzt, dass es der letzte ist oder freue ich
mich ueber das Anbieten? - Wie mehrdeutig ist doch diese Form der
Kommunikation!) Also ersteres:-)
Nochmals alles Gute,
Ihr Oliver Obst
1 NEW: OB-GYN-L - A list for the obstetrician and gynecologist
2 Medical College of Georgia Gopher
3 The University of Colorado Health Sciences Center
4 World Cancer Research Fund Gopher
5 HealthNet Projects Web Site
6 The American Society of Health-System Pharmacists
7 Biomedical/Biotechnical Marketing Communications
8 pharmacy sources on the internet
9 New Issue of the Electronic Green Journal
10 New listserv targets MLA Cancer Section Librarians
11 The Diabetes Knowledgebase
12 DNA to Dinosaurus: A natural history of medicine electronic exhibit
13 Informationen ueber CISTI (von CANMEDLIB)
14 Neue Internetanleitungen fuer folgende Themen:
"Quick Information About Cancer For Patients And Their Families"
"Women's Health Resources on the Internet"
"Emotional Support: Physical Loss, Chronic Illness, and Bereavement"
Date: Tue, 13 Dec 1994 20:07:10 CST
From: "Geffrey H. Klein"
Subject: NEW: OB-GYN-L - A list for the obstetrician and gynecologist
ob-gyn-l on
ob-gyn-l is an open, unmoderated list for the obstetrician and
gynecologist. We discuss topics of interest to ob/gyn physicians.
These topics include discussion of practices, research, interesting
patients, and lifestyle.
To subscribe, send the following command in the BODY of mail to
subscribe ob-gyn-l yourfirstname yourlastname
subscribe ob-gyn-l Joe Schmoe
Owner: Geffrey H. Klein, MD
Medical College of Georgia Gopher: Pointers to Biomedical Research at
MCG, other Health Sciences Resources on the 'Net, and more. --Scout
gopher to:
The University of Colorado Health Sciences Center is one of four campuses
of the University system; it houses the schools of Dentistry, Medicine,
Nursing, and Pharmacy, University Hospitals, and Central Services
gopher to:
World Cancer Research Fund gopher is still under construction, but offers
links to WCRF organizations in the Netherlands, United Kingdom, and USA.
Information offered in the form of newsletters and brochures. -- Scout
gopher to:
Subject: Announcing HealthNet to GO!
Annoucing HealthNet to Go,
The first version of an Internet package for Health Resources is now up on
FTP sites, I am dubbing it HealthNet to Go (was going to call it HealthNet
in a Box, but thought that sounded a little to much like another
commercial product :) ) . HealthNet to go one of the HealthNet Internet
based projects from Industry Canada, Including the HealthNet WWW
Demonstration Project a single window acess point for Internet Health
Resources on the Internet. To find out more go to the HealthNet Projects
Web Site:
for more Information contact:
Michael Pluscauskas
Health Network Applications Consultant, CDD, Industry Canada
President, Health Information Infrastructure (HII) Consulting
Ottawa, Canada
(613) 990-3305, Industry Canada
(613) 745-7621, HII Consulting
A description follows below,
HealthNet to GO!
HealthNet to GO! is an exercise to optimize currently available Internet
tools for the health community. It consists of a number of different
packages which can be easily installed and allow the health Internet user
to easily access a number of different health related sites.
Important !!! Disclaimer: HealthNet to GO! is NOT a commercial product,
is NOT for resale purposes, is NOT supported and we take NO responsiblity
for any problems it may cause. It is a reconfiguration of different
currently available Internet software to "point" to health related content
around the Internet. HealthNet to GO! and the related projects with the
goal of enabling users to make better use of the content that is currently
available to them.
It is currently available for Windows 3.1x formats and assumes that the
user either has access to SLIP (or SLIP like access - through something
like TIA), or a direct connection via a LAN and is thus capable of using
Windows 3.1x interfaces to access the Internet.
It is hoped that by providing easier installation and preconfigured
pointers that new health users on the
Internet will be able to start using Internet to be able to assist them
in their work.
HealthNet to GO is available in a number of formats
a) FORMAT1: The full "plug and play format"
HealthNet to Go! has an easy plug and play install package and should be
installed from three 1.44M, 3.5" Diskettes.
This package includes**:
- Netscape WWW browser, preconfigured to point at different health sites
around the Internet, (under bookmark menu item).
- Viewers for images, mpeg and quicktime movies preconfigured to work
with Netscape
- Trumpet Newsreader and Emailer preconfigured to point at Newsgroups
around the Internet
- Telnet client preconfigured to work with Netscape - SLIP dialer
client for Windows
(** all software are currently available freeware or shareware products)
To install HealthNet to Go from an FTP site follow the instructions below:
WARNING: If you are already using Netscape this format will copy over the
netscape.ini in your Windows directory to ensure that this will not cause
you problems check your Windows directory and copyu any netscape.ini files
to netscape2.ini (or any other name) to ensure that any information there
is saved.
1) ftp to : or (login as anonymous, password is
your Internet address)
2) If you are using an FTP client change directory to: pub/healthnet (for
hpb1) or cmc/hlthnet for (
3) make sure your client is set to binary mode (eg type bin).
4a) get
4b) get
4c) get
5) Transfer files to PC hard drive
6) make sure pkunzip is available. (if you don't have it is available at in /pub/healthnet)
6) Place empty disk in drive A
7) pkunzip -d a: (make sure you use -d command)
8) Place second empty disk in drive A
9) pkunzip -d a:
10) Place third empty disk in drive A
11) pkunzip -d a:
User should now have complete installation disks
Go into Windows 3.1x
1) Place disk 1 in drive A
2) From program manager in windows 3.1x use the run command
Many thanks to Ben Bohren, Medical Informatics Group, UNCC, for
programming the installation package.
Wish list: (to come)
Help Files
Interactive Install to preconfigure SLIP etc ....
Availablity in other formats Mac, dos etc ...
b) FORMAT 2: Netscape bookmark file
If you are already using Netscape and have the viewers preconfigured as
you wish, then you can the hlthmark.htm file which is a Netscape bookmark
file configured to point to health care sites.
1) ftp to : (login as anonymous, password is your Internet
2) If you are using an FTP client change directory to: pub/healthnet
3) Get file hlthmark.htm
4) Copy file into the directory where Netscape is located (eg: netscape).
5) If you want to use it as a bookmark file go to Preferences under
Options pull down menu, and under Directories, Applications and News,
choose hlthmark.htm as your Bookmark file.
I would like to thank Ben Bohren of UNCC again for his help with the
"plug and play install programs. I look forward to hearing any comments
that people may have.
-- more in the next little while
-- until later and Merry X-mas to all
-- Michael
Michael Pluscauskas
Health Network Applications Consultant:
Industry Canada, Ottawa; (613) 990-3305 phone; (613) 952-0566 fax
Health Information Infrastructure (HII) Consulting: Owner and President
Manager HealthNet Listserv (subscribe
HealthNet WWW Demo (
Date: Sat, 17 Dec 1994 00:34:02 -0500 (EST)
From: Jenny Jacobson <>
Subject: PharmNet BBS, online drug databases, software programs...
FYI... Lee
The American Society of Health-System Pharmacists, an international pharmacy
professional association with over 30,000 members, is a publisher of several
databases of drug information, International Pharmaceutical Abstracts, and
several software programs -- including MedTeach, a software program with
patient medication monographs on commonly used medications, home care
treatments, and chemotherapy. For more information, please feel free to
communicate with me via InterNet at
ASHP also has an electronic bulletin board -- PharmNet --on pharmacy practice
and therapy issues, downloadable files, and e-mail with pharmacists worldwide.
Access to PharmNet is open to non-ASHP members for $150/year. For more
information, please call 301-657-4383 (Bethesda, MD).
Lee Hancock || Archie R. Dykes Library
Educational Technologist || 3901 Rainbow Blvd.
University of Kansas Medical Center || Kansas City, KS 66160-7181
|| (913) 588-7144
Bitnet - LE07144@UKANVM ||
Internet - LE07144@UKANVM.CC.UKANS.EDU || "Knowledge is nothing if not
|| shared"... Me
Owner & Editor: Internet/BitNet Health Science Resources List
Owner CPRI-L ( Computerized Pt. records
HMATRIX-L ( Online Health Resources
Date: Mon, 19 Dec 1994 16:23:05 CST
From: "Kim M. Bayne"
To: Multiple recipients of list NEW-LIST <@UKANVM.CC.UKANS.EDU:NEW-LIST@NDSUVM1.bitnet>
Subject: NEW: BIOMARKET - Biomedical/Biotechnical Marketing Comm.
Message-ID: <>
FYI... Lee
Biomedical/Biotechnical Marketing Communications
The BIOMARKET list has been established to discuss marketing
communications as it relates to human biomedical and biotechnical
products. To share information on strategies, tactics, and resources
available to biomed/biotech marketing communicators. Level of
discussion varies from basic how-to-do-it to high-level marketing
strategy analysis in the biomedical and biotechnical product
Typical BIOMARKET subscribers might:
a.) have positions titled Vice President of Marketing and Sales,
Marketing Communications Manager, Marketing Assistant, Communications
Specialist, PR Manager, Advertising Director, Account Executive,
and/or Trade Show Coordinator...
b.) have responsibilities in such areas as advertising,
collateral/sales literature, direct mail, public relations, trade
shows, corporate identity, sales support, and/or leads management...
c.) market products in the fields of AIDS research, anesthesiology,
biology, biomedical science or engineering, cancer research,
cardiovascular and pumonary disease, genetics, immunology, neurology,
pathology, pediatrics, pharmaceuticals, etc...
d.) market products to clinics, government, hospitals, laboratory
scientists, pharmaceutical and medical research centers, physicians,
e.) read such trade publications as Bio/Technology, Biomedical
Products, Biopharm, Biotech Brief, Biotech Buyers' Guide,
BioTechniques, JAMA, Medical Device & Diagnostics Industry, Medical
Product Manufacturing News, Medical Devices, Medical Equipment
Designer, Medical Electronics, Pharmaceutical Technology, The New
England Journal of Medicine...
f.) track biomedical and biotechnical coverage in The New York Times,
The Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, the Wall Street Journal...
To subscribe, email with the message:
subscribe BIOMARKET Your Real Name
Owner: Kim M. Bayne
Date: Tue, 20 Dec 1994 13:44:44 -0500
From: "Eileen C. Moyer"
Subject: Re: pharmacy sources on the internet
The best overall view of pharmacy info/bbs/listservs I have found is:
This was set-up and is maintained by a pharmacist at U of OK. Both
commerical and academic sites are listed.
The URL for PharmWeb (Univ of Manchester/UK) is:
PharmInfoNet (which is also accessible through the first URL I listed
above) is maintained by PIA Ltd, but "resides" at U Penn. It is devoted
to pharmaceutical information and plans to include package inserts and
other info for physicians and pharmacists.
The direct URL is:
(that a number one in pia1 above)
Hope this is helpful.
Eileen Moyer
Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Allied Health Sciences
Asst Librarian/Reference
Date: Thu, 15 Dec 1994 17:53:42 -0700
From: Pollastro Mike
Subject: New issue of Electronic Green Journal available
Please forgive the duplication caused by cross-posting of the
following to several library and environmental listservs. Please
feel free to forward this posting to any individual or list that
would be interested in it.
The University of Idaho Library announces the availability of the
second issue of the ELECTRONIC GREEN JOURNAL (ISSN: 1076-
The ELECTRONIC GREEN JOURNAL is a professional refereed
publication devoted to disseminating information concerning
sources on international environmental topics including:
assessment, conservation, development, disposal, education,
hazards, pollution, resources, technology, and treatment.
Environmental issues frequently cross national borders; therefore,
our journal encourages the international sharing of environmental
expertise. The journal serves communities as an educational
environmental resource, and includes both practical and scholarly
articles, bibliographies, reviews, editorial comments, and
announcements. We are academically sponsored; however, our
focus is for the educated generalist as well as the specialist.
Advertisements are accepted at a rate of $150/screen (24 lines x 70
characters/line) or portion thereof for commercial organizations and
$75/screen for non-profit organizations. Text or images can be
The journal is available via gopher, worldwide web, ftp
or by subscription.
To subscribe, send an email message to MAJORDOMO@UIDAHO.EDU
with the following in the body of the message:
subscribe egj your_email_address
gopher: (menu choice: University of Idaho
Electronic Publications)
worldwide web:
anonymous ftp: (directory: pub/docs/publications/EGJ
PLEASE NOTE: gif files must be ftp-ed in BINARY mode
Original contributions from authors are welcome. Guidelines for
authors are available from the editors. Send contributions,
advertisements, requests for guidelines, or requests for any other
information about the journal to:
Maria Jankowska,
Francis Griego,
Mike Pollastro,
The contents of the second issue are listed below. The filename in the
ftp archive precedes the author and/or title of each contribution.
ELECTRONIC GREEN JOURNAL Volume 1, Issue 2, November 1994
egj-toc.txt Table of Contents
polla01.txt Mike Pollastro, From the Editor
lewis01.txt Deanna L. Lewis and Ron Chepesiuk, The International Trade In
Toxic Waste: A Selected Bibliography Of Sources A bibliography focusing
on how strict environmental protection in the West is contributing to a
buildup of the dangerous waste in the Third World.
polon01.txt Michael Jay Polonsky An Introduction To Green Marketing The
scope and importance of the relationship between business and the environment,
and a survey of the pitfalls and abuses.
polon01.gif GRAPHIC: Figure 1. "I Damage the Environment Because..."